Israel has de facto responsibilities but not de jure rule over the State Of Palestine (including Gaza)
According to international law, the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Height have been unlawfully annexed by Israel. This means that Israel has de facto rule of these territories although not de jure rule considering this annexation is still currently deemed unlawful.
An analogy would be if a robber seizes a person's home and stays in it, that robber becomes responsible for all activities, things, and people in that house. The law will not recognize that robber from being the de jure owner but as de facto ruler instead. That robber will be expected to wield his/her de facto authority in a lawfully responsible manner.
Israel cannot bomb, blockade, or in a wholesale manner harm non-combatants and non-authority figures in these territories because according to international law, those residents are its subjects. When the Confederate states seceded from the Union, President Abraham Lincoln had the C.S.A. classified as a separate nation and not still as a part of the U.S.A. engaged in a rebellion against it.
While most Americans believe the American Civil War was just that, a civil war, it was not. It was instead, lawfully speaking, a war between two separate nations, the C.S.A. and U.S.A. Lincoln could lawfully use much more aggressive measures to defeat the Confederacy without it being accused of war crimes. For any nation to put down a rebellion and revolt, much more limited measures must be used. Collateral damage must be minimized and only those "rebels" responsible should be specifically targeted.
Israel is committing war crimes in a wholesale manner by their assault on Gaza itself, targeting irrelevant structures and people. Lincoln could not had ordered that suffocating naval blockade of the South if the Confederates were considered rebels. Israel cannot impose a blockade of these territories for the same reasons. Its residents are Israeli subjects and are thus entitled to certain protections.
The killing of Hamas armed militants is obviously not a war crime. Everything else, including the ordered evacuation of civilians and the use of civilian-affecting weapons (eg. white phosphorus bombs), are indeed international war crimes. The entire world must view these military actions by Israel as such.
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