Saturday, December 23, 2023

Commentary On Elections-Part Eleven

The Vice-President Of The United States is not supposed to be the Assistant President Of The United States. He/she is not supposed to assist the President in the performance of Presidential duties as he/she is not the President's assistant. The VPOTUS was intended to have a secondary role with secondary executive branch duties that were not directly associated with Presidential duties.

According to the American Constitution, the VPOTUS is supposed to be the President Of the U.S. Senate. It was intended that the individual in this position preside and manage this upper federal legislative house by scheduling voting sessions, senatorial presentations, Q & A sessions, etc. The VPOTUS only votes on Senate bills to break a tie.
The only other responsibility that he/she has is receiving and opening the sealed envelopes of state's choices for President and Vice-President from each state throughout the nation. The VPOTUS is next in the line of succession if the POTUS is no longer able to conduct such POTUS duties. However that is not supposed to make the POTUS the boss of the VPOTUS. They may live in the same place (White House) but those two officeholders are supposed to have totally different duties and responsibilities which are not supposed to be connected to one another.
The preceding is another reason why a candidate for VPOTUS should not be on a ticket with POTUS presidential candidate. The VP candidate is supposed to run separately on his/her own. Otherwise too much power is conferred to the winning Presidential candidate as he/she alone chooses the Vice-President of the nation. Just as importantly, the People through their use of electors are denied the chance of choosing the VPOTUS. The People by indirect means should be given the authority to freely choose both.

Cliff Notes Version: The Vice-President Of The United States is supposed to be the assistant to the President. That officeholder has his/her own duties that are lesser in responsibility than that of the President Of The United States. Moreover the VPOTUS duties are not supposed to be associated with the POTUS.
The preceding is another reason why these two candidates for these two federal head executive positions should never run together on the same campaign ticket.


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