For America To End Its Constant State Of War, Certain Things Must Change
The USA is in a perpetual state of war. Iraq and Afghanistan were not invaded to make America safer. A million Iraqis were killed because of the American invasion of their nation.
The W in President George W. Bush's name should stand for Warmonger. His name should read George Warmonger Bush. He had two things in common with Nazi Warlord Adolph Hitler. They both are skilled artists and they both were warmongers. The problem in the USA is its foreign policy of warmongering does not begin or end with any President. Because of the way the entire system is set up, America will always be an offensive militaristic state entangled in foreign conflicts.
The problem is there are about fifteen billionaires who own so much of the economic, political, and legal systems throughout the planet (BlackRock and Vanguard are proof of that). They want constant war so they can make extra massive amounts of money in their fuel industry and in their military-industrial complex.
Over a hundred billion USDs have gone to Ukraine and tens of billions of USDs has and will now go to Israel to fight needless wars. No wonder they do not promote peace. That money could be used to build US infrastructure and provide healthcare, higher education, clean water, and housing. Yet it goes to an overseas bucket full of holes. How is all this money keeping Americans safe? It actually is making Americans unsafe as they will be viewed down upon by so many nations.
America's defense policy should be defense only. Both parties, controlled by the BAR "Attorney-Lobbyist" regime, want the borders to be wide open. The Democrats want a larger vote base while the Republicans want to suppress wages for productive people.
The plutocracy in America has allowed only six conventional media companies. It is apparent that nearly all politicians, judicial operatives, lobbyists, media members, and corporate board members all work for basically the same people. This is exemplified by the fact that both BlackRock and Vanguard have ownership in nearly ever publicly traded company throughout the world. These media companies, owned by the same people who own the military-industrial complex, will only push perpetual war.
The media will start to now demonize Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and later Egypt just to promote military conflict. They already have actively galvanized Christians to support these modern-day crusades by having its Conservative elements invoke The Holy Bible. Passages in The Holy Bible do not at all justify Zionism.
It is time all military production facilities become nationalized and all private (i.e. corporate or non-profit) influences of foreign policy are eradicated.
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