Monday, December 25, 2023

Commentary On Elections-Part Sixty-Two (Session Four)

With the NPV system, all votes for President/Vice-President from all the nation's voters are "put into one pot". With the Electoral College system, all votes for President/Vice-President from all the nation's voters are "put into fifty different sized pots" (size varies according to population).

The preceding system only ensures two-party dictatorship and tyranny. The only exception to this is if highly wealthy individuals stand elections either as Independents (such as Ross Perot) or as independent party candidates (such as Donald Trump). No matter who runs for POTUS, the plutocracy is maintained as this body politic monopolisation is maintained.
NPV and the Electoral College systems guarantee that governance is controlled by the two political parties and that the political parties remain subsidiaries of the private controlling elite, namely the BAR and its "Attorney-Lobbyist Regime". When too many people have to vote for candidates of a specific office, they become subjects rather than sovereign citizens.
Too many federal citizens voting for the POTUS gives the federal government too much power. At the same time, mandating to each state that it can only have one candidate represent it in the final tally by the members of the U.S. House Representatives, gives the federal government too much power. When the field of candidates are limited for federal office as they are reserved for the political and extremely wealthy elite, federal government's power increases in a magnitude that is beyond its legitimate scope.
If a Presidential candidate is able to get the plurality of nation's voters to vote for him/her and his/her pick for Vice-President, that candidate and his/her chosen VP candidate wins the Presidency and Vice-Presidency. The winning candidate is given too much power as President.
At the same time, if a Presidential candidate is able to get the plurality of state's voters to vote for him/her and his/her pick for Vice-President, that candidate and his/her chosen VP candidate gets all that state's electoral votes. Once a Presidential candidate gets the majority of all states' electoral votes, he/she becomes President and his/her choice of Vice-President becomes that only. The winning candidate is also given too much power as President.
The only way to curb both the power of the Presidency and the federal government is to first follow the outline in the U.S. Constitution for its defined role of electors in their choosing of POTUS and VPOTUS.


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