Thursday, December 21, 2023

Russian-Speaking People Are Russians, Period! -By Harsha Sankar

Western media keeps spreading this misleading term: Russian-speaking people. They do this to give the incorrect impression that these people who speak Russian as a first language are Ukrainians. These corporate mouthpieces want people to believe that these Russian-speaking people living in Ukraine belong to these Kyiv-based government of Ukraine. They essentially want people to erroneously believe Russian-speaking people are Ukrainians.

The fact is Ukrainians and Russians are for the most part the same ethnicity. Ethnicity should be irrelevant in any event even though so many in Ukraine and other parts of Europe express Russiaphobia. It must be noted that Russians, just like Americans, comprise of so many different ethnic groups.
Russian-speaking means they are Russian. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, so many Russians landed in nations other than Russia when the lines of new nations were drawn. No one should think that people who speak Russian as their native language are of a different ethnic group. Simply put, Russian speaking people are also of the same ethnic group as Russians. Western powers, including Ukraine, desire to mislead people on the preceding so that they can dilute Russian influences. This propaganda measure is being used to artificially increase the support of Ukrainian's claims over territory and over Russian practices.


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