Friday, December 22, 2023

Permanent Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Quagmire: Part One

There are quite a few things people need to understand about this matter before they contemplate viable solutions. While it is true Arabs in Israel are not treated the same as Jews, they are better off in terms of opportunities, purchasing power, security,and even in liberties than the Arabs in both West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. Israel's GDP per capita is far in excess than the residents in the State Of Palestine. Israel's economy is highly developed and prosperous. It has a very large technical workforce and middle class. Therefore most Arabs in Israel prefer to stay in Israel even if there was a Palestinian nation.

Refer to this analogy. Blacks in America were definitely discriminated against one hundred years after the end of slavery. Despite that, they were still better of than Blacks in majority-Black nations in terms of public safety, human rights, and prosperity.
Another analogy is the fact that 8.5 million people from the Indian sub-continent live and work in the Middle East. While they are deprived of property and political rights, their earnings far exceeds what they could have earned in India. After retirement, Indians in the ME come back to the sub-continent so this analogy is not a very good one. Blacks in America and Arabs in Israel are entitled to 100% citizenship rights and equal protection under the legitimate law. People from the sub-continent are not and they know that in advance.
Israeli Arabs want the end to a Zionist State but not at the expense of Israeli's prosperity, its highly developed middle class economy, and its industrialization and high-tech prowess. Just as importantly, they do not want their relative liberties and their safety to diminish under non-Zionist governance. Finally they do not want the racism they experience in Zionist Israel to exist in any form in a new nation.


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