Wednesday, June 01, 2022

The Differences Between Dictatorship And Tyranny-Part Two

As cited in my previous post, there are going to be occasions and circumstances in which dictatorship is necessary, even it is temporary, to root out and quell tyranny.

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln became a dictator in order to preserve the Republic.

While probably the majority of people in both the North and South supported bifurcation of the nation, Lincoln would not allow it. 

After all, there has to be a due process and deliberation before any divorce takes place. If secession was to take place, it would have to at least meet the same American Constitutional requirements for the creation of a new state. The requirements for secession should be at least as stringent as the constitutional requirements for the division of a state, the merger of two or more states, or the annexation of a part of a state to another state.

My next post will provide more examples of when dictatorship is necessary to quash tyranny!


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