Friday, December 22, 2023

Race, Religion, And Politics In Israel-Palestine (Part Eleven)

Pro-Israeli PAC groups are editing and modifying the Israeli-Palestine positions and platforms of federal and perhaps even state legislative members. If a candidate refuses to allow groups such as AIPAC, DMFI (Democratic Majority For Israel), and even J Street to do this, these groups will spend millions to oust them. Read the following.

1. When Nina Turner expressed a certain solidarity with the Palestinian people, millions of USDs were spent to have her not elected. She lost the House primary election by 5% when she was at one time ahead by 20% against her opponent. Her comment about President Biden was blown about of proportion.
2. When Congressman Summer Lee stated that Black Lives Matter activists empathized with the oppression experienced by the Palestinian people, pro-Israeli groups spent millions of USDs to defeat her. She still won the race.
3. Aspiring U.S. Senator Fetterman knew his opponent was going to get receive massive funding from pro-Israeli groups. He then had DMFI read and modify his Israeli -Palestinian platform. After DMFI modified his platform, he accepted their version. They then agree because of this acceptance to stay out of his race.
The BAR Attorney-Lobbyist regime is responsible for this corrupt system and complete power broker tyranny. Nothing will change until this is dismantled.


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