Thursday, June 02, 2022

Two different set of electors, instead of one, are needed to choose the President and Vice-President.


The US Constitution call for the same set of electors to pick the state's choice of President and Vice-President.

The US Constitution is not a perfect document. In order to prevent the monstrosity of same-hands and private governance that has converted America into a totalitarian state, what is needed is more checks and balances and more separation of powers without fracturing the functionality of proper governance.
For the elected executive positions, there needs to be a different set of electors on a state level for President and for Vice-President. A different manner each should also exist for the choosing of these sets of electors.

When the US Constitution was introduced, the nation itself was the united States of America as the individual states were sovereign republics in its own right. The federal government was meant to play a limited role according to the original document. However, after the Civil War, governance changed as the federal government became the sovereign and its role expanded. While this change may indeed be justifiable, certain other amendments to the U.S. Constitution were needed to accommodate that change.

One change that is needed now is to have two different set of electors , instead of one set, to choose the President and Vice-President.

Cliff Notes Version: Elected executive positions for federal governments need a different set of electors as well as a different manner on how electors are chosen.


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