Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Choosing Of Vice-President-The President Of The US Senate- By Harsha Sankar(October 2020)


The Choosing Of Vice-President-The President Of The US Senate- By Harsha Sankar(October 2020)

According to the US Constitution, the electors meet in their respective states after they are chosen according to laws passed by the state legislature. They are mandated to choose an eligible candidate for Vice-President. 

One requirement for eligibility is ballot access. A Vice-Presidential candidate has to gather enough signatures within the state,with a minimum limit of signatures coming from each congressional district, to appear on the ballot for electors' use only. Either a candidate can do this independently or through a political party. Once a candidate has accomplished that, then the electors in each state decide based on the "resume" of a candidate who will be their choice for Vice-President on a state by state basis. Each state has its electors deliver its decision, based on their majority approval, for the state's choice of candidate.

If a majority of electors are unable to choose the candidate for Vice-President, then the candidate whose electors received the majority of electoral votes becomes that state's choice for Vice-President. In other words, the candidate whose electors who won the majority of localities' precincts throughout the state delegate/assembly districts becomes that state's choice for Vice-President.

If a candidate for federal head executives, after failing to receive the majority of elector votes, fails again to receive the majority of electoral votes, then the following must be implemented.
From the pool of Top Two elector vote-getting candidates, the candidate for either head executive positions(President and/or Vice-President) whose electors received the most direct popular votes in total becomes the state's choice for that certain head executive position.

In other words, the candidate has a certain number of electors cast a vote for him or her. The total number of votes by eligible voters for these specific electors who chose one of these two available candidates are counted. The candidate from this pool of two whose electors received the most number of direct popular votes by eligible voters becomes the state's choice for that certain head executive position. 

Electors should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is either not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants. Electors must be established US citizens. They must have a registered physical address in the specific state that they serve for a minimum of five years. An elector must also have attained the age of twenty-five.  

Finally,in terms of eligibility,a elector has to gather enough signatures within their congressional district,with a minimum limit for each locality,to appear on the ballot. Either an elector can achieve this ballot access independently,through a political party, or through an independent candidate. In plain words, an elector should not be nominated by a candidate for Vice-President. Instead, the candidate for any head executive position should not have direct affiliation with any candidate for the elector position.  

Obviously the candidates have to let the electors know their positions and core principles. However,there is no need for them to do massive campaigning on a grassroots level for an extended period in reaching out to 100+ million citizens. The drafters of the US Constitution did not want the average citizen to choose the Vice-President for two reasons.  

1. The Vice-President is required to only execute the law and not make the law.Therefore,their discretion must be kept to a minimum as he/she manages the US Senate and acts on ceremonial behalf of the President. The Vice-President can never be allowed to make law. Those who are supposed to enforce the law have to strictly adhere to the US Constitution and ideals it's supposed to be based on. This thereby limits their discretion. 

Yet when 100+ million people vote for a candidate for this office, the constitutional constraints disappear. The candidates, in appealing to such a vast base, have to inherently pander to the sensibilities of the voters in order to get their approval. The constitutional duties of VPOTUS invariably gets "swept under the rug by winds of populism". 

2. The average voter unfortunately does not understand the constitutional duties of public officials as most have not read that document, much less understand it. How else would blatantly unConstitutional Bar Associations and their unlawful agents, the prohibited "attorneys", reach such dominant and ruling class status?  

State governments are no longer sovereign and independent but rather are franchises of the federal government. Due to this, the US Constitution must be amended to mandate that electors be elected by popular vote public balloting and electoral voting, per congressional district. Of course it should still allow the state legislature to each pick two electors as it sees fit. 

It is important that The People, and not the state legislatures, pick the electors by this process so that there are proper checks and balances. The Federal Government should not have so much control of how these officeholders are chosen. The proper electorate and not the current FED controlled state legislatures, are the best checks and balances in choosing the electors for both offices.  

There should be a separate elector for the Vice-President as each Congressional district throughout the USA should allow the direct and popular election for this position, provided it is electorally vote-based per locality. To be specific, every locality, regardless of population and area-size, receive the same number of electoral votes if it entirely fits in a congressional district. If a locality is split and belongs to two congressional districts, then its number of electoral votes is split by half, regardless of how that locality is split. The reason why this election is electorally vote-based per locality is because the Vice-President has Senate and State duties. The Vice-President represents and impacts the entire nation, not just a specific group within the nation. 

The legislatures in each state should pick the remaining two at-large electors so that each state has the same number of electors that match its total number of Senators and House Representatives.
The electors select their state's choice for Vice-President based on majority approval. If majority approval cannot be obtained, then the candidate whose electors received the highest number of direct popular votes is selected as that state's choice for that position. 

The process is the same for the Vice-Presidential race as it is for the Presidential race except for one notable exception. While the state's choice of President is allocated electoral votes that matches its number of senators and house representatives, the electoral votes allocated to each state for the Vice-Presidential race should not be based on the same principle. In the VP race, only two electoral votes will be assigned to the state's choice. The representation of each state will be two votes. 

The reason why each state in the USA gets the same number of electoral votes, which is two, is to signify the matching of the number of senators for each state. Since the Vice-President is also the President Of The Senate, every state must have the same voting authority in choosing this position. Since the Vice-President performs appearances, meetings, ceremonial duties, and an advisory role on the President's behalf, it is equally important that each state has the same voting authority in picking this apolitical position.

The US Constitution, Presidential Elections, And Proposed Changes-By Harsha Sankar (October 2020)

The US Constitution does not call for a popular vote for President. It allows the state legislature to pass laws that govern the selection of electors.Once the electors are selected, they choose the President as they see fit and each state names one candidate as its choice for President.

When the 12th Amendment that explained how the electoral process of the Presidential election was to be governed, each state was a sovereign Republic. Since the Civil War, that is no longer the case. The US Constitution only calls for a plurality of electors to name its choice for President on behalf of each state. It certainly does not call for the plurality of state's popular votes to decide that state's choice for President. 

To reflect the change of governance that happened 155 years ago, each Congressional district should elect the electors via popular vote(public balloting) and that should be mandated in the US Constitution. Also spelled out in the US Constitution should be that the state legislature should pick the two at large electors to account for the fact that each state has two senators. Keep in mind that once a candidate is chosen by the electoral body, he or she receives all the electoral votes. There is no Constitutional Provision for faithless electors after that state's choice has been made.

The election of electors should be by direct and popular vote for President, provided it is electorally vote-based both per locality and per population. In locality electoral voting, every locality, regardless of population and area-size, receive the same number of electoral votes if it entirely fits in a congressional district. If a locality is split and belongs to two congressional districts, then its number of electoral votes is split by half, regardless of how that locality is split. The reason why this election is electorally vote-based per locality is because the President interacts more closely with the Senate and has State duties. The President represents and impacts the entire nation, not just a specific group within the nation.

The President also has to duly represent the People directly. After all, he or she signs off or vetoes legislation that originates in the House Of Representatives. Thereby, population electoral voting is also  needed to go along with locality electoral voting.
Every locality should be allocated electoral votes based  on its population.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode (Law Support and Application):State Trial Court Judge-By Harsha Sankar

The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode (Law Support and Application):State Trial Court Judge-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                                 October 2020

Judges should never be chosen by direct vote of the electorate or by local government. State trial court judges' function is to apply federal,state and local laws in matters of controversy(civil and criminal) in the judiciary.

A candidate for State Trial Court Judge should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is either not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants.

The elected lawmaking body of local government should accept all the applicants eligible for this position,limit the number of candidates for this position to three,and then submit these choices of candidates to the Governor. The Governor, out of the three nominations,selects the final prospect and submits his/her final choice to both houses of the state legislature. Both houses ratifies the governor's choice with a Yes or No simple majority vote.

The reason why the upper state legislative house provides ratification is their members maintain proper distance with their constituents. Since State Trial Court Judge is a state position that requires highly limited interaction with all local activities and with the constituents, the upper house's approval is solely needed to declare who will serve as judge for that jurisdiction. Conflicts of interest should not exist when a private citizen(s) and public officials are adjudged and adjudicated in the judiciary. Having such distance curtails such conflicts and maintaining that distance is necessary to preserve the "Letter Of The Law".

The reason why the lower state legislative house also provides ratification is their members have proximity with their constituents. State Trial Court Judges cannot simply serve in Imperial Democratic Republic mode as they should also not serve in direct democratic Republic Mode either. These judges need ratification from both houses(one that serves the People in a delegate/assembly district and the other who serves the entire state) so that they are not too aloof from (IDR mode) nor pander to (ddR) the People. Without checks and balances from one state legislative house that has proximity with the People, judges will invariably rely on their personal judgment and/or the desires of elitist special interests to guide their judicial practices. Certain proximity with the People is needed so that these influences are limited in order for the "Spirit Of the Law" to be maintained. Since there will never be a specific law that deals with all human activity, judges must act with proper spirit to make certain basic law and basic rights are fundamentally applied and protected.

If either house fails to ratify a candidate, with a quorum of two-thirds, then the Governor can compel the local(municipal) lawmaking body to provide an extra set of applicants numbering three to his/her office for review. That State Governor can again resubmit his/her choice to the house(s) of the state legislature who rejected the applicant/candidate for ratification.

If for the second time one or both legislative houses,which previously provided rejection,refuses ratification with a quorum of two-thirds, then the governor's third choice of judge is submitted to the upper state legislative house for ratification. If the upper house, usually referred as the State Senate, provides ratification, then that candidate is appointed state trial court judge for a specific district. If the upper house still refuses ratification with a quorum of two-thirds, then the lower state legislative house is approached and their vote is solicited for that candidate. If that specific legislative house provides ratification, then that candidate is appointed state trial court judge for that specific district. If the lower state legislative house still refuses ratification with a quorum of two-thirds, then the State Governor appoints a qualified individual to serve a one year term as interim judge. After the expiration of one year term, the entire process of selection for this position commences again.

This position should not ever be electable or chosen by local government officeholders.This would result in too much proximity. This type of proximity means populism and politics would hinder the objective and proportionate application of the law.

The State Trial Court Judge should serve an 8 year term. Any improprieties in establishing and providing judicial opinion should be considered an impeachable offense.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode (Law Enforcement):Municipal Prosecutor-By Harsha Sankar


The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode
(Law Enforcement):Municipal Prosecutor-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                  October 2020

Of the officeholders of the locality's executive branch which should not be chosen by direct vote of the electorate or by local government,the Municipal Prosecutor is that officeholder whose office is to prosecute private citizens who have already indicted by the local police/sheriff department for the violation of  state and local laws. That office can provide back up and secondary support to both state and federal attorney general investigations.

A candidate for Municipal Prosecutor should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is either not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants.

The elected lawmaking body of local government should accept all the applicants eligible for this position,limit the number of candidates for this position to three,and then submit these choices of candidates to the Governor. The Governor, out of the three nominations,selects the final prospect and submits his/her final choice to the upper house of the state legislature. That upper house(State Senate) ratifies the governor's choice with a Yes or No simple majority vote.

The reason why the upper state legislative house provides ratification is their members are not nearly as close to the constituents than the members of the lower house. Since the position of Municipal Prosecutor is a state position that requires highly limited interaction with all local activities and with the constituents, the upper house's approval is solely needed to declare who will serve as Municipal Prosecutor for that jurisdiction. Proper distance must be maintained between this position and the constituents so that conflict of interest does not exist when a private citizen(s) are prosecuted.

If the upper house fails to ratify a candidate, with a quorum of two-thirds, then the Governor can compel the local (municipal) lawmaking body to provide an extra set of applicants numbering three to his/her office for review. That State Governor can again resubmit his/her choice to the upper house of the state legislature for ratification.

If for the second time this legislative house refuses ratification, then the governor's choice is submitted to the lower state legislative house for ratification. If the lower house, usually referred as the House of Delegates/Assemblymen, refuses ratification, then the locality is mandated to have its elected body choose the Municipal Prosecutor. The reason why this position should not ever be electable, unlike the City Chief Of Police/County Sheriff, is even though this officeholder and office belongs to the executive branch, he/she still actively participates in the judiciary. No participant in the judiciary should ever be subject to direct vote by the citizenry because it would result in proximity. Proximity means populism and politics would hinder the objective and proportionate application of the law.

The Municipal Prosecutor should be an 8 year term with a reconfirmation at the end of the first four years of service by the upper house of the state legislature.
If a member of the upper house refuses to cast a vote for reconfirmation, that member must provide a minimum of a 100 word written explanation that document his reasoning behind it.

If the upper house,through simple majority vote,refuses reconfirmation of a current serving official in this position, then the entire process of selection must start again.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode (Law Enforcement):County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police-By Harsha Sankar


The Choosing of Local Officials in Representative Democratic Mode (Law Enforcement):County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                  October 2020

Of the officeholders of the locality's executive branch which should not be chosen by direct vote of the electorate or by local government,the County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police is that officeholder whose office is to primarily investigate and enforce state and local laws affecting private citizens. That office can provide back up and secondary support to both state police and federal investigations.

A candidate for County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is either not publicly announced nor its contents of its meetings sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The elected lawmaking body of local government should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to three, and then submit these choices of candidates to the Governor. The Governor, out of the three nominations,selects the final prospect and submits his/her final choice to the lower house of the state legislature. That lower house ratifies the governor's choice with a Yes or No simple majority vote.

The reason why the lower state legislative house provided ratification is their members are closer to the citizenry than the members of the upper house. Since the position of County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police is a local position that requires direct and active interaction with all local activities and with the citizenry, the lower house's approval is solely needed to declare who will serve as "Top Cop" in each municipality across the entire state.

If the lower house fails to ratify a candidate, with a quorum of two-thirds, then the Governor can compel the local (municipal) lawmaking body to provide an extra set of applicants numbering three to his/her office for review. That State Governor can again resubmit his/her choice to the lower house of the state legislature for ratification.

If for the second time this legislative house refuses ratification, then the governor's choice is submitted to the upper state legislative house for ratification. If the upper house, usually referred as the State Senate, refuses ratification, then the locality is mandated to hold a direct public ballot election with its electorate.

The County Sheriff/City Chief Of Police should be an 8 year term with a reconfirmation at the end of the first four years of service by the lower house of the state legislature.
If a member of the lower house refuses to cast a vote for reconfirmation, that member must provide a minimum of a 100 word written explanation that document his reasoning behind it.
If the lower house, through simple majority vote, refuses reconfirmation of a current serving official in this position, then the entire process of selection must start again.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Nine & Part Ten -By Harsha Sankar

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Nine                       

As it has already been stated,there are three elections. The 2nd election is two years after the first election.

For both the first and second election, the total of the combination of polling booth electoral votes and district level electoral votes for the specific proposal calling for re-unification has to reach 60% each of all electoral votes. After that, the "State" will be granted national electoral votes based on its population as per the most recent census and also based on specific uniform allocation of it per "State". The total national electoral votes for all the "States" based on its population will be five times larger in number than the total national electoral votes allocated with uniformity to each "State".

For those "States" who fail to achieve this mark for re-unification, they will have to have elections for the third and last time two years after the second election.

At the third election, the "States" who have managed to achieve 60% of all votes that call for re-unification twice will be granted national electoral votes based on its population as per the most recent census.

The "States" who still failed to achieve this mark for re-unification will simply will not receive national electoral votes.

For a territory in both nations, national electoral votes will be granted based on population only as per the most recent census provided it twice achieves 60% of all votes that call for re-unification.
For the nation of India and Pakistan each, the number of national electoral votes assigned to all "States" and territories who achieve the 60% mark for re-unification must have 60% of all national electoral votes in order for re-unification to happen.

Re-unification comes at a great but worthwhile price. It will take more than the will of a simple majority who votes for this monumental matter on just one day to decide this. It will take more than just the average voter to decide this matter of paramount importance. That is why voters must be 25 or older and all balloting must be public.  
Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Ten This has to be a slow but effective process. The South Asian Union must be established to complement the current central governments of both nations. Then after that there can be the formation of a central military that protects both nations. The South Asian Union can continue to complement the central governments in providing governance in each and every newly formed nation. The South Asian Union would be similarly patterned after the European Union. Citizens of all its newly formed nations would vote for its parliament (legislative) members. The members of parliament (legislative) body in each nation's central government would cast ballots on who the head of the South Asian Union's executive branch (President) would be. Each member of parliament of all these nations would receive electoral votes according to the number of citizens he/she represents. The candidate for President who would receive the majority of electoral votes, either outright or through the Ranked Choice Voting process, would become President. The South Asian Union, like the European Union, would legislate, execute, and adjudicate international activities amongst its nation members. It could eventually be disbanded if its nation members deem its existence to be no longer necessary in the service of its national interests. A nation member can choose not to renew its membership in the South Asian Union if its central government can change its nation's constitution to permit this non-renewal. Otherwise that nation member will continue to remain as part of the South Asian Union. It is highly unlikely Pakistan and India will merge. In all probability Pakistan will balkanize into four separate nations (Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkha). While the Republic Of India can provide border security to all four nations, these four nations will be sovereign and independent as Nepal and Bhutan are.

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Eight- A Harsha Sankar Article

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Eight              July 2020

Eligible electorate cast their yes or no answers publicly to this referendum in three elections. The second and third is scheduled to take place two and four years respectively after the first election takes place.

There will be a two-pronged approach on how the ballots are counted. Obviously a physical presence is required with a signature unless a voter has previously been declared incapacitated or is a member of the military or out of station government service. The ballots are counted in the polling booth level and at the district level.

Each polling booth and district in each "State" receives all the assigned electoral votes for the majority of votes cast in favor of a specific proposal. The total number of electoral votes for all the polling booths should equal the total number of electoral votes for all the districts.

The total of the combination of polling booth electoral votes and district level electoral votes for the specific proposal is to be recorded for each state. The electorate vote in the second election two years later.
Stay tune to my next post as I will explain the criteria that needs to be met for a "States" proposal to be accepted in the final count to determine either re-unification or preservation of the same national status.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Election 2020-Thoughts To Ponder-By Harsha Sankar

 Dear Citizen,                                        October 2020

A 1.8 trillion stimulus bill has been proposed on behalf of President Trump. Many on the "Left" has stated that this bill is not bad and is somewhat decent. Yet Pelosi, the Democratic Party Elite, and Senate Republicans are pledged to defeat this bill. Why?

They all give various reasons but it really come down to this. They do not want President Trump to get massive credit going into the election. The Progressive elements of the Democratic Party are not really concerned about politics at the moment and they reached out to House Speaker Pelosi to accept this bill. They realize that tens of millions Americans are now in a state of crisis and that they need immediate help. Yet their concerns are being drowned out by the elites of both political parties.

Perhaps President Trump is part of the global elite that want to control the citizens of the world. However, the odds of him being a vanguard against such tyrannical forces is far greater. He is the only President in the last 50 years who has suffered financially because of his Presidency. He has been under constant threat of assassination for the last four years. His Presidency has even put his family members at risk. So the chances of him not being a reformer are unlikely.

It is true that much of his administration are filled with insiders. However, what better way to take down "unaccountable government" than to get people who were part of it and know its inner workings? Personally, I never heard of the "Deep State" until Trump became President. Again, I never knew how much unaccountable and non-transparent bureaucratic agencies as well as the private/NGO sector controlled federal government activities until Trump became President.

This letter is not designed to advise anyone as to how to vote. With Republicans and Democrats both being "birds of the same feather", we need politicians who will not flock together with the Party Elites. Keep that in mind on Election Day.

                         Harsha Sankar

The month after Election Day will be even more newsworthy than Election Day itself! Supposedly only 76% of Republicans support Trump. However, 68% of swing voters favor Trump. It appears many Democrats may vote for Trump, especially the ones who are progressive.

However, what could be the deal clincher is the Black vote. Trump may get in excess of 20% as so many Blacks are tired of the fake promises by the Dems! It will be interesting. The problem in Virginia is Northern Virginia!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Seven (A Harsha Sankar Article-July 2020)


Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Seven

The citizens of India should vote for the following.

1. Whether or not they want the merger of the Punjab and Sindh provinces as well as the AZAD Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan territories of Pakistan with the nation of India as three states.

2. For those who voted yes, they are eligible to vote for the 2nd question. That is whether or not they want the merger of the remainder of Pakistan(mainly Khyber Pakthunkwa and Baluchistan) with the nation of India as two states.

These plebiscites will consist of several elections and the votes will be counted electorally. It will not be a direct vote nor will this matter of reunification be decided in one election. Please stay tuned as my next post will give the breakdown of votes compilation.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Choosing of Federal Officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Attorney General-By Harsha Sankar


The choosing of federal officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Attorney General-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                          October 2020

Of the departments of the federal executive branch which should not be chosen by the President or US Congress, the federal attorney general's office is that department which has the most authority. That office prosecutes all federal government officials, employees, and contractors who have been indicted of a crime. All indictments should come from the Department Of Justice.

A candidate for Attorney General should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The President should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the United States Senate.The reason the United States Senate is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which are both non-financial and affect the entire nation.

The United States Senate limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to both legislative houses of each state. Each state assigns the same number of electoral votes to each house. Electoral votes, rounded up to the closest whole number, are assigned to each candidate based on the percentage of votes they receive from each legislative house. The candidate who receives the highest number of electoral votes is the state's nominee for Attorney General.

Each state submits its choice to the President. The candidate who receives the majority of state government legislative approval, of all fifty states, is declared the Attorney General.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of states to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the lower house of the federal legislature(House Of Representatives). It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the Attorney General.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the lower house votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of lower house votes are then voted on by the US Senate. The US Senate at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the attorney general as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Six - A Harsha Article(July 2020)

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Six
Plebiscites(elections) should have the following requirements to determine reunification.
1.Citizens have to at least 25 years of age prior to election day.
2.There must be public balloting. No secrecy should be allowed.
The citizens should vote for the following.
1. For those living in the provinces of Pakistan contiguous to India, they should vote whether or not they want their province to remain in the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan or join the Republic of India as a full-fledged state.
2. For those living in the provinces of Pakistan not contiguous to India, they should vote whether or not they want their province to remain in the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan or join the Republic of India as a full-fledged state if the province they live in were to become contiguous to India due to the result of the plebiscites(elections).
In my next post, it will detail what Indian citizens will vote for to enact reunification.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Five( A Harsha Sankar Article)


Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Five        July 2020

It is a very safe statement to make that a military solution is totally out of the question. Plebiscites must occur to solve this issue. These elections must be formulated in a simple but structured manner to make certain that the ideals of a Representative Republic with basic liberty and justice for all its people are permanently protected and safeguarded. There must be an effective process so all transitional phases are handled properly and all immutable standards are met.

There should be a series of plebiscites spaced out that should take place. There should be three elections in total with each spaced out by two years. The age of the citizen voter should be the same age for any candidate for state assembly, which is twenty-five years old. The reason for this change of the minimum age requirement is this citizen vote is to change the actual nation and is not to vote for those who just issue new policies. Therefore, the age of the citizen voter to form a new nation should be no lower than a candidate seeking state legislative office.
My next post will break down these plebiscites(elections).

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Choosing Of Federal Officials(Law Enforcement and Auditing) in Representative Democratic Mode:Secretary Of Justice(Department Of Justice)-By Harsha Sankar


The Choosing Of Federal Officials(Law Enforcement and Auditing) in Representative Democratic Mode:Secretary Of Justice(Department Of Justice)-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                          October 2020

Of the departments of the federal executive branch which should not be chosen by the President or Congress, the Department Of Justice is that department that should investigate and if necessary should indict all federal government officials, employees, and contractors who are suspected of a crime or are a witness to such. The Department Of Justice should be separated from the Attorney General's Office as both departments have two distinct and separate roles.

A candidate for Secretary Of Justice should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The President should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the US Senate. The reason why the US Senate is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which are both non-financial and affect the entire nation.

The upper house (US Senate) limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to the governor of each state. The governor of each state decides his or her choice of candidate and then he or she submits his or her choice to the President. The candidate who receives the majority of their votes is declared the Secretary of Justice.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of their votes to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the lower house(House of Representatives) of the US Congress. It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the Secretary Of Justice.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the lower house(House of Representatives) votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of lower house votes are voted on by the upper house(US Senate). The US Senate at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the Secretary Of Justice as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.

Harsha Sankar
Virginia, USA

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Four- By Harsha Sankar(July 2020)


Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Four

The British drew the lines of the Indian sub-continent as they drew the lines of the Middle East. They had one purpose in mind in doing so. They designed it so that as much division and infighting would exist.

The British did not want stability in the ME and Indian Sub-Continent as they knew that if unity and peace existed in those regions, they would overtake the prominent roles once enjoyed by Western Europe.

The British kept Gandhi, Nehru, and other top secular Indian leaders in jail for three years, thus allowing the All-India Muslim League to convince Muslims in majority-Muslim areas in India that partition was necessary. There was no countervailing voice in that time period. Less than 16 months after these leaders were released,the British announced their immediate exit from India within six months. That left Indians no time to advise its people on the consequences of Partition and how to prepare for its possibility.

The Partition Of 1947 of the Indian subcontinent was ranked in the top ten of global human disasters in the 20th Century. 73 years later, is there hope that this catastrophe can be undone?

Stay tune to my next post.

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Three-By Harsha Sankar(July 2020)


Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Three

I really believe that most Pakistanis would accept the following provided certain conditions that I listed in Part Two were met.

1. The provinces in Punjab and Sindh along with the territories of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan can join India as three separate states. Since there is a Punjab state in India, the former Pakistani Punjab Province can be renamed as something else.
2.a. The provinces of Baluchistan can possibly join Iran. It can also join with the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan, and the southern areas of Afghanistan, including Nimruz, Helmand and Kandahar provinces, to form its own nation. Of course, both Iran and Afghanistan would have to agree to secede these areas to that new nation.
b. The third option is allow the Pakistani province of Balochistan to form its own nation. It may have only 12.5 million people but several former Soviet Republics are just as small.
c. The fourth option is for it to join India as a state. If the Balochis desired secularism, joining India would be preferable than joining Iran, a Shiite Islamic state. Balochis are Sunnis.

3. The province of Khyber Pakthunkwa could either form its own nation or it could join India as a state. It has close to 40 million people. Joining Afghanistan would make very little little sense since Afghanistan is highly fractured.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Pandemic In A Nutshell-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                    October 2020

There are external toxins(viruses and bacteria) that cause internal viruses and bacteria to clean
and dispose those external toxins! Our immunity constantly needs to be updated with external viruses and bacteria. It is only when those external pathogens overwhelm the system do problems occur.
That is why people need to focus on strengthening the immunity so that this overwhelming does not happen. People need exposure but not over exposure. The more the immunity system can resist opportunistic pathogens, the better.

The SARS-CoV-2, I feel, is an airborne toxin that was initially spread worldwide by participants in the Wuhan Military Games. The airplanes that these participants traveled in spread this toxin to numerous nation in October 2019.

This toxin is only causing the majority of the sickness. Another factor causing this sickness is the deployment of 5G. Many patients are reporting symptoms of altitude sickness and not of ARDS.
Of course, since PCR-RT is not a proper test to diagnose a pathology, many people with bad colds or underlying conditions are falsely testing positive for Covid-19.

The virus is real but the pandemic is not. Anything made in a lab will obviously be much more potent than the strain of influenza. This actual toxin has a death rate of 2% over all. The death rate for seniors(60+) is much higher but that is because most of the elderly had comorbidities.

While the death rate is still overall low in comparison to the death rates caused by other epidemic-causing pathogens, the disability rate of the SARS-CoV-2 is quite high. Nearly 20% of recoveries have permanent damage, especially to their circulatory and cardiovascular system.

That is why people need to increase their proper vitamin intake(Zinc, Vitamin A, C, and D-3). People need to eat fresh vegetables to obtain Vitamin A, get proper sun exposure to obtain proper Vitamin D, and eat fresh fruits to get Vitamin C. Of course supplements are vital. People need to also reduce their consumption of alcohol, tobacco products, and processed foods. They need to instead increase their intake of quercetin (onions, green tea, apples, berries, buckwheat tea),quinine(club soda), and spices(ginger,garlic, etc.).

Steam therapy is also helpful for prevention and for treatment of mild "flu-like" symptoms. Of course HCQ should be liberally prescribed to those with mild to moderate symptoms provided that individual has no cardiovascular or circulatory issues. HCQ should only be prescribed as well to those who have an actual ARDS. Prescribing "hydroxy" to something that affects hemoglobin will be disastrous to the patient.

Once people take the necessary precaution, they should resume normal life. Elderly people need to avoid crowded places as an addition precaution. People, as a last measure, need to compel their government officials to ban vaccinations, mask-wearing, and the deployment of 5G.
Herd immunity should be reached by the end of March 2021. People need to resume all normal activities now to hasten it.

Harsha Sankar

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Choosing Of Federal Officials(Law Enforcement and Auditing) in Representative Democratic Mode: Inspector General-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                            October 2020

Of the departments of the federal executive branch which should not be chosen by the governor or federal legislature, the Office of the Inspector General is the department that should pick inspectors to audit each and every bureaucratic agencies to determine their levels of compliance with federal  law and also with the President's policies. The OIG then submits its official reports to the President and Congress.

A candidate for Inspector General should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The President should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the lower house(House of  Representatives). The reason the  House of Representatives is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which deal with how financial resources are allocated and are spent by each government agency.

The lower house (House of Representatives) limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to the Lieutenant Governor of each state. The Office of Inspector General is a passive agency that does not actively execute law. Therefore, it is incumbent that the lieutenant governor of each state,who is designed to have a passive role, cast votes for this position.

Each state's lieutenant governor submits its choice to the President. The candidate who receives the majority of their votes is declared the Inspector General.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of their votes to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the upper house(US Senate) of the federal legislature. It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the Inspector General.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the upper house(Senate) votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of their votes are voted on by the lower house(House Of Representatives). The House of Representatives at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the Inspector General as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.

Harsha Sankar
Virginia, USA

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part Two- By Harsha Sankar(July 2020)


Dear Citizen,

Nearly all nations are a country with an army. Pakistan is an army with a country.
If a poll was taken in Pakistan now, my educated guess is most people would support the disintegration of Pakistan if four things take place.
1. Establishment of a Representative Republic based on a Representative Democracy.
2. Abolition of Military Totalitarianism.
3. Implementation of proper land reform without harming agricultural productivity.
4. Adapting Secular Status for its government.

                                   Very Truly Yours,
                                    Harsha Sankar

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pakistan and India:Will Reunification Ever Happen? Part One (A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen,                                                                 July 2020

In my earlier series, I highlighted the illegitimate formation of Pakistan for several distinct and immutable reasons. As Indian leader M. Gandhi loosely expressed, future Pakistan leader M. Jinnah wanted a "divorce prior to the wedding".

While the split made no sense, Gandhi knew that once that happened, there would be no going back. To put this in proper context, if a spouse leaves an individual for no legitimate reason, the chances that individual takes back that spouse,if that spouse is interested in returning, become minuscule indeed.
In trying to escape persecution from the Hindu majority, they in turn persecuted minorities. A nation founded on hypocrisy and lies will eventually become tyrannical, dysfunctional, and lawless. It will achieve "Failed Nation Status" only. The commonalities that exist within its own people will be obscured, resulting in that nation being fractured. That is what has happened to Pakistan.

The four major provinces no longer interact with each other in a positive manner. There is so much friction and so much lack of civility that Pakistan has become the world's leading exporter of this commodity:terrorists. That nation has become such a breeding ground for terrorist development that even its own government and much of its military is undermined.

Pakistan has been a de facto military dictatorship since its independence. Gandhi knew exactly what would happen if Pakistan prematurely came into formation and yet no one heeded his warnings. Should Pakistan and India merge now?

My next post will deal with that question.

                                     Harsha Sankar

Thursday, October 08, 2020

The Choosing of State Officials in Representative Democratic Mode: Inspector General-By Harsha Sankar


Dear Citizen,                                            October 2020

Of the departments of the state's executive branch which should not be chosen by the governor or state legislature, the Office of the Inspector General is the department that should pick inspectors to audit each and every bureaucratic agencies to determine their levels of compliance with federal and state law and also with governor's policies. The OIG then submits its official reports to the governor and state legislatures.

A candidate for Inspector General should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The governor should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the lower house(House of  Delegates/Assemblymen). The reason the lower house is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which deal with how financial resources are allocated and are spent by each government agency.

The lower house (House of Delegates/Assemblymen) limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to the vice-mayor or the vice-chairman of the county board of supervisors of each locality. The Office of Inspector General is a passive agency that does not actively execute law. Therefore, it is incumbent that the cities' vice-mayor or counties' vice-chairman of its board of supervisors, who is designed to have a passive role,to cast votes for this position.

The vice-mayor or county board of supervisors' vice-chairman then decide their choice of candidate and submits its choice to the Governor. The candidate who receives the majority of their votes is declared the Inspector General.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of their votes to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the upper house(state senate) of the state legislature. It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the Inspector General.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the upper house(State Senate) votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of  their votes are voted on by the lower house(House Of Delegates/Assemblymen). The lower house at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the Inspector General as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.

Harsha Sankar
Virginia, USA

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Choosing of State Officials in Representative Democratic Mode: Superintendent of the State Police-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                          October 2020

Of the departments of the state's executive branch which should not be chosen by the governor or state legislature, the Superintendent of the State Police is that department that  should investigates and if necessary should  indict all state and local government officials, employees, and contractors who are suspected of a crime or are a witness to such. The State Police also should maintain law and order on all infrastructure belonging to state and federal government, including highways.

A candidate for Superintendent Of State Police should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The governor should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the State Senate. The reason the State Senate is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which are both non-financial and affect the entire state.

The upper house (State Senate) limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to the mayor or to the chairman of the county board of supervisors of all localities. The mayor or the chairman of the county board of supervisor decide his or her choice of candidate and then he or she submits his or her choice to the Governor. The candidate who receives the majority of their votes is declared the Superintendent Of The State Police.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of their votes to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the lower house(house of delegates/assemblymen) of the state legislature. It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the Superintendent of the State Police.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the lower house(house of delegates/assemblymen) votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of lower house votes are voted on by the upper house(State Senate). The State Senate at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the Superintendent of the State Police as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.

Harsha Sankar
Virginia, USA

Monday, October 05, 2020

The choosing of state officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Attorney General-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                          October 2020

Of the departments of the state's executive branch which should not be chosen by the governor or state legislature, the state attorney general's office is that department which has the most authority. That office prosecutes all state and local government officials, employees, and contractors who have been indicted of a crime. All indictments should come from the state police of that particular state.

A candidate for Attorney General should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The governor should accept all the applicants eligible for this position, limit the number of candidates for this position to ten, and then submit these choices of candidates to the State Senate. The reason the State Senate is the body to review these choices is because they deal with matters which are both non-financial and affect the entire state.

The State Senate limits the number of candidates to five and then submits that list to the government body of each locality. The local government elected officeholders decide their choice of candidate and submits its  choice to the Governor. The candidate who receives the majority of local governmental approval, based on each local government's choice, is declared the Attorney General.

If a candidate cannot get the majority of local governments to choose him or her, then the Top Three candidates in the local government's selection are voted on, with a quorum of two-thirds, by the lower house of the state legislature. It is important to involve this specific house at this stage since they have not had previous involvement. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from its members is declared the attorney general.

If a candidate still cannot get a majority of the lower house votes, then the Top Two candidates who received the highest number of lower house votes are voted on by the State Senate. The State Senate at this stage will be involved again in the selection of the attorney general as the majority of its members, with a quorum of two-thirds, makes final decision.

                                                            Harsha Sankar
                                                            Virginia, USA

Saturday, October 03, 2020

The Choosing of State Officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Lieutenant Governor-By Harsha Sankar(October 2020)

The Lieutenant Governor must be chosen by electors. In Virginia there are 95 counties and 38 independent cities. All 133 localities are each assigned one electoral vote, allocated to its elector,
based on population.

Each elector can achieve ballot access by party nomination or by seeking it independently. Electors have to stand election. The electorate casts public ballots and the single transferable vote(ranked choice voting) is used. The candidate who wins the direct popular vote becomes the elector. The elector, who cannot be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election, casts his or her vote for governor. The elector should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, the elector should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

A lieutenant gubernatorial candidate can achieve ballot access by party nomination or by seeking it independently. A candidate for Attorney General should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

The lieutenant gubernatorial candidate who receives the majority of the electoral votes becomes governor-elect. If no candidate receives a majority, the Top Three candidates are picked by electors who then cast their ballots ,with a specific number of electoral votes based on its population attached to it, on behalf of their locality. The lieutenant gubernatorial candidate who receives the majority of these new electoral votes becomes governor-elect.

If a candidate for governor still fails to achieve the majority, then the upper house of the state legislature chooses the next lieutenant governor from the final Top Two candidates.The lieutenant governor in each state must serve as President of the State Senate when it is in session. The lieutenant governor must serve as an assistant to the Governor in any of the governor's specific defined duties as per the discretion of the Governor when the state senate is not in session. The lieutenant governor must be prohibited from serving in any bureaucratic capacity as he or she should confine his or her duties to the preceding activities only.

Friday, October 02, 2020

The Choosing of State Officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Governor-By Harsha Sankar


The Choosing of State Officials in Representative Democratic Mode:Governor

The Governor must be chosen by electors. In Virginia there are 95 counties and 38 independent cities. All 133 localities assign a specific number of  electoral votes, allocated to its elector, based on population. Each elector can achieve ballot access by party nomination or by seeking it independently. Electors have to stand election. The electorate casts public ballots and the single transferable vote(ranked choice voting) is used.

The candidate who wins the direct popular vote becomes the elector. The elector, who cannot be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election, casts his or her vote for governor. That candidate of Governor nor his/her electors should also neither belong to any organization that is not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of any government branch participants.

A gubernatorial candidate can achieve ballot access by party nomination or by seeking it independently. The gubernatorial candidate cannot be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to the election.

The gubernatorial candidate who receives the majority of the electoral votes becomes governor-elect. If no candidate receives a majority, the Top Three candidates are picked by electors who meet in their respective localities and then cast their ballots as one per locality. The gubernatorial candidate who receives the majority of these new electoral votes becomes governor-elect.

If a candidate for governor still fails to achieve the majority, then the lower house of the state legislature chooses the next governor-elect from the final Top Two candidates.