Commentary On Elections-Part Fifty-Seven & Part Fifty-Eight
Commentary On Elections-Part Fifty-Seven
Gerrymandering is a hot political issue. However there are ways to limit it to inconsequential status. Obviously one measure should be to make localities into state senate districts. In regards to drawing up congressional and state delegate districts, the following modality must be implemented.
A locality(city or county) must either belong to just one congressional or state delegate district or have that state delegate district belong to that locality. When congressional and/or state delegate districts split a locality, problems occur and gerrymandering is the result.
Commentary On Elections-Part Fifty-Eight
Many people believe that the "Winner Take All On State Level" electoral vote system prevents big states, such as New York, Florida, Texas, and California, from dominating the Presidential and Vice-Presidential races by obscuring the smaller states. However if the U.S. Constitution was abided as it should, citizens of smaller states would actually have the same level of representation as citizens of the large states.
The U.S. Constitution calls for electors from each state, chosen as state law mandates, to have their votes individually tabulated by the members of the U.S House Of Representatives. In accordance to the ideals of Representative Governance, it is most suited for an elector to be chosen by the electorate through direct popular voting in each congressional district.
In Virginia, Biden won that state and received eleven electoral votes. If the Constitutional system was in effect, Biden would have received 7 votes and Trump would have received 4 from electors. Simply put, why should a state vote for one candidate when it should cast multiple votes depending on the number of congressional districts it has.
Many qualified people do not vote because either they feel their votes will not properly matter or their votes will be "drowned out" by another region in the state. If voters believed that their elector was to be chosen exclusively in their own congressional district by their own popular vote, they would have increased motivation to research all elector candidates and then vote. Moreover if they know the candidates for electors are from their district only, this proximity will provide more incentive for them (more qualified voters) to choose a more qualified elector.
The preceding is much more representarian than the present system in choosing the POTUS/VPOTUS.
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