The Seeking of Monetary Gain Over Non-Monetary Loss Is A Grave Social Evil
Dear Citizen, November 2005
Lawsuits for extreme amount of money is an embarrassment to any legal system that supposedly emphasizes the rights of man. While bureaucratic firings may border on the unethical,unprofessional, and distasteful. However,it is or should be the right and perogative of any municipally elected body to discharge any management employee of municipal government. All administration employees are again supposed to work at their will.After all, they have to answer to voters. If voters are not pleased with their decisions, they can act accordingly. Elected officials are not supposed to be rubberstamps for the bar association.
Wrongful termination lawsuits signify a disturbing trend in America. 95 million lawsuits filed annually will only spell the death knell of American liberties. Government, particularly the judicial branch, has been given expansive powers in order to provide the solution to all problems. Too many Americans have been conditioned to accept, if not embrace this.
The organic American Constitution and its Bill of Rights is only supposed to protect people against government intrusion. No one has the right to give any branch of government expanded powers to abrogate the basic rights of one or many for the benefit of another. These pseudo-lawful actions are an assault on common sense because even if claims are worthy of merit, the sum sought cannot be specifically documented and accounted.
No one with dignity, including members of any group, will not reinstate anyone due to threats even if they realized their initial decision was erroneous. It would establish a bad precedent for current and future interactions between, for example,elected officials, administration and all other employees.
Judicial abuse is an affront to possible plaintiffs who sustained definite financial loss with definite
proof of damages and yet have no recourse. Vast majority of potential claims never go to trial because even an honest lawyer’s fee are prohibitively high. Too many others are plagued by fee-gouging, sabotage, and other forms of mistreatment, if not by their own attorney, then by the attorney-dominated court system. Even when one is awarded judgment, collection is an entirely different and unnecessarily complicated issue in which other hurdles have to be crossed.
People should not sue for money over hurt feelings. Personally, if I sued everyone who made negative, distorted, or even false remarks about me, I would be in court on a non-stop basis for the remainder of my life.
While certain blatant slander and libel should be solely classified as a criminal offense, this last
statement must be internalized. The seeking of money over a non-economic loss in the redress of grievances is a grave social evil.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge
Covington,Virginia 24426
Lawsuits for extreme amount of money is an embarrassment to any legal system that supposedly emphasizes the rights of man. While bureaucratic firings may border on the unethical,unprofessional, and distasteful. However,it is or should be the right and perogative of any municipally elected body to discharge any management employee of municipal government. All administration employees are again supposed to work at their will.After all, they have to answer to voters. If voters are not pleased with their decisions, they can act accordingly. Elected officials are not supposed to be rubberstamps for the bar association.
Wrongful termination lawsuits signify a disturbing trend in America. 95 million lawsuits filed annually will only spell the death knell of American liberties. Government, particularly the judicial branch, has been given expansive powers in order to provide the solution to all problems. Too many Americans have been conditioned to accept, if not embrace this.
The organic American Constitution and its Bill of Rights is only supposed to protect people against government intrusion. No one has the right to give any branch of government expanded powers to abrogate the basic rights of one or many for the benefit of another. These pseudo-lawful actions are an assault on common sense because even if claims are worthy of merit, the sum sought cannot be specifically documented and accounted.
No one with dignity, including members of any group, will not reinstate anyone due to threats even if they realized their initial decision was erroneous. It would establish a bad precedent for current and future interactions between, for example,elected officials, administration and all other employees.
Judicial abuse is an affront to possible plaintiffs who sustained definite financial loss with definite
proof of damages and yet have no recourse. Vast majority of potential claims never go to trial because even an honest lawyer’s fee are prohibitively high. Too many others are plagued by fee-gouging, sabotage, and other forms of mistreatment, if not by their own attorney, then by the attorney-dominated court system. Even when one is awarded judgment, collection is an entirely different and unnecessarily complicated issue in which other hurdles have to be crossed.
People should not sue for money over hurt feelings. Personally, if I sued everyone who made negative, distorted, or even false remarks about me, I would be in court on a non-stop basis for the remainder of my life.
While certain blatant slander and libel should be solely classified as a criminal offense, this last
statement must be internalized. The seeking of money over a non-economic loss in the redress of grievances is a grave social evil.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge
Covington,Virginia 24426
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