Friday, May 27, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Four (Head Executive Of The Department Of Justice)

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Four (Head Executive Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation)

If the states were much more sovereign than they are now, the state executives (Governor and/or Vice-Governor) could play a role in choosing law enforcement executive heads at the federal level. Because they are not, the federal government will never allow any state government participation.
The Vice-President Of The United States (VPOTUS) should select six candidates for the Head Executive of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (Federal Police referred to as the FBI). The President Of The United States (POTUS), out of this pool, nominates a candidate for this position. The United States Senate then has to provide confirmation via majority vote, provided quorum limits are met, in order for the Head Executive of the FBI to be chosen. If the U.S. Senate is unable to muster a majority vote for that nominee, then the entire process starts again.
The FBI Head Executive is subject to two reconfirmations, the first after serving its five year term. He or she must receive the majority of U.S. Senate votes to remain as such for another five years. If not, then the entire process starts over again.

Cliff Notes Version:
Out of the head executives of the federal executive branch (the President and Vice-President), the President is most directly connected to and with the People because the Presidency heads the federal bureaucracy. The Vice-President Of The United States is supposed to be the President Of The United States Senate, which is a legislative body based on the area-based democratic model. That in itself makes the VPOTUS more shielded from the federal citizenry than the POTUS.
The foregoing is why the POTUS nominates the FBI Head Executive. Nomination is far more crucial in the choosing of this position than the initial selection of candidates for this position and also than the confirmation of this position.
The FBI Head Executive is the head of the federal law enforcement department that is closer to the People than the federal Department Of Justice. That is why the POTUS has to perform the most important role. Because the POTUS is more directly connected to and with the People than the VPOTUS, they have the most crucial role in the choosing of the FBI Head Executive.


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