The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session Twenty-Seven)
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session Twenty-Seven)
Private Power Broker Tyranny-Tyranny from Communist and highly socialist societies comes from its lawmaking government branch and its bureaucracy. The laws passed have a strong tendency of being over-intrusive and cumbersome.
Tyranny from a nation which uses fascism as its economic model comes from its executive government branch. The acts of the executive branch tend not to follow the strict letter and spirit of basically legitimate law. The executor of the law has significant latitude in how the law is executed. The executive branch is hierarchical and the head executive has disproportionate amount of power.
Tyranny from power broker totalitarian societies comes from a ruling class. The people this ruling class rules often are not even aware that they are living under tyranny. Since a flawed form of democracy is most often used to prop up this decentralized tyranny, most of the citizens generally believe that they are overall free. Neo-liberalism often gives citizens the illusion that their governance is liberty-based. It gives people the false impression that they are connected to their government.
This power broker tyranny tends to be most widespread and far-reaching of all the tyrannical systems. It is located in every nook and corner of a society that it rules. Because it is cloaked in democracy and often color of law, people do not fear it but rather accept it as an institution of liberty.
It is this tyranny that preys on people's ignorance and emotions to galvanize their support for it. Power broker tyranny is hardly transparent. It relies on manipulation instead to advance its agenda and stranglehold of the people. This tyranny is a "snake in the grass" and it is the most deceptive. It is a cancer which can and will kill its host without the host even realizing it.
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