Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy-(Part Four)

 Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy-(Part Four)

Voters have the responsibility to understand that in a Representative Democracy, both Population-Based and Area-Based democratic models are needed. In federal Congress, the House Of Representatives is population based and the US Senate is area based. Should not the bicameral state legislatures be the same?

When the US Constitution was written and 130 years after that, there was a different mode in the choosing of federal legislators. The House Of Representatives were always chosen by direct popular vote due to the fact it was based on Population Based Democratic Mode. The US Senators for the first 130 years of the Republic were chosen by representatives in the state legislatures. Only in the last century plus has direct popular vote been utilized to choose US Senators.

Should America go back to allowing state delegates/assemblymen
choose US senators? The answer has to be no since the aim after the US Civil War was to make the federal government the sovereign government entity. It should remain that way.

However, the manner/mode in which representatives in the lower house are chosen should be different than the manner/mode in which senators in the upper house are chosen. With the current model,the electorate becomes too strong, majoritarianism sets in, and tyranny takes deep root. The "Winds Of Populism" must be respected but must be kept at bay. Otherwise, it will overcome the restraints needed to preserve both individual liberties and the Representative Democratic Republic. 

Cliff Notes Version: The manner/mode in which representatives in the lower house and upper house are chosen should be different. Otherwise, the democratic model becomes imbalanced and improperly divided. 

The same democratic model for both houses erodes checks and balances and separation of powers.


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