Monday, March 04, 2024

"Top Two" Primaries- Government Modes

 "Top Two" Primaries- Government Modes

"Top Two" Primaries is a primary which decides the top two candidates who only will be allowed to stand in the general election later in that year.
Imperial Democratic Mode- This mode will use this activity as it will give impetus to the most powerful political party in that specific constituency. This type pf primary could restrict a smaller major political party or a minor party from fielding candidates in the general election. This would also prevent Independents who are not the Top Two candidates from contesting the general elections.
By restricting competition for the general election, this runoff between these two candidates definitely has to be categorized as Imperial Democratic Mode. This mode could have two Republicans running against each other or it could have two Democrats running against each other in the general election. As cited previously, this mode could and would benefit the strongest political party in that constituency.

direct democratic mode- This mode would never use this activity. direct democratic mode allows as many as possible candidates to contest the general election. This mode would actually call for an election system that is converse to the "Top Two Primary".
This mode would mandate that every political party be represented by more than just one eligible political office candidate in the general election. If a political party(s) would be unable to be represented by two or more eligible candidates for a political office in a general election, that political party(s) would be banned from fielding any candidate for that office in a general election.

The preceding implemented measure would certainly limit the stranglehold the political party(s) has over the body politic.

Representative Democratic mode- This mode could use this activity. Representative Democratic mode would allow candidates to freely contest the general election without undermining the political party process. This mode would have an election system that is different to both the "Top Two Primary" system and to the direct democratic system. This mode would have the following.

This mode would allow but not mandate that every political party be represented by more than just one eligible political office candidate in the general election. A political party could still be permitted to field just eligible candidates for a political office. Representative Democratic Mode would all the political party to decide this issue on its own.
The preceding implemented measure would certainly limit the stranglehold a political party would have over the body politic but it would not neuter the effectiveness of the political party process. This mode would not allow the political party(s) to dominate the elections by having exclusive domain over the selections of eligible candidates for political office(s) in a general election. However it would recognize the justifiable importance that political party(s) should have in Representative Democratic governance. Therefore this mode would not mandate but would only permit that political party(s) can have more than that just one representative in the general election if it so chooses.

Representative Democratic mode could allow "Top Two Primary" if it was allowed by a state's constitution or by a locality's by-laws which are approved by the majority of members in both legislative houses, pro quorum limits being met. However anyone can still contend for office in the general election. Only the two candidates who receive the highest and second highest number of votes in the "Top Two Primary" will have their names on the general election ballot. The other candidates who wish to compete in the general election will have to be a write-in candidate.


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