Thursday, December 21, 2023

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust? The Series By Harsha Sankar

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part One

Before people say anything, it must be noted that even if Hitler did not know about the mass extermination of the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, and Communists, he still is responsible for this. He set the conditions for this genocide to take place. He paved the way for this blight to occur. Nothing anyone can write can and will ever absolve that tyrannical psychopath from responsibility.
Even a top secret mission requires a formal order. Otherwise how can it be respected? There was absolutely nothing either in writing or verbally that Adolph Hitler, as Head Of State and Government, desired such mass murder. Due to the fact he adapted the Fuhrer Principe that his word was supposedly above written law, why no written order or recorded verbal statement so that at least top Third Reich officials would know his exact position? After all, who in Germany would hold Hitler responsible?
Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Two
Hitler became commander-in-chief of the German Army in December 1941. A month after that, The Final Solution was laid out in the Wannsee Conference near Berlin. It was shrouded in ambiguity. Hitler threatened "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" in January 1939. However in that meeting when it became clear that The Final Solution was about killing all Jews within the reach of the Nazi Empire, all attendees at that conference were told to keep Hitler's name out of that measure.
As Hitler was now the official head of the German Army, The Final Solution was to be strictly an SS Operation separate from the military. If Hitler believed killing Jews was the honorable thing to do, why leave the German Army (Wehrmacht) out of it?

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Three
The question is "Why would Hitler divert so much resources into killing irrelevant non-combatants rather than use such to kill enemy combatants?" While Hitler was a proven psychopath, would he jeopardize Germany's chances of victory just to satisfy his bloodlust? While most answer yes, one must then ask "Why was he so crushed in the end that Germany had lost the war when he deliberately caused it by ordering the Holocaust?"
If Hitler was so willing to risk Germany's military victory just to achieve a racial victory, he would not have ordered, as the Soviet Red Army was advancing, the "scorched earth policy" of Germany. If everything he did was to preserve the Germanic race, he certainly would not want them to perish. Yet according to proven formal directives, he desired that only. It was only through the determined efforts of Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister Of War Production, that this directive was never carried out. He went by Hitler's back to convince the military generals and other to not execute this order. They did not comply with this "scorched earth policy" as they were already looking past Germany's defeat. They were not about to allow Hitler to take all Germans down with him.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Four
Hitler often said publicly that Germans were the "Master Race" and that the Jews were the biggest threat to it. Yet in the end he was the biggest threat to the German People as he had ordered six weeks before his death the Nero Decree, the destruction of all German infrastructure. That would have caused many millions of Germans to die due to disease, starvation, and exposure. Many millions more would have been homeless and impoverished as the entire nation would have been plunged into total ruin.
Hitler really believed that the Jews were the biggest threat to the Germanic Aryan race. However, why would he wilfully have solely exterminated many millions of Jews just to wipe out the Germanic Aryan Race? This is a question that is never properly addressed by the textbooks.
As cited previously, Hitler has to be held responsible for the Holocaust simply because he created the conditions for this to happen. After all people who commit involuntary manslaughter are still deemed criminally liable for that specific crime. If Hitler did know the full extent of this specific genocidal activity, certainly his Minister Of War Production Albert Speer would know as well. Yet Speer denied knowing about it.
Of course it can be argued that obviously Speer was lying about this to save himself from being hung in the gallows. He did not lie about using slave labour in those camps to boost Germany's war effort. He could have been executed just for that alone. Because he was contrite, his life was spared and he served twenty years in prison.
Speer gave the strong impression that Hitler sanctioned the Holocaust when he stated that no one in Hitler's Cabinet could commit a major action without the Fuhrer's approval. Again if Hitler did know about the Holocaust, Speer would be lying because Speer would have known about the conversion of slave labor camps to death camps due to the needed engineering and architectural constructs and designs. There is no way those camps could have incorporated gas chamber facilities without the Minister Of War Production knowing.
If Speer is lying about Hitler's "micro-management",he could very easily be lying about other things. There is ample evidence that Hitler gave broad outlines to his government, its bureaucracy, and the Nazi Party. While the SS (secret police agency) orchestrated Holocaust without Hitler's knowledge would certainly be illegal, is this the reason why this extermination was conducted with such secrecy? With many thousands dying daily either on the battlefield and in their homes, why would the SS (secret police agency) cloak their mass murderous activities unless they did not want the Fuhrer Hitler to know,
In all probability Speer had no knowledge of the systemic mass murder because only the SS knew of this conspiracy. If he did not know, then it must be stated that Hitler did not know. If Hitler had such total control of all the affairs of his government. the entire police state apparatus, and military activities, then how was it possible for Speer to quash Hitler's Nero Decree? Hitler could not do anything to Speer as the military (Wehrmacht) had never given a Nazi Salute to the Fuhrer. Hitler was not as all-powerful as people think he was.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Five
If Hitler did not give the order, who did? Would SS top brass Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and Adolph Eichmann orchestrate The Final Solution without Hitler's knowledge and approval. That is highly improbable.
What if they were misled into believing that Hitler approved of this when in fact he had not? Before people dismiss this a "paranoid conspiracy theory", it must be understood that Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941 in which Hitler had with top Nazi officials were all conducted in private rooms and not the official Fuhrer's Office. There were no official records of this meeting.
No one really knows for certain what all was discussed. If the purpose was to kill nearly all of the Jews in Europe, why the utmost secrecy? After all how can anyone possibly think that killing 11 million people would not get anyone's attention? Certainly something like that could never be kept secret so why would the highest ranking German authorities even try? No entity can sneak up to 11 million people and kill them without people not noticing along the way.
No one really knows what was discussed that December 12th, 1941 meeting and even the Wannsee Conference 39 days later. Germany had just declared war on the USA as the USA had been bombed 4-5 days earlier by Japan. Western historians had noted that entries in the dairies of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and German head of government of Poland Hans Frank revealed that Hitler stated that another world war would cause the annihilation of the Jews in that meeting. The question that begs to be asked is "If that meeting was so secretive that nothing was recorded in any type of classified file, then why would two highest ranking Nazi Government officials enter that into their "personal diaries"? Many times historians expect people to believe anything despite its lack of logic and rationality.
3.1 to 5 million Soviet citizens alone had already been killed prior to that meeting on December 12th, 1941. That many Soviet citizens had died in the first six months of the German invasion. Operation Barbarossa had just ended a week prior to that meeting and had failed to conquer Moscow. With so many Soviets dying out in the open, why would they want to keep The Final Solution secret from the rest of the world? It may be apparent that they unwittingly may have been set up to keep the wanton slaughter of Jews secret from Hitler.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Six
In the end that Hitler's wrath was placed on the German people. It was they who failed him and not the other way around according to his viewpoint. These sentiments of his were clearly documented in his top secret official directive "Nero Decree". Why is it his order to have 80 million Germans die to starvation, disease, and exposure was well documented and clearly recorded while there was no documentation and no records at all of his permission or even knowledge to have all 11 million Jews killed?
The world already knew of Hitler's rabid hatred of the Jews and he knew that. He had already killed millions already on the battlefield and in their homes. In that same year the USSR would claim to the League Of Nations that Nazi Germany was starving millions of Soviet prisoners. So why would Hitler care what the world would think of his Jewish extermination policies? After all Germany has already declared war against the USA.
Hitler saw military matters from an infantryman's point of view. While his narrow scope definitely caused interference that led to disastrous results, would he jeopardize the war effort just to kill irrelevant people? That is highly unlikely.
The Final Solution was proposed while German soldiers were starving and freezing in the Soviet Union as they had failed to take Moscow. While Germany was well in command, there was no certainty they were going to defeat the Soviet Union. Why would he severely compromise Germany when Germany was still in a difficult position? In all probability he would not do this especially when Germany still had a favorable chance of defeating the USSR.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Seven
Was Martin Bormann, Adolph Hitler's private secretary who controlled people's access and flow of information to the Fuhrer, a Soviet spy? According to former Wehrmacht (German Army) general Reinhard Gehlen, Bormann was.
Before anyone reading this believe this is a crazy conspiracy theory, please understand that information and reports came out over 70 years after the end of World War 2 that Adolph Hitler did not commit suicide in his bunker. The book compiled by two Englishmen, Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams, entitled "Gray Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler" states that Hitler did secretly make his way to South America after the fall of the Third Reich. So if Hitler did indeed not kill himself in the bunker as Soviet forces were about to close in, why is it so hard to believe that Hitler's "filter" may have been a Stalinist stooge?

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Eight
If Martin Bormann was a Soviet spy, it is very conceivable he could have misled SS head Himmler, architect of the Holocaust, into thinking that Adolph Hitler approved of that when in fact he did not. If this was the case, that would mean that USSR head of state Joseph Stalin would have given that order.
Could Stalin have given that order? Very possible if he did not know The Final Solution would have claimed as many lives as it did. Even if he did know that 10 million people would have been exterminated, he may have given that order to prevent at least 10-15 million Soviet citizens from perish. Stalin would have known that Nazi Germany would waste so much of its resources exterminating non-combatants in death camps that it would deplete the resources they needed to kill Soviet soldiers. This obviously would play to the advantage of the Soviet Union Red Army.
According to the USSR news agency Tass, it rubbished the claim that Hitler's private secretary Martin Bormann was its spy. However hypothetically speaking if Bormann was indeed a Soviet spy, the foregoing needs to be given consideration.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Nine
As people have read this series and still think that Hitler's lack of knowledge of the actual Holocaust is totally lacking in any kind of possibility, please watch the following video.
In this video Reichsmarschall and Vice-Chancellor Hermann Göring is now revealed to have nearly worked a secret deal with the British, brokered by the Swedes, to oust Adolph Hitler in order to stop the war after the invasion of Poland. Goring was known to be greedy but he absolutely did not want war. This deal would have allowed Goring to take Hitler's place as head of the German nation so that its war against France, Britain, and the USSR would have been averted.
There are so many things about World War II that have yet to be revealed as they are still classified. It must be noted that Goring not only denied knowing anything about the Holocaust at the Nuremberg Trials, he also expressed his doubts as to whether Hitler was aware of the actual activities of The Final Solution. While it can be easily surmised that he may very well had lied about his lack of knowledge of the Holocaust to prevent his hanging, why would he had expressed his doubts about Hitler's knowledge of the Holocaust?
When all others were trying to shift as much responsibility for World War II and the Holocaust to Hitler, Goring did the opposite despite the fact it would have benefited him if he too did the same as others. It also must be stated that Goring really had little influence on the German's war effort. As he duly acknowledged at the Nuremberg Trials, his duties were limited to domestic affairs. While he was fully in charge of the German air force(The Luftwaffe) initially, after the Battle Of Britain in 1940 he was sidelined and in essence removed from any military/war effort duty in the early phase of the war.
So it is very possible Hitler knew about The Final Solution and Goring, essentially the Third Reich's equivalent of the US Vice-President in ranking, was not told that. However one trait about Hitler, unlike the USSR's Head Of State Joseph Stalin, is that he was never the man to be crafty, secretive, and manipulative. Hitler generally spoke his mind on nearly all occasions. Proof of this is his book Mein Kampf written and published in 1923-24. In that book he forecasted Germany's need for "living space" in the "East" and he also expressed clearly his racial views about Jews and people living in the East, the "Untermensch" (sub-humans). Everything Hitler did for over two decades after that book was published was outlined or at least inferred in that book. So why would Hitler all of a sudden be so secretive so that he would not tell one of his chief henchmen this? It does not make sense.
As Goring denied knowing anything about the Holocaust, he cited at Nuremberg this mass murder made no sense from a practical standpoint. He cited it was not at all nationalistic and instead significantly hindered the German cause and war effort. Would not Hitler believe the same? Perhaps mankind will never be allowed to know.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Ten
In this video it cites proof that Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, twisted the official statement made by Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring to Fuhrer Adolph Hitler in his offer to relieve Hitler of his duties as Fuhrer as he (Hitler) had just had an emotional and mental health breakdown. Bormann made it appear to Hitler that Goring was trying to seize power by orchestrating a coup. Hitler ordered Goring's arrest and his execution. While Goring was arrested, he was never executed as Hitler committed suicide a week later and the war ended two weeks later.
Since Bormann was proven to be a deceiver in regards to Reichmarschall Hermann Goring and his takeover offer to Hitler, what would have prevented Bormann from doing the same 3.5 years earlier. Bormann could have easily misinterpreted Hitler's words in regards to The Final Solution. He could have easily told Himmler and perhaps Heydrich that Hitler was "on board" with the proposed Holocaust when in actuality Hitler was not. Unless all archives are officially released, the world at large will never know.

Did Adolph Hitler know the true extent of the Holocaust?-Part Eleven
All should watch this series. It is becoming crystal clear that Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, head of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and 2nd most powerful man in Nazi Germany, was killed by the British instead of suiciding himself according to the official version of events. Read the following to discover why this is the case.
1. It was recorded that Himmler was eager to talk to the authorities of the Western Powers and fully co-operate with him. He knew matters between the Soviet Union and West were about to get very tense after the end of World War 2. He knew all the secrets and deals of the Third Reich as he was its de facto 2nd most powerful figure. Including his knowledge of the Soviet intelligence apparatus, he firmly believed he would be allowed to co-operate with the Western Powers so that he could obtain a key position in the post-war German Government. So why would he have committed suicide? Even if he was denied the opportunity to represent Germany and instead was held for trial for war crimes, he still exclaimed his desire to reveal all his knowledge and information to the world about the inner workings of the Nazi Regime.
2. If Himmler had suicidal intent, why would he allow himself to be transported 80-90 miles after he was thoroughly physically inspected? How is it possible to store in one's mouth and then swallow a cyanide pill after having sandwiches and tea many hours earlier?
3. If Himmler had the desire to commit suicide if captured, why would he reveal his true identity when he had identification of another? When he chose to reveal himself, his British captors did not believe him. It was only after he revealed highly sensitive information, that only he would know, did his captors finally believe him.
Read the next post and discover why Himmler was "suicided"!

Did Adolph Hitler Know The True Extent Of The Holocaust?-Part Twelve
It is pretty obvious Heinrich Himmler was "suicided" by the British. His death is also conflicted with inconsistencies with testimonies by various witnesses. Much of these testimonies contradict the official line. It is apparent everything had been sanitized for political purposes.
After all he had been treated well after he revealed himself such as the provision of fresh clothes.
Himmler was in all probability forcibly administered cyanide because he knew too much and he could expose much of the UK leadership. He was privy to secret negotiations between him as intelligence chief and them in 1940-41 to end the German-UK war. Himmler could also implicate American intelligence and authorities as well for these secret negotiations. Himmler's spy networks allowed him to know all the dirty secrets of the UK and even US due to this secret deal prior to the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The British Government will not declassify Himmler's death file until 1945.
Himmler's brain was removed from his body during the autopsy. The question is "why"? It is apparent that evidence implicating UK's connection with the head of the SS, the organization who directly carried out The Final Solution, needed to be suppressed.
If the Western Press is lying about the death of Himmler, perhaps they are lying about the Holocaust. It is convenient to totally blame Hitler for that and in turn ignore the fact there were so many people who were willing to orchestrate The Final Solution on their own.


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