What Sparked And Spurred The Election Controversy
Dear Citizen, January 2001
There should be a great deal of skepticism anytime the American People watch and listen to the media. The media is simply not telling them the truth. The cover-up of the conspiracy and fraud of the presidential election by the conventional news and then subsequent distortions certainly extends into the sphere of amorality and unethical journalism. Americans must, with a discerning eye and open mind, review information from alternative news sources. The apparent massive conspiracy to steal the presidency must be unraveled. Reliance on the lawyerized, pervasive, and money-hungry judiciary to provide straight answers would be foolish and naive on any individual's part. The judicial system is in fact the primary reason why there is so much chaos, confusion, divisiveness, and hostility.
Obviously both parties are to blame for this farce. Fraud and/or incompetence were displayed by members of both democrats and republicans. However, one conclusion is now becoming clear. Al Gore and his supporters clearly attempted a take-over of the federal executive branch. Please consider the following :
1. Without clear evidence, the media projected Gore as the winner in Florida before the polls closed in Western Florida. This has never happened before and it probably suppressed the Bush vote in that area which is traditionally Republican.
2. A vast number of absentee ballots were not delivered to bases on time for military personnel and their families to vote.
3. Gore's campaign hired telemarketers to call voters in Palm Beach County on Election Day instructing them to return to their polling places, complain about confusing ballots, register their names, and ask permission to vote again. The Butterfly Ballot has been used for years in many states without complaint.
4. 700 democrat lawyers encouraged Floridians to file lawsuits in order to discredit the election. Republican lawyers had a field day as well. However, despite all this coming at the expense of Americans, the election results became even more muddled and confusing.(We wonder why?)
5. At least five witnesses filed sworn affadavits charging that Democratic County Commissioner, Carol Roberts, manipulated ballots to help Gore. She did not recuse herself nor was she suspended.
6. Chads were found covering the floor in many recount rooms, which only means the ballots were punched during the recount process itself.
7. Bush ballots were found mixed in with ballots already attributed to Al Gore.
8. As in 1996, states with a large Hispanic population had alleged incidents from credible sources of non-citizens and illegally naturalized citizens voting. In his last week as President, Clinton may have succeded in granting amnesty to 7 million illegal aliens.
There is no question the legal profession also took this election controversy out of context and blew it way out of proportion. How else could they make the money if problems had been simply and quickly remedied? However, one has to wonder about the new president, George W. Bush. If he cannot even properly defend his own victory, how will he defend much-needed reforms and America?
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
There should be a great deal of skepticism anytime the American People watch and listen to the media. The media is simply not telling them the truth. The cover-up of the conspiracy and fraud of the presidential election by the conventional news and then subsequent distortions certainly extends into the sphere of amorality and unethical journalism. Americans must, with a discerning eye and open mind, review information from alternative news sources. The apparent massive conspiracy to steal the presidency must be unraveled. Reliance on the lawyerized, pervasive, and money-hungry judiciary to provide straight answers would be foolish and naive on any individual's part. The judicial system is in fact the primary reason why there is so much chaos, confusion, divisiveness, and hostility.
Obviously both parties are to blame for this farce. Fraud and/or incompetence were displayed by members of both democrats and republicans. However, one conclusion is now becoming clear. Al Gore and his supporters clearly attempted a take-over of the federal executive branch. Please consider the following :
1. Without clear evidence, the media projected Gore as the winner in Florida before the polls closed in Western Florida. This has never happened before and it probably suppressed the Bush vote in that area which is traditionally Republican.
2. A vast number of absentee ballots were not delivered to bases on time for military personnel and their families to vote.
3. Gore's campaign hired telemarketers to call voters in Palm Beach County on Election Day instructing them to return to their polling places, complain about confusing ballots, register their names, and ask permission to vote again. The Butterfly Ballot has been used for years in many states without complaint.
4. 700 democrat lawyers encouraged Floridians to file lawsuits in order to discredit the election. Republican lawyers had a field day as well. However, despite all this coming at the expense of Americans, the election results became even more muddled and confusing.(We wonder why?)
5. At least five witnesses filed sworn affadavits charging that Democratic County Commissioner, Carol Roberts, manipulated ballots to help Gore. She did not recuse herself nor was she suspended.
6. Chads were found covering the floor in many recount rooms, which only means the ballots were punched during the recount process itself.
7. Bush ballots were found mixed in with ballots already attributed to Al Gore.
8. As in 1996, states with a large Hispanic population had alleged incidents from credible sources of non-citizens and illegally naturalized citizens voting. In his last week as President, Clinton may have succeded in granting amnesty to 7 million illegal aliens.
There is no question the legal profession also took this election controversy out of context and blew it way out of proportion. How else could they make the money if problems had been simply and quickly remedied? However, one has to wonder about the new president, George W. Bush. If he cannot even properly defend his own victory, how will he defend much-needed reforms and America?
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
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