Wednesday, June 01, 2022

America The Republic, Not America The Democracy!


America ascended to freedom and prosperity only because its governance was public and divided. Now that the BAR has taken over all the aspects of governance, America is no longer prosperous nor is it any longer free. Their private and same-hands rule and fiefdom has assured that.

Democracy is preferable to dictatorship. However, dictatorship is preferable to tyranny.

America is not supposed to be a Democracy. It is supposed to be a Republic shackled by the dictates of the U.S. Constitution. 

American governmental institutions and its people are supposed to be enslaved to the ideals of Representative Governance. They should be compelled to adhere to the principles of a Representative Republic that is supported by Representative Democracy.

It should not matter what the vast majority of American people want. There must be legitimate rule of law for all, protection of all basic individual liberties unless in a time of emergency and/or war, as well as public and divided governance.

America is supposed to be a Representative Republic, even if it is a Republic Of One!


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