Saturday, December 23, 2023

Commentary On Elections-Part Twelve

The way Presidents and Vice-Presidents of this nation are presently chosen is via direct democratic mode. The People throughout the nation select these two officeholders through direct popular vote at the state level and then through the electoral vote process at the federal (national) level.
The American Constitution stipulated a proper Representative Democratic mode for the choosing of POTUS and VPOTUS at the time it was made the supreme law of the land. However since U.S. government officially changed in the aftermath of the American Civil War with the passage of the 14th Amendment, the constitutional law in choosing the POTUS and VPOTUS should have been changed to accommodate and reflect that change in governmental sovereignty. When the federal government became the sovereign governmental authority in which American citizens became subject to its jurisdiction and debt, the constitutional measure in choosing these two federal head executive positions changed from Representative Democratic Mode to Imperial Democratic Mode.
While the American Constitution is not followed as much as it should be, its mandated measure in choosing the POTUS and VPOTUS is indeed outdated and has been since 1865. That mandated measure has been Imperially Democratic since then. The means in which the US Constitution cites how these two officeholders are chosen must be modified. The next post will cite the proper Representative Democratic mode for this specific choosing to take into account that federal government is indeed the sovereign governmental authority.

Cliff Notes Version: When the structure of government changed in 1865 when the federal government became the supreme governmental authority, the American Constitution should have been amended so that two separate set of electors each chose the POTUS 
and VPOTUS respectively at the state capitol.


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