Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Funding Of Government And Its Funding Of Society- Government Modes

The Funding Of Government And Its Funding Of Society- Government Modes

Imperial Democratic Mode- "Government cannot give without taking from the People first"! This phrase is appealing but it is highly misleading. Many people think a statement like that is rooted in liberty when in actuality it is rooted in fascism. This statement destroys the concept of "Social Responsibility". Private entities should not be allowed to control society.

direct democratic mode- "Individual(s) keep what Government allows"! This phrase is deeply rooted in advanced socialism/communism. It puts the collective above all else. It emphasizes "From Everyone's Ability To Everyone's Need". It places "Social Responsibility" above "Individual Rights". Government entities should not control society and the legitimate private sector. They should serve society and protect the legitimate private sector instead.
Representative Democratic Republic Mode- "Government gives what it creates for the People first". For a functional society to exist, individual rights must be accompanied with social responsibility. For that to happen, Government must be treated as a separate entity from the People and Government must also be owned by the sovereign People.

The judicial branch of government is supposed to be an impartial referee which, while acting independently of the People, must be owned by the People and must be made dependent of their laws. The executive branch of government is supposed to be an impartial administrator which, while acting independently of individual(s), must be owned by the People and must be made dependent of their laws. The legislative branch of government is a partial lawmaking body which, while acting in service of the people, must be owned by the People and must be made dependent on a Representative ideals-based constitution and on all laws consistent with that.

Since government has to preserve the creation of wealth while protecting the basic rights of the People and individual(s), it has to be a separate entity that gets it money from its own assets and from a flat direct tax on individuals and on businesses. All minerals and elements sold to the marketplace must come from land and natural resources owned by either state or local government. While private entities are to claim ownership on all mineral and elements are extracted, the land and natural resources must be owned by either state or federal government and rent has to be paid to its coffers.
Any and all parks and recreational centers which has a natural monument and/or features which are unique to the locality/and or state must be property of either the federal, state, or local government. All profit generated from the purchases of consumers goes to either federal or state or local government coffers.

All taxpayers should each pay one-three billionth of the Gross Domestic Product. If the USA's GDP is 25 trillion USD, then each of the 170 million taxpayers sends $8,333 to the federal government. There is no need for the progressive income tax and Internal Revenue Service. A taxpayer who earns $10,000-$12,000 or less pays nothing. Taxpayers who each earn $12,000-$30,000 pays $1,666. Taxpayers who each earn $32,000-$50,000 pay $3,332. Taxpayers who each earn $52,000 to $75,000 pay $6,664. Taxpayers who each earn more than $80,000 pay the full fee to federal government. Each taxpayer is required to fill out a form to report their total earnings. There are to be no deductions or exemptions.
Each and individual states are allowed to collect direct payment from taxpayers as well from their state taxpayers. However no taxpayer will be ever required to pay his/her state more than 25% of the federal payment he/she issues to the federal government. Localities are responsible to mandate compliance. Localities are prohibited from collecting property taxes but they have to demand direct payment from taxpayers not to exceed one-twentieth of what that taxpayer issues to the federal government. Localities can earn tax revenue as well through other means such as user fees (garbage, utilities, water/sewer) from its own citizens.
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