Monday, November 28, 2022

  The Representarian Party-Part Fourteen

The Representarian Party-Part Fourteen

With the issue of Political Action Committees, the following must be emphasized in order to adhere to the basic ideals of Representative Governance.

1. All citizens who are not participants in any branch of government (judiciary, legislative, and executive) can automatically freely assemble with each other. Since military and bureaucracy are part of the executive branch, its members and even its participants are not allowed to automatically freely assemble with its other members or with people outside their field.

Therefore, PACs are allowed and must be comprised of adult eligible citizens and permanent non-citizen resident adults only. Adult citizens who are not participants in any branch of government are automatically eligible to join a PAC. Permanent adult non-citizen residents, who should be banned from being a participant in any branch of government, are also eligible to be a PAC member.

Participants in any branch of government are automatically eligible to join a PAC provided they are not government branch officeholders and also provided  they do not have decision-making authority in that PAC. Officeholders are prohibited from being a PAC member and/or an associate of a PAC.

2. PACs will not be allowed to financially contribute to political campaigns. Only flesh and blood adult American citizens will be allowed to financially contribute to political campaigns. If an individual is not eligible to vote, that individual will not be eligible to financially contribute.

PACs will not be allowed to collaborate with political campaigns. If a PAC and/or its members want to support and oppose a candidate independently, then they have that right.

3. In a Representative Democratic Republic, there is no ruling class. As there is no licensed "Attorney-at-law" profession, there are no "registered lobbyists". Any adult citizen or adult permanent non-citizen residents is eligible to lobby and petition any branch of government.


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