Friday, December 22, 2023

Permanent Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Quagmire: Part Four

Permanent Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Quagmire: Part Four

It needs to be understood that Christians such as Wadie Haddad, George Habash, and George Abdallah helped to pioneer the Palestinian resistance movement against the Zionist State Of Israel. Catholic bishop Hilarion Capucci covertly brought weapons to aid his fellow Palestinians in this struggle against the neo-colonial rule of Israel.

The Palestine Communist Party, which was predominantly Jewish, received formal recognition as the Palestinian section of the Communist International. It was a strident force against Zionism before it joined the Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO).

While the resistance force amongst Palestinians now happens to be mainly Muslims, the conflict between Israel and Palestinians has nothing to do with religion. It has everything to do with Zionism instead. Hamas in 2017 formally declared itself to be a Palestinian Arab-centric organization and not an Islamic-centric one despite being called the Islamic Resistance Movement.

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) bombed and obliterated the oldest church in Gaza. It happened to be the third oldest church globally. Yet Christians in the West, mainly the USA, support Israel unconditionally. People can only scratch their heads on that one. Israelis have been known to harass and intimidate church officials and members. The Christian Armenian Quarter is being assaulted by Israeli settlers and they are now on the verge of being eliminated. Yet this conflict is being portrayed as Muslim vs Jew.

Since 1948, Zionists in Israel have expelled Arabs of all faiths. They have ethnically cleansed both Muslim and Christian villages (i.e. Badam). Hamas may be a dictatorial entity but they have never posed a threat to Christians. The most unsafe place now in the Arab Middle East for practicing Christians is Israel. Constituting 21% of Israel's Arab population in 1950, they now make up just 9% of that group. Christians have fled to escape persecution from Zionism.

For a permanent solution to be implemented, all people of all faiths must feel safe. There cannot be a preference towards any group regardless of what any religious book may have cited. This is the essential key.


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