Saturday, December 03, 2022

The Basic Role Of Government-Part Two

The Basic Role Of Government-Part Two

As cited earlier, courts do not exist to give rulings. They(judge but mainly jury) only provide interpretations. To understand what "interpretations" means, read this analogy.

A language interpreter listens to what a diplomatic official states in one language, then uses his/her knowledge in two languages to process the received information, and then conveys those statements to the other diplomatic official(s). The language interpreter is just a messenger. That language interpreter does not tell anyone to do anything. He/she just serves to relay information.

The judiciary operates in the same manner. The courts hear the facts of a case, then apply the law(Common, constitutional, and/or statutory), and finally gives its interpretation to the proper officials in the executive branch. The courts, just like the language interpreter, do not dictate anyone to do anything. The judiciary mainly processes the facts of the case by applying the law and then it relays that "interpretation" to the proper officials in the executive branch.


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