Friday, May 27, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Eleven (Locality Prosecutor aka District Attorney aka Commonwealth Attorney)

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Eleven (Locality Prosecutor aka District Attorney aka Commonwealth Attorney)

The Mayor/County Chairman should select three candidates for the position of Locality Prosecutor. The Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman chooses the nominee for Locality Prosecutor. The majority of members of the Local Legislature must provide confirmation in order for that nominee to become Locality Prosecutor. If that majority cannot be achieved by that nominee, the entire process must start again.
The Locality Prosecutor is subject to one reconfirmation, with 55% vote margin, by the Local Legislature after serving six years. If reconfirmation is not successful, then the entire process must start over again.

Cliff Notes Version:
Out of the Local Legislature, the Mayor/County Chairman, and Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman, the Vice-Mayor/Vice-Chairman is most insulated from the People since they are selected. That is why they must nominate the Locality Prosecutor since nomination is far more crucial than selection and confirmation.
The Locality Prosecutor is the head of an executive law enforcement department that is most shielded from the People. That is why the Vice-Mayor/Vice County-Chairman has to perform the most important role. Because the Local Legislature is most directly connected to and with the People, they have the least crucial role in the eventual choosing of the Locality Prosecutor.


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