Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Democratic Republic Governmental Modes-The Issues Of Race-Part One -By Harsha Sankar(February 2021)

The Democratic Republic Governmental Modes-The Issues Of Race-Part One

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- When a certain race or ethnic group is subject to state-sanctioned neglect and/or discrimination. That specific group is told their difficulties are the fault of that specific ethnic group only.

Direct Democratic Republic Mode- When a specific race or ethnic group is provided special or privileged treatment, tantamount to coddling. That specific group is told their difficulties are the fault of other specific ethnic groups only.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- When there is no discrimination or special treatment for any race or ethnic group. All race-based or ethnic-based legislation and regulations are totally banned.

A Black once told me if he had to choose between his race being discriminated against or "coddled", he would choose the former evil over the latter evil. He would rather the State or State-funded institutions limit Blacks' participation than take extraordinary measures to include and expand their participation.

I was actually startled to hear this statement. However, while he explained while both IDRM and DDRM modes are indeed undesirable and evil, he cited that a "Hand Up" will always lead to "Hand Outs".

He further added that when people are forced to productively achieve, they generally do. We talked about how the American Indians went from being the most independent people on earth to becoming one of the most dependent. He believed that Blacks have gone that same route since the late Sixties as the "War On Poverty" was unleashed.

He clearly viewed that the dependence was not just financial but also mainly psychological as they now been "lawyered" to abject submission. The "legal profession" and "Black Advocacy Groups" have been providing the crutch for a certain percentage of Blacks for too long a period of time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The True Danger Of Vaccines-By Harsha Sankar(February 2021)

Vaccines are dangerous. It may help with the superficial immunity but it will harm the innate immunity. Vaccines can never help anyone who has a weak innate immunity.

There are two types of immunity:adaptive and innate. These mRNA vaccines bypass those two immunity systems and implant viral protein into the DNA in each cell. There are two big problems with that. Once it becomes part of the DNA, that human recipient becomes genetically modified. They become a different species.

When the body is exposed to that corona virus, it will trigger a response from each and every cell. That overreaction will cause huge cytokine storm as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement syndrome. This will definitely cause auto immune disorder in which the immune system will attack its own body.

There also lies the 2nd problem. The immune systems, in tackling the foreign viral pathogenic load, will also sense that same viral protein in each and every cell. This will also cause the immune systems to attack the individual's own cells. This can cause anaphylactic and also septic shock.
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The Rationale Behind Senate Conviction Of President Trump-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                                      January 2021

Why would Congress try to impeach and convict a former President? After all, why would they be worried about Donald Trump winning in 2024 when he could not win as an incumbent just three months ago? That does not make sense. After all, he would be 4 years older and many who voted for him this past time will not do so in 2024 because he will be 78 years old. This is the same as stating that Carter could have won in 1984 or George H.W. Bush could have won in 1996. Perhaps Donald Trump is still President. That could be the reason for all this. Then the purpose of the impeachment would make sense.

Trump has three "kids" who could be serious presidential contenders in 2024. Either of those three could easily pick up where he left off. So why would Congress try to prevent Trump from running again when he has three "kids", one of whom could easily take his place? Why would the preceding be the sole reason of the Senate conviction? It is just not adding up.

                                                         Harsha Sankar

The President always has the prerogative to decide whether former Presidents receive intelligence briefings. Nothing is making sense. I am not able to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. There are still pieces that are missing!

Representative Governance Does Not Allow The Existence Of BAR Attorneys-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

This is not a question about who is in office. This is a question about accurate and fair elections!
The fraudulent elections would not have happened if it were not for the malgovernance caused by autocratic BAR rule. These things do not happen in a proper Representative Republic that is bolstered
and propped up by proper Representative Democracy.

We need a proper legal system and political system that holds all accountable. The BAR Attorney domination of these systems will prevent the head of the snake from being cut off. It is time we go for the jugular and focus on root causes! this is the only way we rid ourselves of these transnational influences.

Comprehensive View Over Optics- By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

The following is the US death rate per 1000 people. This is from World Data Atlas.

Date                  Value                  Change
2020                  8.9                       1.19 %
2019                  8.8                       1.29 %
2018                  8.7                       1.35 %
2017                  8.6                       1.37 %
2016                  8.5                       1.31 %
2015                  8.4                       1.21 %
2014                  8.3                       1.02 %
2013                  8.2                       0.82 %
2012                  8.1                       0.54 %

The worldometer has recorded 450,000 U.S. deaths from Covid-19 in the last 11 months. Yet the death rate for 2020 has not increased from what it was projected to increase prior to the onslaught of this pandemic. This clearly states that the deaths that were attributed to Covid-19 would have happened in any event or were due to other causes.

Covid-19(either in viral or bacterial form) is real but the pandemic was never real. It was blown out of proportion and miscategorized for political purposes. Plain and simple.

People will look at the number of deaths for this past year(should be half a million) and will be alarmed. Yet very few will pay attention to the fact the death rate has not increased from the forecasted rate. Unfortunately "Optics" will prevail over a basic comprehensive view of the proper totals. If Covid-19 official totals were really correct, the death rate per 1000 would be 10.3 instead of 8.9.

Nuke Football Still In Possession Of "Former" President Trump-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)


Why was Trump, as the outgoing President, allowed to take the set of nuclear codes with him on his way to Florida? This makes no sense considering it is always strict protocol for a military aide of the outgoing President to give the "nuclear football" to the military aide of the incoming President.

The MSM was stating that shortly after Trump arrived at his resort around 11 a.m., the codes, used to authenticate his orders, was deactivated and that new codes and another nuclear football was ready for Biden after he took the oath of office.

The problem with that version is how would the media know that for certain this was the case? After all, why would President Trump take that "Nuclear Football" with him to Florida if it was going to be de-activated a couple hours later. The transfer should have taken place between the designated military aides well before he left the White House for the last time. It could be stated that this "nuclear football" has to be with the President at all times. Then why did Trump depart for Florida early? He could have stayed in D.C. until his term expired and then depart for Florida. After all, what is a couple extra hours spent at the White House?

With prior change of administrations, a special key has to be handed with this "Nuclear Football" and several other protocol measures need to be taken to make certain this highly sensitive transfer is completed properly. First the corporate media was stating that Trump would send back those codes(nuclear football) from Florida. Their statement was incorrect but that is absolutely not how that transfer works. Now these News Outlets are stating that a new "Nuclear Football" was made for Biden as the "old Niclear Football" was de-activated. This latest assessment makes no sense because again that is not how it works.

Those nuclear codes are highly complex, intricate,numerous, and sophisticated. It cannot be reprogrammed on the spot like a hotel key. If it could, it would have been done on all other previous occasions in which administrations have changed. No one can really know what really is happening but it is not "adding up".

This transfer takes place between the designated military aides of the incoming and outgoing Presidents. Of course no President will physically carry those bags. Who is idiotic enough to believe that?

The President has to have those codes at all times. However, since only he and a few select who have total control of the nuclear arsenal know these codes, how can those codes be de-activated just like that? That makes no sense. What would be the use of him knowing those codes if it can be easily de-activated? Those "codes" are transferred from the outgoing President to the incoming President in two big bags via key military aides. If those codes can be de-activated, then why would those bags be used? Again, this makes no sense.

There is is reason why those two bags are transferred from one President to another. De-activation cannot take place without physical proof. Those bags would have to be submitted before de-activation takes place. A physical submittal of the bags are needed because the actual codes have to be present before that can take place.

No Armed Farewell For President Trump (Is He Still President)- By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

 This year, for the first time since its inception in 1989, the Armed Forces Farewell event will reportedly not be held for an outgoing president. The Pentagon, in a break with recent tradition, will not host an Armed Forces Farewell tribute to President Donald Trump.

Two senior defense officials confirmed Thursday that no military farewell is being planned for the commander in chief, Defense One reported Thursday.
No reason was specified for the break in tradition but it has to be somewhat apparent. The reason why the armed forces are not bidding farewell to Trump is because they may still consider him to be President.

Discrepany in Presidential Salute Battery For Donald Trump And Joseph Biden- By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

Regardless of what some people state, I am not into far-fetched conspiracy theories. I honestly feel keeping one's mind open and objective is so key. Otherwise, brainwashing occurs and that is what has been happening for the last few decades. We must not allow social engineering and mind control to take place.

Watch Donald Trump's Presidential Salute Battery for his inauguration in 2017 and then watch Joseph Biden's Presidential Salute Battery for last week's inauguration. Cannot anyone not see the difference? The Old Guard(3rd Infantry) performed the Presidential Battery Salute at the Capitol during Trump's Inauguration. Yet for Biden's inauguration, the Battery Salute in Arlington was performed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Presidential Salute is 4 guns and 21 shots in rapid succession. Biden's inauguration received 3 guns and a 10 second pause between firings.

Biden's Salute is reserved for funerals and visiting foreign dignitaries. It is clear the military considers Joseph Biden to not be its Commander in Chief.

Oddities in Joseph Biden's Presidential Oath Of Office-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

In that video of Joseph Biden's oath of office, there were a number of discrepancies.

Keep in mind that the woman in pink and the Oriental were behind Biden's daughter and not behind Jill Biden. Therefore, there was no discrepancy as far as that goes. However, there is a short-haired lady with a white mask and also a bald man with a blue mask and stars who both are in one video slide but are both not in the other video slide of the same event. Since the video slide should have had both those two in it since they are shooting the same angle (behind Jill Biden), it is clear as the oath taken by Joe Biden was not administered at the same time.

In one video shot, there is a long haired young "dirty blonde" woman who had an Oriental man and a brunette woman in pink in front of her. She is also in the other video shot but in this video shot there are neither of those two people in front of her. People are being played.

The truth is that "Sleepy Joe" cannot take the oath without interruptions. That "Dirty Blonde" lady I was referring to was wearing different masks in the different video shots. In one video slide, there is a grey haired man directly behind Jill Biden. He was wearing a tie. In the other video shot, he simply is not there and a short-haired lady donning white was directly behind Jill Biden.

Joseph Biden obviously did not take that oath in a continuous fashion.

Laws Are Clear- Former Officeholders Cannot Be Convicted And Barred From Future Office For Impeachable Offenses-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

Read Article 2 Section 4 of the US Constitution. Section 4 "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors".

Read the following. "Article I, § 3, cl. 7, limits the judgment after impeachment to removal from office and disqualification from future federal office holding, but it allows criminal trial following conviction upon impeachment."

The actual wording of the US Constitution Article 1,Section 3, Clause 7, first phrase "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States". It is plain and simple.

U.S. Senate conviction of the President can only remove him/her from office and upon removal, then he/she can be disqualified from holding a future federal office. In other words, he/she has to be removed from office first in order to be barred from holding future federal office. The wording is clear. "And"and not the words "either" and "or" were used. Therefore, President Trump cannot be tried in the US Senate for any matter in which he was impeached for because he is no longer in office. If he cannot be removed from office since he is no longer in office, he can never be disqualified from holding federal office in the future. Of course, the US Constitution is hardly followed so it is anyone's guess as to what will happen.

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Oaths Are Not Valid-By Harsha Sankar(January 2021)

 If D.C is still in a state of emergency, does any oath to the US Constitution taken in that city still apply?

A state of emergency suspends the US Constitution for a specific locality or matter. Since D.C. is in a state of emergency, the US Constitution does not apply. How can an oath to the US Constitution be valid if that oath was taken in a city that presently does not consider the US Constitution to be valid?

The NWO elite are smart. They know if oaths are not valid, Biden and Harris will never be culpable! They are always one step ahead. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Foreign Influence Of Elections And Massive D.C. Troop Buildup-A Correlation? (A Harsha Sankar Article-January 2021)

A paper was sent to the White House on the voting in 4 states that showed Chinese cyber attacks moving votes from Trump to Biden. This is proof that a foreign country has been involved in our elections. This matter has been escalated from a domestic issue to an attack from a foreign enemy. This has moved from a constitutional voting issue to a national security issue now.

There won’t be any significant number of protesters there, as all the so-called “armed protests” announced recently were fabricated by the FBI and promoted by the media so they could stage false flag shootings and blame it all on conservatives and gun owners. There is no actual plan from militia groups, conservatives or Trump supporters to attack any capitol building at all.

So why are 20,000 National Guard Troops in D.C. right now for Joe Biden's inauguration? Is President Trump acting passively now on this just so the US Senate does not hurry to impeach him, stripping him immediately of the Presidential authority? We shall find out soon enough.

National Emergency And The 2020 Elections-By Harsha Sankar

 Dear Citizen,                                                         January 2021

Most people do not realize that the National Emergency that declared in September 2018 in reference to all elections in the United Sates is still in effect.

The Director Of National Intelligence has 45 days to report his findings of any possible foreign interference to federal government agencies, particularly the Attorney General and Secretary Of Homeland Security. After their receipt of it, the AG and Homeland Security secretary report their findings to the President and other Cabinet officials.

This means the President has until February 1st of this year to receive that report. Once he receives that report and that report states that foreign interference took place in any election, the President can unilaterally invalidate that specific election only.

Since Executive Order 18438 is still current, the President has that authority. National Emergencies give the President that type of authority. The POTUS will use FEMA to execute that order and cancellation.
                                                                    Very Truly Yours,
                                                                    Harsha Sankar

P.S. Read the following law. This gives the President the authority to cancel an election if he/she believes, based on reported findings, that foreign interference took place.

42 U.S. Code § 5191. Procedure for declaration (b) Certain emergencies involving Federal primary responsibility.

The President may exercise any authority vested in him by section 5192 of this title or section 5193 of this title with respect to an emergency when he determines that an emergency exists for which the primary responsibility for response rests with the United States because the emergency involves a subject area for which, under the Constitution or laws of the United States, the United States exercises exclusive or preeminent responsibility and authority. In determining whether or not such an emergency exists, the President shall consult the Governor of any affected State, if practicable. The President’s determination may be made without regard to subsection (a).

President Trump Should Not Allow Unlawful Occupants In The White House- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                          January 2021

President Trump simply cannot allow Vice-President Biden and Senator Harris to occupy the White House. Otherwise he would be charged with treason for allowing foreign entities to unlawfully cause this conspiracy to overthrow the government to happen.

A President's job is to execute all laws of the land that does not violate the U.S. Constitution. If he does not, he will be guilty of a form of Presidential dereliction of duty.

18 U.S. Code § 1031 - Major fraud against the United States (a) Whoever knowingly executes, or attempts to execute, any scheme or artifice with the intent— (1) to defraud the United States;

18 U.S. Code § 1001 - Statements or entries generally (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully— (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

Read the preceding laws. There is no way President Trump can lawfully allow Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris from entering the White House. He cannot ever allow their inauguration even if he wants to do so. He has already committed himself to the point of no return. He cannot go back now considering he has stated numerous times that the elections were totally fraudulent and stolen. He is now in a trapped situation.

This has nothing to do with the continuation of his Presidency. This has everything to do with knowingly allowing a Coup D'Etat (overthrow of the federal executive branch)to take place. This also has everything to do with allowing foreign actors to cause this treasonous and seditious act to take place. President Trump has nowhere to go. Abdication is not an option as he would be rightfully accused of many crimes, especially Treason, if he did just that. He is aware of that. .

Maybe President Trump prefers to go back to his "Billionaire Lifestyle" but that is not an option. He must exercise all authority to prevent an unlawful occupation of the White House from taking place or he should be charged for knowingly allowing crimes to take place and then failing to act.

The Storming Of The Capitol- A Deep State False Flag -A Harsha Sankar Article(January 2021)

How was the "storming" of the Capitol allowed to take place? Just like 9/11, it was allowed to take place. The people who were shot dead were pawns! Those rioters were staged Antifa members posing as MAGA supporters.

All should give ample thought about this. The authorities knew that many hundreds of thousands of people would be in D.C. The security around the capitol should have been airtight for at least hundreds of yards surrounding that building. Yet people were allowed to storm that building? This raid was simply a set up. The Deep State caused this to happen. This is analogous to 9/11.

Did you notice how easily those "protestors" climbed the walls of the Capitol Building? Regular people cannot climb walls like that unless that civilian is "Spider-Man". Those people who did just that were trained to do just that. This matter was a Psy Op False Flag.

How India Handled Covid-19 Prior To The Vaccination Program-By Harsha Sankar(December 2020)

India, a nation in which I am currently a guest, has been quite effective in dealing with Covid-19. Still, less than 1% of its population have reported having it 10 months after it was hit with it.

India did a very stringent 10 week lockdown. They knew it could not be prolonged for a longer period than that because at that point, the "cat was out of the bag". The virus had already spread to the general population. Locking down made no sense at that point.

They gradually opened up the economy as each state and local government took key decisions. They focused, after that lockdown, on treatment instead of prevention and cure. Most places in India are now not mandating mask wearing as well. Indian authorities are not pushing vaccines on the general public. They just want the elderly and front line healthcare workers to take it.

What they did and still are doing to prevent a massive spread was to distribute medicines to the prone areas. They first did Hydroxy(HCQ) but that was a little too strong for many people, especially as a preventive measure. They then switched to Ivermectin and that has helped immensely. India's recovery rate has been very high as their death rate is still very low. They knew people would get sick but their job was to treat the sickness, in contrast with preventing the sickness from happening.

When an individual tested positive, he or she provided a list of their contacts so that they could be given Ivermectin to take as a preventive measure. There was no mass quarantining so those individuals did not mind providing such information.

In India, it is impossible to prevent mass gatherings if it is for religious purposes. No government will ever be powerful enough to stop that. So what the authorities did was test people on site. Those who were positive could not attend. Those who tested negative could attend. All were given Ivermectin as the positive tested people were told to seek medical help on their own accord.

Rates have come down drastically since its peak in September in India because of these prudent measures. The death totals have only been augmented by 2% due to Covid-19. Herd immunity was the ultimate objective as close to a billion people have been infected. This is the main reason why rates have dissipated.

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Five (A Harsha Sankar Article)


The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Five

Please review the laws that President Trump can unilaterally use to preserve the Constitutional Republic if the Vice-President and US Congress fail to do so by January 6th. In 2016, Public Law 114-328: "Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority" currently reads: Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.

There are Constitutional exceptions to Posse Comitatus restrictions rooted in the President's own constitutional authority. Defense Department guidelines describe "homeland defense" as a "constitutional exception" to Posse Comitatus restriction, meaning that measures necessary to guarantee National Security from external threats are not subject to the same limitations.

Insurrection Act of 1807 to address an insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy, in any state, which results in the deprivation of Constitutionally-secured rights, and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights.

10 U.S. Code § 253 - Interference with State and Federal law The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it— (1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or (2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

Text of the 14th Amendment. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Executive Order 18438, titled “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election". This E.O. was issued and signed by President Trump. Since Dominion Software Systems is a foreign based company as well as Smartmatic SGO Group, President Trump could unilaterally declare the elections in any of the thirty states who used such companies to be null and void. He could use all the preceding law to invalidate those elections.

Nutshell: If Congress or Pence fail to block the electors or if the state legislatures fail to recall their electors, then Trump can on his own, without backing from any party or branch of government, impose martial law to cancel the previous election and order new elections.

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Four(A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Four

In previous posts,I wrote about independence. Most of the Republican Party operatives and elected officeholders don't care for Trump because of his independence. He gets his power source directly from the "People". The electorate is who he directly answers to and communicates with.

Most of the Democrat Party operatives and elected officeholders don't care for Biden/Harris because of their independence. They each get their source of power directly from small elite, such as the Clintons, Obamas, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, and few others who control Democratic Party. This small elite rigged primaries so Biden would win nomination so that Kamala Harris would eventually serve as De Facto President. Both Biden and Harris answer to this small elitist group and Biden/Harris would "carry water" for them.

That is why most political operatives and elected officials from both parties prefer Pence. He respects their institutions. They very much want a candidate who will toe their party line, platform. agenda, and authority. Both Trump or HRC's puppet Harris are deemed too independent and aloof of their will and their structure.

If the Presidential Election was sent to the House Of Representatives, do not be surprised if abstention occurs in several states for the preceding reasons. This abstention measure would be in order to produce the desired result that the broad based political operatives desire.

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Three (A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Three

Please read my last post about the possibility of Mike Pence being selected as Acting President. Pence can only be selected as Acting President if the following occurs.

1. Either he, as Vice-President/President Of The Senate, or Congress blocks votes from electors, causing no Presidential candidate to reach the 270 vote mark.
2. If the House of Representatives, in casting votes for the Presidential candidate on a per State basis, fails to award a majority vote to any candidate.
3. If the Senate awards him the majority vote in his bid to serve as Vice-President.

If Pence was to be selected as Acting President, would President Trump then pursue "martial law" remedies in deciding this election? That would be highly doubtful. It would have already been acknowledged that elections were "failed" in at least 2 of the six States in question. Therefore, the need to use such extreme remedies to rectify fraudulent elections would make no sense. The discussion of the legitimate elections and its results would be declared to be moot. Most importantly, if that discussion weighed in Trump's favor, how could he launch "martial law" remedies?

Finally, how can Trump do anything drastic if his own pick for Vice-President was selected to serve as Acting President? For him to pursue the "nuclear option" to prevent the inauguration of Biden/Harris would be perceived as acceptable and necessary. For him to do that to block Pence would be absolutely politically disastrous. His own base would turn on him.

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Two (A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Two

If these elections are sent to the House Of Representatives, each state would have one vote and there would three Presidential candidates to choose from. There would also be two Vice-Presidential candidates for the lower house to choose from.

More than half of the 50 states have more Republican House members than other party members. However, there are many Republican Congressional Members who despise Trump and his independence from the party machinery. Trump gets his power directly from The People, the rank and file Americans. His support is so broadbased and widespread, he unlike the Bushes does not need middlemen party officials to cater to and work with. DJT does not need to toe the party line. He instead has gotten the party line to toe him because of his mutual appeal with the citizenry.

Many Republican party officials, including its congressional members, detest Trump for the preceding reasons. However, the same thing can be said of Biden and his Vice-President pick, Kamala Harris, but for different reasons.

Neither Biden not Harris are popular with most of the Democratic Party members, including most of the Democratic members of both federal legislative houses.

When Harris ran for President, she hardly got any votes in the primaries despite being a protege of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Biden got trounced in the first 3-4 primary/caucuses races until the "fix" got put in. Dominion Voting systems Corporation and Smartmatic software was used to rig those elections to Biden's favor.

It was the corrupt and small elite of Democratic Party operatives who got cognitively declined Biden their party nomination just so they could get Harris to run as Vice-President. Their plan all along was to have Harris to serve with Presidential authority. Harris is after all HRC's staunch protege and she will serve as a puppet to them if Biden/Harris ever get into the Oval Office.

Most members of the Democratic Party, including elected officeholders, are resentful of that. They do not support that ticket at all for the preceding reasons. Since neither Trump nor Biden draw that much support from their own party, if the election was forwarded to the House, the following scenarios could very well take place.

There could be enough states who could have all their representatives abstain from voting. This would mean no candidate would receive that state's vote. There could be states whose house representatives, as a whole, vote for the third party candidate, Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, as a protest vote against the two major party candidates.

In any event, if no candidate gets 26 or more states to vote for him or her, the Senate elected Vice-President becomes the Acting President for the next four years. Even though Michael Pence has never been really disloyal to Trump, he is a favorite among both Republic and Democratic Party elite, grassroots party officials, and their elected officials. This along with the fact that the Senate is majority Republican would mean that he would be a prohibited favorite to be first chosen as Vice-President to then later serve as Acting President.

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part One (A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part One

If Vice-President Michael Pence does what he is supposed to do, he rejects the envelopes of certified lists of the electors from either all. some, or one of the six states in question since their elections are still being investigated. If and when he does that, the choosing of the President goes to the House Of Representatives if neither candidate can amass 270 elector votes. Each state would have one vote.

If Vice-President succumbs to political pressure and decides to accept and announce the entire vote total to the US Congress, the following will happen.

1. The Congress could totally accept the official slate of electors submitted by the executive of each of the 50 states. That would give Joseph Biden the Presidency.

2. The US Congress could pick Donald Trump's slate of electors from either one, some, or all of the states that had a dual slate of electors. There are 7 states that have this dual slate. If this choosing of Trump's electors from the just mentioned states would give him 270 electors' votes, he would remain as President for the next four years.

3. If Congressional objections of votes from electors causes neither candidate to reach the 270 mark, the Presidential election would be sent to the House of Representatives. Each state would have one vote to cast for a specific Presidential candidate. The top three candidates would be fielded.