Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Two
Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Two
In Imperial Democratic Mode, not all the offices listed in Part One are currently subjected to election. This promotes tyranny as it undermines the Representative Republic.
In direct democratic mode, too many offices are electable. This promotes tyranny as it undermines the Representative Republic.
Those officeholders who are involved in the law-making process should be elected. Those head executives who administer and apply the law should be chosen by electors. Electors are chosen by the electorate. Just as there are different modes of election, there should be different modes of choosing by electors.
Notes: Offices that apply and enforce the law should not be electable directly by the electorate.That is direct democratic mode and it promotes tyranny.
which are involved in law-making should be electable. If those offices
are not, then its officeholders are of Imperial Democratic mode. This
also promotes tyranny.
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