The Representarian Party-Part Eight
The Representarian Party-Part Eight
As cited previously, private entities must not have influence over governance. Private agencies such as the Federal Reserve must either be abolished or nationalized.
While most people are already aware that the Federal Reserve is private, most are not aware that the Internal Revenue Service is not. Most think it is part of the federal Department of Treasury when that simply is not the case.
The Bureau Of Internal Revenue was established when the income tax Amendment was passed. Why was this necessary? After all, if people were going to pay tax on "income", would not the Department Of The Treasury simply just expand their staff to collect such a tax? Collectors should be called Treasury agents and not IRS agents.
Why was a separate "department" created? When the 16th Amendment was passed legalizing the "income tax", two private entities were created as a result. One was the Federal Reserve and the other was the Internal Revenue Service.
Stay tune to my next post to find out the true details of the Internal Revenue Service.
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