Friday, May 27, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Six

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Six 

The previous posts dealt with Imperial Democratic Mode and how that flawed democratic model must be avoided in the election of officeholders. Otherwise, tyranny will result.

This post will deal with direct democratic mode (democracy with a small d). This flawed democratic model must also be avoided in the election of officeholders. Otherwise, tyranny will result.

There are too many offices that are subject to election. Most of these offices should instead be subject to the different modes of selection. Only the local legislators and the lower houses of the federal and state legislative bodies should be chosen by the electorate. 

No judicial, executive (heads, bureaucratic, and law enforcement office), and upper legislative house member at the state and federal level should be electable. Those who administer, apply, and enforce the law should always be selected, directly or indirectly, by those who are themselves selected. Those who provide final approval on all bills passed into law, who provide confirmation of all judicial and cabinet-level bureaucratic head positions, and initiate bills that uniformly effect the entire state and/or nation should also always be selected by those who are selected at an inferior level. 

The electorate, no matter the election mode, will never have the proper judgment to select the listed positions in the foregoing paragraph. Only electors, inferior-level executive branch heads, and executive branch heads can select the proper staff for these judicial, executive (heads, bureaucratic, and law enforcement offices), and upper state and federal legislative house positions.

The electors should choose the executive branch heads. Inferior-level executive branch heads should nominate candidates for the positions of upper house lawmakers at the superior level as the inferior-level lower legislative house provides majority-vote confirmation. State and federal government executive branch heads should nominate candidates for judicial and head bureaucratic positions as the same-level upper legislative body house should provide majority-vote confirmation. 

Lawmaking offices at the lower legislative house of the state and federal government levels are meant to be political. They need active support from the electorate since their tasks and responsibilities has to most directly reflect the will of the electorate, provided this lawmaking body stays basically within the confines of the U.S. Constitution. 

Judicial, bureaucratic, and law enforcement officials as well as upper house legislative members at the state and federal government levels are not supposed to apply as much discretion as those in the lower house lawmaking body at the state and federal government levels.   

Offices such as sheriffs, police heads, judgeship, court clerks, revenue/treasurer, prosecutors, vice-mayors, school boards, and even in the state/federal senate should not be recipients of votes. This pandering to the public is of direct democratic mode. It gives in to the "Winds Of Populism" and it interferes with the functionality of the proper system of governance. 

Cliff Notes Version: In direct democratic mode, there are too many electable offices. No judicial, bureaucratic, law enforcement, and upper legislative house members' office should be electable. Those who administer, apply, and enforce the law should always be selected, directly or indirectly, by those who are selected. Those who provide final approval on all bills passed into law, who provide confirmation of all judicial and cabinet-level bureaucratic head positions, and initiate bills that uniformly effect the entire state and/or nation should also always be selected by those who are selected at an inferior level. 

Lawmaking offices at the lower legislative house are meant to be political because it requires greater reflection of the will of the People. Judicial, bureaucratic, and law enforcement officials are not supposed to apply as much discretion. Neither is the upper legislative house at the state and federal level supposed to do the same in reflecting the will of the People. 

Certain current electable offices should never be the recipient of votes. This pandering to the public is of direct democratic mode. It gives in to the "Winds Of Populism" and harms the proper functionality of governance.


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