Friday, December 22, 2023

Race, Religion, And Politics In Israel-Palestine (Part Four)

It is imperative to understand that Abraham's Covenant was for all Abraham's descendants and not just for Isaac and his descendants. The Covenant God had with Isaac was about circumcision only. It must be noted that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam honor the God of Abraham as their God.

People have been brainwashed from cradle to grave about this exceptionalism. Christianity is anything but that. Hagar and Ishmael were banished into the wilderness that was located in Canaan only. Why would God then promise a great nation to Ishmael outside Canaan?

Genesis 21:14 KJV "And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba."

Beersheeba, now known as Be'er Sheva, is a city in Israel. Hagar and Ishmael were 'kicked out" of Abraham's household but not "kicked out" of Canaan.
Even if The Holy Bible and even Jesus clearly stated God had a chosen race and even if The Holy Bible and even Jesus clearly stated that a certain territory had to be reserved for a certain race/ethnicity or even religious group, no follower of this faith should adhere to this literally. When it comes to faith and religion, it should be understood for its spirit and not for its literal context. What may have been applicable thousands of years ago may not be applicable now.

God who is righteous would want people to act with common sense, decency, and open-mindedness. Because of hundreds of millions of people in the West blindly clinging on the belief that a specific region belongs to a people of a specific ancestry and/or of a specific faith, 700,000 people were forcibly evacuated and millions more have been hence relegated to 2nd Class citizenship status. Millions of others who are the descendants of refugees are now living in camps. Wars have been fought because of the creation of Israel. Moreover a cold war has resulted that has the potential of causing another world war. The God of Abraham, in my view, simply would not want that.

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