Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Thirteen Locality Police Chief (Sheriff Or Chief Of Police)
Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Thirteen Locality Police Chief (Sheriff Or Chief Of Police)
The Mayor/County Chairman should select three nominees for the position of Locality Police Chief and then should submit that list to the Local Legislature. Every local legislator should submit his/her bid for Locality Police Chief. The candidate who receives the most votes in the Local Legislature becomes the Locality Police Chief.
If there is a tie of highest vote-getter amongst two or more candidates, the Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman is allowed to break that tie. If the Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman abstains from voting, then a run-off solely between the tying candidates takes place in the local legislature. The highest vote-getter in the local legislature amongst those tying candidates becomes the Locality Police Chief. If that run-off still yields a tie, the Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman is allowed to break that tie. If the Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman abstains from voting, then the Mayor/County Chairman is allowed to break that tie. If the Mayor/County Chairman abstains from voting, the State Governor then chooses the Locality Police Chief out of the original pool of three candidates
The Locality Police Chief is subject to a maximum of one reconfirmation. The term of such a position is five years. In the reconfirmation, he or she must receive the majority of support from the local legislature to remain as such for another five years after the completion of the term. If not, then the entire process starts over again. The incumbent Locality Police Chief is not eligible to be selected as the candidate for the position of Locality Police Chief in the next term.
Notes Version: Out of the local legislature, the Mayor/County Chairman,
and Vice-Mayor/Vice-County Chairman, the local legislature is most
directly connected to and with the People since only they should be elected by
direct popular vote. That is why they ultimately choose the Locality Police Chief.
Locality Police Chief is the head of an executive law enforcement
department that is closest to the People. That is why the local
legislature has to perform the most important role.
the Vice-Mayor/Vice County Chairman is the least directly connected to and with the People,
they have the least crucial role in the eventual choosing of the
Locality Police Chief. Due to the fact the Mayor/County Chairman is more directly connected to and with the People, they have a more active role in the eventual choosing of the Locality Police Chief. The Mayor/County Chairman nominates the candidates for Locality Police Chief that each member of the local legislature is responsible for selecting.
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