Monday, November 28, 2022

The Representarian Party-Part Ten

 The Representarian Party-Part Ten 

The core beliefs of this new political party is Separation Of Powers. The legislatures make the law, the executive administers and enforces the law, and the courts interpret any cases of controversy to the law (common, statutory, or constitutional).

The Bar associations that "license" attorneys throughout the U.S. are for the most part incorporated in the state's supreme court. Many used to be stand-alone entities until they were ceded to the state's supreme court. There may still be several Bar associations which are stand-alone entities.

Frankly none of this really matters as their impact on the basic rights of people is still the same. The executive branch of government is supposed to administer the law. That means all licensing, physical inspections, and investigations are to be done by them only. Yet the Bar associations are either  autonomous stand-alone organizations or they are an autonomous agency of the state's supreme court.

When the state bar is an outright private entity or an agency of the judicial branch of state government, they are private fiefdoms nonetheless. This simply is not to be allowed. Furthermore the judicial branch of government is absolutely not supposed to have any administrative responsibilities. That in itself contaminates the role and purpose of the judiciary.

Of course the existence of the BAR and their agents, the "Attorneys-At-Law", is not just non-constitutional, it is anti-constitutional. It is in direct violation of Article Two, Section Two, and Clause Two of the American Constitution. Moreover people must realize that an attorney-at-law is indeed an officer of the court and must not be allowed to serve as counsel. The conflicts of interests are obvious.


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