The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Three)
The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Three)
Term limits should be strictly applied to those who apply the law by interpreting facts of cases of controversy. The reason for this is individual discretion must not be allowed. No judge nor jury can cite that their unique individual discretion was needed to generate any opinion/finding of the court.
All federal and state judges should serve only one term of four years only. Obviously no current judicial advocate should be allowed to serve as judge. No current member of the federal or state executive branches and no current member of the federal or state legislative branches should be eligible to serve as a federal or state judge respectively. Involvement in one branch of government would only cause conflicts of interest in another branch of government.
All members of the federal legislative or executive branch should be banned from serving as state judge. All members of the state legislative or executive branch should be banned from serving as federal judge. All members of local government should be ineligible as well to serve as either state or federal judge. Involvement in one branch of government and at one level of government would only cause conflicts of interest in another branch of government and at another level of government.
A state judge should nor be allowed to serve as a federal judge and a federal judge should also be ineligible to serve as state judge. Involvement at one level of government would only cause conflicts of interest at another level of government.
The U.S. Constitution needs to be rewritten so that United States Supreme Court, which was not created by Congress while all federal courts were, have its judges abide by a specific term limit. The reason for this is the American government has been federally-centric since the end of the U.S Civil War. It was not at the time the US Constitution was drafted into law. The federal government has changed significantly due to its growth in magnitude and scope. Therefore a much more powerful and active federal government requires term limits for its Supreme Court judges.
The U.S.S.C. judges, since they have to be more detached from the duties of the other federal branches of government than the federal courts, should serve double the time of federal court judges. After all, since their role is to solely apply the U.S. Constitution, they need to be more insulated than federal judges. All U.S.S.C. judges should serve not more than one term of eight years.
The judges of the supreme courts of each state should serve the same term that the U.S.S.C. judges serve for the same reason. That reason is their sole application of their state constitution which is in compliance with the U.S. Constitution. All other state judges (trial and appellate) should be required to serve not more than one four-year term.
The moral of term limits is the less discretion that is required from the officeholder, the stricter term limits should be applied.
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