Non-members can apply to the US Senate if they are interested in those positions as President Pro Tempore and other officers provided that candidate has not been a participant in any branch of government at any level for two years. They also have to meet other Constitutional Requirements.
Any candidate worthy of a vote by the U.S. Senate has to first receive at least 25% of Yay votes in the roll-call. The vote-worthy eligible candidates contest for each office. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes cast by the members of the U.S. Senate either becomes or remains the officers of the U.S. Senate.
These U.S. Senate officers should not have the authority to cast votes on proposed legislation. This is important as these officers should not be compromised in their responsibilities. Because these officers engage in the presentation of proposed legislation, they should not have the authority to cast votes on proposed legislation. These officers should not have a stake on the outcome of a legislative matter.
These U.S. Senate Officers should be chosen in full only when the President Of The Senate (Vice-President Of The United States) vacates office.When a U.S. Senate Officer vacates his/her office, another should be chosen as a replacement to serve till the VPOTUS vacates his/her office or if that officer is unable to serve prior to the departure of the VPOTUS. Upon the vacating of the VPOTUS prior to the completion of scheduled term, the President pro tempore of the Senate then should become the Acting Vice-President (Acting President of the US Senate) for the remainder of that term.
Notes Version: Non-members of the US Senate should be chosen as
officers of that legislative body. The President Pro Tempore of the US
Senate can become Acting VPOTUS if the VOPTUS cannot complete scheduled term.
U.S. Senate officers, chosen by the Senate, are only chosen in full when a VPOTUS leaves office or individually if an U.S. Senate Officer cannot complete his/her scheduled term prior to the vacating of VPOTUS office.
Senate is much more powerful and federal now than it was when the US
Constitution was written. This is another reason why non-members should
be chosen as officers, mainly the President pro tempore.