Friday, December 22, 2023

Race, Religion, And Politics In Israel-Palestine (Part Five)

All must know how Zionists manipulate and mislead people. All must just keep an open-mind as this article breaks down certain arguments by Zionists and exposes these arguments for what they really are.

We all should blame the Arab nations for not being united in addressing the plight of the Palestinian people. If the Arab nations would ever stop their infighting and instead unite, they could resolve so many of their outstanding issues. They in turn could become a global power.
1. The indigenous Americans ruled the entire Western Hemisphere just 400 years ago. Yet Zionists want to go back thousands of years to establish Israel's claim. What nonsense!
2. So many supporters of the State Of Israel fail to mention the blockade that the IDF has maintained against Gaza since 2007.
3. In 1882, just three decades before World War II, just three tenths of 1% of all Jews worldwide lived in the Palestinian region of the Ottoman Empire. In 1922 Jews were only 12% of the total Palestinian population despite increased immigration in the last two decades. Many of the Jews in Palestine at that time were actually Arab Jews.
4. Palestine got its name from the Romans nearly 2000 years. The word Palestine comes from Philistine.
5. The majority of Zionists fail to mention that the Palestinian Liberation Organization and its political wing, the Fatah Party which rules the State Of Palestine in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, is secular. Moreover they fail to mention that 6%-15% of Palestinians worldwide are Christians.

6. The Zionists also fail to mention that Hamas which rules Gaza is not recognized by the PLO and Fatah Party (Palestine Authority) as the legitimate rulers of Gaza because Hamas does not wish to subordinate itself to the PA (Palestinian Authority). 7. Hamas since 2017 has become a secular Arab-centric organization. They still claim that Gaza is part of the State Of Palestine and that they belong to the State Of Palestine.
8. In 1917 the British had no ownership of the region of Palestine simply because World War One was still ongoing. Palestine was still occupied by the Turks (Ottoman Empire). The British promised via the Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild, whose family controlled international banking then and even now. It is an open secret this offer to give Palestine to the Zionists for the creation of Jewish state was in exchange for the international banks to stop financing the Kaiser's Army. Yet most Zionists decline to mention that. They act as if it was British land to give when it was never the case.
9. Again even in 1948 Palestine was never British territory. The British from the end of World War One to 1948 only had a mandate to provide administrative rule. The Peel Commission and another commission's findings are totally irrelevant because again that territory (Palestine) was never territory for the British or even the West-led U.N. to give to anyone. That land belong to its inhabitants, the Palestinians, after the end of Ottoman rule of it. Not surprisingly Zionists do not cite this.
10. How can any Palestinian not call for the destruction of a Zionist state that saw the displacement of 700,000 of its people in 1948? Would not the Jews feel the same about Nazi Germany? Yet no Zionist makes the comparison. The "blood and soil" doctrine proves that Zionism and Nazism have the same foundation.
9. For Zionists to state that Israel had no choice but to war against the Arab neighbors in 1967 is ludicrous. If that was the case, why did they greatly expand as a result? The conquests by Israel in that war have still been considered to be unlawful by the U.N. and by the vast majority of the international community. The USA considered it illegally occupied as well until four years ago.
10. The PLO had no choice but to walk away from the offers by Israel in the Nineties because it prevented the Right Of Return for millions of refugees who families has been expelled by Israel. Zionists cunningly omits this fact.
11. If Palestinians left voluntarily, why have they being trying to return to that region for the last 75 years?
12. Can anyone really believe Israel's statements that they were serious about giving Palestinian Arabs full citizenship rights? If this was the case, why have they refused the Right Of Return that millions of Palestinians desired for the last 75 years?
13. 62% of Palestinian refugees live outside Gaza and West Bank. If neighboring Arab nations take in more, they would only be assisting the Zionist nation in ethnically cleansing Israel. They simply cannot do that and all should know this.
14. Zionists twist things by stating Arab nations "expelled" 800,000 Jews. Israel from day one has been soliciting Jews, mainly Ashkenazi Jews, to settle in Israel. While Islamic elements in those Arab nations may have driven a certain number of Jews out, the fact remains Israel is constantly recruiting throughout the globe for Jews.

Israel/Palestine is being lied about. The Zionists are doing most of the lying.


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