Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Four (February 2022)

Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Four

Imagine after the American Civil War, the Confederacy along with 300,000 Southerners fled to an island that has always been considered American territory. Imagine if the Confederacy claim to the official government not just of the South but instead of the entire United States of America.

How would the current United States government feel? Needless to state, they would not like this one bit. In fact, they do would declare their government to be the true de jure United States government and they would also declare that the island that the Confederacy occupies to be Unted States territory only. The United States government too would want to occupy that island and they feel the current occupants of the island to be foreign to the United States. 

The aftermath of the American Civil War was remedied relatively quickly because it was internally handled without foreign influences. America's influence in regards to Korea, Taiwan, and even Israel has prevented permanent and natural resolution from happening. It is high time American stop being the world's policemen and instead allow nations to bilaterally and directly solved their own impasses.

Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Three (February 2022)

 Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Three

The Chinese Communist Party destroyed the rights and freedoms of the individual Chinese. Almost as importantly, they destroyed the Chinese civilization that went back thousands of years. The CCP did this in ten years' time. 

So obviously no one should be an apologist for the totalitarian CCP. However, in regards to the Taiwan, they do have a legitimate point. The Taiwanese government have yet to renounce ROC (Republic Of China) status. This means technically and figuratively speaking that the "Chinese Civil War" has not ended in as much as the Korean War between North and South Korea has never ended. In both "Wars", a cessation of hostilities and ceasefire has ensued for seven decades but there was never a final resolution.

Even the people on the Chinese mainland, who have affinity for the Taiwanese, acknowledge that Taiwan is a province that is only pretending to act independently. Even the main opposition party in Taiwan is pro-reunification provided mainland China is democratically governed.

This post is not to say that Taiwan, like Hong Kong or Macau, should be incorporated into the People's Republic Of China. There are valid arguments that Taiwan should be recognized as its own full-fledged sovereign nation. However, since America continues to defend and arm Taiwan, this has only delayed the inevitable. Both Taiwan and the CCP need to bilaterally discuss their relationship and status just like the two Korean nations need to do so. Only then can final resolution be reached.

Chinese national law does not generally apply in Hong Kong, and it is treated as a separate jurisdiction despite the fact Hong Kong was handed over to the PRC twenty-five years ago. Just like Hong Kong operates under the "one country, two systems" principle, Taiwan could operate under the same if they were no longer attempting to be a sovereign nation.

The final status will never be determined unless the PRC and Taiwan bilaterally try to work this out without third party undue influences.

 Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Two (February 2022)

 Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part Two 

As Ukraine has captured the central focus of much of the world, people from all nations need to focus on this island nation or island province. There could be war on two fronts.

As Russia is looking to do what it takes to keep NATO from bordering its nation, the Communist Party Of China is looking to acquire what they have felt belonged to them since 1949, Taiwan.

This island, formerly known as Formosa, was ruled by the Qing Dynasty for about 200 years before they were conquered by the Japanese. The Japanese ruled that island from 1895 till their defeat in World War II in 1945. In 1949, when the Nationalists(KMT and ROC) were about to lose to the Communists, they and 2 million of their supporters fled the mainland and entered Formosa, which already had 6 million people. The Nationalists would continue to claim ROC(Republic Of China) sovereign status as they asserted that only they were the legitimate government of China.

Only in 1952 did Japan officially cede sovereignty. The problem is the Japanese did not mention whether the ROC in Taiwan or the People's Republic Of China, ruled by the Communist Party Of China(CCP), would take over sovereignty.

The Chinese Civil War was not a civil in as much as the American Civil War was not a civil war. There are different reasons why both wars were miscategorized. The American Civil War was really war of secession by the Southern states. The Chinese Civil War was an overthrow of the official central government in charge of the nation.

Since the CCP won this "civil war" on the mainland and since they have always felt that the island of Taiwan belongs to mainland China, they have always staked their claim on Taiwan. Obviously they reject Taiwan's Republic Of China's status. Most importantly, the CCP will not even consider giving Taiwan separate and independent nation status. The PRC will always consider Taiwan to be its renegade breakaway province.

Obviously the Taiwanese feel differently. Even if they ever decide to not claim to be the government for all of China, they will never renounce its status as a sovereign nation.

Since mainland China did annex Formosa(later to be called Taiwan) and ruled it for 8 years before the Japanese conquered it, the CCP does have a legitimate claim that the island does belong to the mainland.

US should revisit current law that allows it to protect Taiwan in case the PRC invades. This is an issue that must be resolved bilaterally. The influences of the New World Order will only exacerbate tensions and delay final resolution. 

Cliff Notes Version: The Chinese Communist Party destroyed the rights and freedoms of the individual Chinese. Almost as importantly, they destroyed the Chinese civilization that went back thousands of years. The CCP did this in ten years' time.

So obviously I am no apologist for the totalitarian CCP. However, in regards to the Taiwan, they do have a legitimate point. The Taiwanese government have yet to renounce ROC (Republic Of China) status. This means technically and figuratively speaking that the "Chinese Civil War" has not ended in as much as the Korean War between North and South Korea has never ended. In both "Wars", a cessation of hostilities and ceasefire has ensued for seven decades but there was never a final resolution.

Even the people on the Chinese mainland, who have affinity for the Taiwanese, acknowledge that Taiwan is a province that is only pretending to act independently. Even the main opposition party in Taiwan is pro-reunification provided the mainland is democratically-ruled. 

This post is not to say that Taiwan, like Hong Kong or Macau, should be incorporated into the People's Republic Of China. There are valid arguments that Taiwan should be recognized as its own full-fledged sovereign nation. However, since America continues to defend and arm Taiwan, this has only delayed the inevitable. Both Taiwan and the CCP need to bilaterally discuss their relationship and status just like the two Korean nations need to do so. Only then can final resolution be reached.

Chinese national law does not generally apply in Hong Kong, and it is treated as a separate jurisdiction despite the fact Hong Kong was handed over to the PRC twenty-five years ago. Just like Hong Kong operates under the "one country, two systems" principle, Taiwan could operate under the same if they were no longer attempting to be a sovereign nation.

The final status will never be determined unless the PRC and Taiwan bilaterally try to work this out without third party undue influences.

Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part One (February 2022)

 Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part One

Is history repeating itself?

Does the Putin-Xi "No Limits Partnership" parallel the Tojo-Hitler "Anti-Comintern Pact" 86 years ago? Is this a lesson not learned?

Many would like for the world to think so. After all, with Russia eying Ukraine and China eyeing Taiwan, one can see the common traits that these two nations have with pre-WW2 Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

However, that is where the parallels ends and reality begins. Russia does have legitimate claims. They simply do not want any nation belonging to NATO bordering its nation. After all, Russia was promised that NATO would never expand, period. Not only has NATO expanded to include former Warsaw Pact nation, that organization is now trying to incorporate former Soviet Union Republics in its ranks. This is totally unacceptable and yet the Western/Zionist media does not report this to its people.

They also do not want strike missile systems in Eastern Europe. Again, this is a reasonable desire. As the USA has withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the fears of Russia are understandably paramount. That nation could easily be subject to blackmail. These offensive and aggressive systems are currently in Romania and Poland.

What if all this were deployed within proximity of the United States? Wait, that actually happened. It was called the Cuban Missile Crisis that happened 60 years ago. That crisis almost led to a nuclear war between the USA and USSR.

Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. This posted article will not discuss the legitimacy of this annexation. Ukraine has stated that they wish to retrieve Crimea and they cite military means as justification. If Ukraine was to join NATO, they certainly would be the recipients of the most modern armament. The highly offensive systems that are deployed in Eastern Europe would now be deployed in Ukraine, a nation that not just has a large Russian ethnic minority but is contiguous to it. 

How is any of this acceptable to Russia? Why is there even a need for NATO as the Soviet Union dissolved 30 years ago? NATO won back then. Not only are they still in existence, they are aggressively expanding. This makes no sense and yet the people of the Western World are not informed of this.
Please read the next post as it will elaborate on President Vladimir and China. 

Cliff Notes Version:

Russian President Putin demands three things.

1. NATO does not expand to include nations that are contiguous to it.
2. NATO does not deploy troops to nations that once belonged to the Soviet Union.
3. USA does not ever try to help NATO with nuclear weapons.
His demand are legitimate. Yet the NWO press is portraying him as a warmonger.   May be an image of 3 people and people standing

May be an image of 2 people and people standing

The Bifurcation Of Ukraine (February 2022)


Very few are discussing this but this could be the result of the Russo-Ukraine War in its aftermath. That result is bifurcation of Ukraine.

It is a possibility that Ukraine could be split into two separate nations. The Ukraine nation that mainly speaks Ukrainian would be required to be neutral but would be allowed to join the European Union if that nation and the EU desired. Because that new nation would still border Russia, it would be barred from joining NATO for at least 15 years. This nation would retain the name Ukraine. 

The Ukraine nation which mainly speaks Russian would have a treaty of alliance with Russia for 30 years. It would be permanently be barred from joining NATO. This new nation would have a new name: Fyodorova.

How will the nation be split? Please look at the map.
The East, South, and the lower, southern half of East-Center will be Fyodorova. The upper, northern half of East-Center, Center, and West will be Ukraine.

The Home Use Of The Russian Langauage Is Strong Factor In Determining Their Sovereign Status


According to July 2012 polling by RATING, 50% of the surveyed adult residents in Ukraine over 18 years of age considered their native language to be Ukrainian, 29% said Russian, 20% identified both Russian and Ukrainian as their native language, 1% gave another language. 5% could not decide which language is their native one.

According to a 2004 public opinion poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, the number of people using Russian language in their homes considerably exceeds the number of those who declared Russian as their native language in the census. According to the survey, Russian is used at home by 43–46% of the population of the country (in other words a similar proportion to Ukrainian) and Russophones make a majority of the population in Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine.

The following are the percentages of people in Ukrainian oblasts (states) who use Russia as their first language at home.

Autonomous Republic of Crimea — 97% of the population
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast — 72%
Donetsk Oblast — 93%
Luhansk Oblast — 89%
Zaporizhia Oblast — 81%
Odessa Oblast — 85%
Kharkiv Oblast — 74%
Mykolaiv Oblast — 66%

The Kherson Oblast is also predominantly Russian-speaking. Russia occupies Luhansk. They occupy most of Donetsk and Kherson. They also occupy much of Zaphorizhia.

It is obvious that the majority of people in these Russian occupied territories do not want to remain as a state in Ukraine. Please take note of the fact that there have been no uprisings against the Russian occupiers, much less any protest. That itself should reveal the antipathy that these people have towards Ukraine and its Kyiv-based government. 

Whether those occupied people desire to be a territory or even a state in the Russian Federation remains to be seen. They may instead want to have autonomous republic status or even be their own sovereign independent nation(s). At this juncture, it is difficult for anyone to state. Once peace sets in, hopefully the concerns of these people will be addressed.

The Impact Of 5G

America has more surveillance cameras than China. These cameras need 5G to operate with each other as they are all connected to one AI system. It is only a matter of time before this AI system becomes self-aware.

The age of transhumanism has arrived. This means the era of Luciferianism has begun. The Metaverse is now promoting concepts of life eternal. As human DNA is being changed and merged into this artificial sub-reality, the possibility is being discussed that a person can be downloaded forever into a system. Since meta means dead in Hebrew, a chance of immortality may eventually be offered in the "dead realm". 

5G is dangerous as it is being systematically rolled out throughout the world. Its radioactive frequencies is bad for all life. Elon Musk is the face for this.

5G will cause a number of medical symptoms, including weakened immunity. The low orbit satellites is also a cause of this. A certain frequency of EMF/5G microwaves can vibrate the DNA significantly after piercing the skin and targeting the cells.

This can create a replica of SARS-CoV virus. Therefore, 5G can cause numerous people worldwide to develop superficial Covid symptoms.

The Russia-Ukraine War-Part Three (July 2022)

 The Russia-Ukraine War-Part Three

Wars are won when you have the following:
1. Popular support from the occupants of the territory.
2. Willingness and capability of sending infantry and all armored vehicles to occupy and fight in these territories.

Russia seemingly has both. Certainly the Western nations' weapons, such as the HIMARS,Howitzers(missile defense systems), and drones have helped Ukraine. However, these beneficial effects are only short-term as the inevitable outcome will only be postponed. Russia will continue to use its significant artillery advantage(10-1 to 20-1 in the Eastern Ukraine's Donbas, 6-1 in Southern Ukraine's Kherson Oblast) to "soften the ground" and flatten territory before they send their armored vehicles and ground forces in to occupy the territory.

At the end of August, expect Russia to occupy all the Donbas, Kherson, and most of Zaporizhia. If Ukraine foolishly prolongs the war into the winter, expect Russia by the beginning of next spring to occupy most if not all the oblasts of Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, and Odessa. The longer the war goes on, the more the demands of Russia will be increased.

Russia is open to a truce with Ukraine. It is the responsibility of Ukraine to seize the chance to obtain peace. Otherwise, as Russia incurs more losses, it will be less less likely to cede any territory in continues to capture.

  The Russia-Ukraine War-Part Two (July 2022)


The Russia-Ukraine War-Part Two (July 2022)

As this war is unnecessarily prolonged, the more demands that Russia will have. As Russia is seeing Ukraine being flooded with weapons and trainers, it now has deemed that the only way for Ukraine to no longer be a threat to it is for the Zelensky administration to be removed. Russia certainly views all those weapons to be a highly significant military threat. 

Russia is now calling for "Regime Change" in a nation that it has been warring with for over five months. Russia cannot help but think that it is no longer fighting Ukraine but instead fighting NATO. Russia truly believes the only way to defeat NATO in Ukraine is to remove the "Regime" in Kiev that is totally dependent on NATO.

All Americans should call their elected officials and tell them to push peace and not war.

 The Russia-Ukraine War

 The Russia-Ukraine War

As five months of this active war has been completed, there is something people need to understand. Bombs and long distance rocket launchers do not win wars. America destroyed much of Northern Korea as it killed 20% of its population via bombing during the Korean War. America also dropped more bombs in Vietnam during the Vietnam Conflict than all the bombs dropped in World War 2.

Yet in the Korean War, America achieved only a stalemate against a relatively weak North Korean and Red Chinese military. In Vietnam, America conquered no territory despite killing 2-3 million Vietnamese.

Russia has already occupied over 230,000 square miles. This is testament to the fact that only ground forces can win wars. In the last five months, so much "grinding" has taken place. Yet in the Donbas, Russia has a nearly a 20-1 ratio in short range artillery pieces. Any military equipment that the Western Powers send to Ukraine will not help Ukraine for long.

In the occupied territories of Ukraine by Russia, the people there mainly do not want to be "governed" by the Ukraine administration in Kiev. That is the primary reason why Russia has occupied so much territory despite using poorly trained conscripts. 

The longer the Western Powers and Ukraine try to prolong the war, the more territory Russia will feel the need to capture, especially if people living in that territory are Russian-speaking. The more advanced weaponry the Western powers send to Ukraine, the more territory Russia will feel the need to capture in order to seize those weapons. 

Ukraine's President V. Zelensky has cited that Ukraine will repel Russia by winter. He is flat out wrong because if the war is not over at the start of winter, millions of Ukrainians will suffer from exposure and hunger. Moreover, Russians will be much better fortified in the occupied territories by then as they would have had more time to receive reinforcements. 

May be an image of map and text that says "RUSSIA-UKRAINEWAR Who controls what in Ukraine? Nearly two-thirds of children in Ukraine have been uprooted, UN official says, calling the war "child rights crisis" US Secretary Defense Lloyd Austin lead meeting Brussels Wednesday with dozens of defence ministers from NATO and other partsof the world to discuss weapons deliveries to Ukraine. Day 112 June 15, 2022 06:00 GMT BELARUS POLAND CHERNIHIV CHERNOBYL RUSSIA LVIV BUCHA KYIV SUMY KHARKIV UKRAINE Donbasregion contral before SEVERODONETSK DNIPRO MOLDOVA BASHTANKA LUHANSK ZAPORIZHZHIA DONETSK MYKOLAIV KHERSON ROMANIA MARIUPOL Sea Azop Black Sea CRIMEA Sources updated: June 2022 Institute the Study War @AJLat ALJAZEERA"

China and Taiwan: Resolution-Part Two

China and Taiwan: Resolution-Part Two

Please read the previous post for background information on this topic.

The China-Taiwan conflict has been going on for 73 years. In order for tensions to be practically eliminated, the following needs to occur.

1. The current status-quo needs to change. Currently, both nations are claiming to be "China". Obviously this cannot be the case. There must be two independent and sovereign nations.

2. In the Eighties, at least a quarter of the people living in Taiwan considered themselves Chinese. Now that figure is down to three percent. The vast majority of these people living on that island now consider themselves Taiwanese. Therefore the Republic of China(name of the Taiwanese nation) should be renamed the Republic Of Taiwan.
All claims of governance that the Taiwanese government has on Mainland China should be renounced. The Taiwan government should no longer claim to represent the people living on Mainland China. Rather, it should allow PRC to be the sole nation of China. 

3. The People's Republic Of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party, should no longer consider Taiwan as its province. It should instead acknowledge Taiwan's status as a free and independent nation as the PRC accepts its status as the sole government of China.

4. The Taiwan government must have a pacifist constitution in which they are de-militarized. They can accept offers of war guarantees from other nations. However, Taiwan would be prohibited from having any foreign military presence on its soil.

5. The PRC pledges that it will never seek a military solution to resolve any disputes that it would possibly have with the de-militarized Republic Of Taiwan.

6. In the initial agreement between both Mainland China and Taiwan that establishes Taiwan as an independent and sovereign nation, the Taiwanese and Chinese can allow unrestricted travel and tariff-free trade between the citizens of the two sovereign nations.

These six steps are needed to finally get rid of the ambiguity that presently exists. There needs to be a clear and precise establishment of the status of each territorial entity. When Chiang Kia-Shek and the Nationalists fled Mainland China from the Communists and then set up its base in the island of Formosa that would later be renamed Taiwan, they were not not at all trying to form a new nation. Instead they claimed to be the Chinese government in exile.

73 years later, obviously times have changed. People in Taiwan have no recollection and awareness of the animosity that once existed between that exiled Nationalists and the Mainland Communists. Two and a half generations have gone since the exodus of the founders of Taiwan. People on that island have attached themselves to the island they were born and live on. The vast majority of these people consider themselves Taiwanese exclusively. It is high time they be recognized as such.

China and Taiwan: Resolution

 China and Taiwan: Resolution-

As war rages between Russia and NATO(Ukraine), another hot spot is brewing at the Taiwan straight nearly 5000 miles away.

The conflict has been going on between the People's Republic of China(China) and Republic Of China(Taiwan) since 1949. A revolution has taken place for four years in which the Communists successfully overthrew the Nationalists on mainland China. In 1949, the Nationalists fled to an island that would later be named Taiwan 110 miles away from the mainland.

The Nationalists maintained they were still the Chinese government and that they had been exiled. They maintained their name as the Republic Of China. Even though the Republic Of China eventually became democratic, they still never renounced their claim of sovereignty over all of China, including mainland China.

The People's Republic Of China, who rule the mainland, have always claimed that Taiwan, which the Republic Of China occupies, is a renegade province of the People's Republic Of China. They have always claimed it is simply a part of their nation. The majority of Chinese in the "PRC" believe this is the case.
Read my next post to determine possible solutions to this 73 year-old conflict.

New Russia


By October 2022, Russia annexed nearly all of Luhansk and Kherson and about 60% of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. This was an historical event as that Russian Occupied Territory became permanently an official part of the Russian Federation.

Even if any of those former states(Oblasts) become autonomous republics, they would still have the Russian Federation as its protectorate. This means that since they officially belong to the Russian Federation, any attack on it would allow the Moscow-based government to marshal its entire resources to defend it. Moreover, any encroachment would be considered an invasion by a foreign power.

Therefore, since the Russian Federation had officially expanded, the Russian security forces would guard its new borders as zealously as its did its old borders. They would guard it with full force.

If the war persists, Russia would have no choice but to enter, occupy, and annex other Russian-speaking Ukrainian states(oblasts). This map is indicative on how the New Russia will look like. The colored areas could very well be the new expansion of the Russian Federation. 

May be an image of map and text that says "2014 Pro-Russian Conflict in Ukraine Kharkix Luhansk Dnipropetrovsk Mykolaiv Donetsk Controlled by Russia Armed insurgency Occupation of RSA Pro-Russian protests Deadly clashes between activists Zaporizhia Kherson"

Russian-Ukraine War Was Designed To Weaken Germany To Vassal Status-By Harsha Sankar

I have been stating this all along and now the Rand Corporation is verifying my hypothesis.

It is a given that the 2022 Russo-Ukraine War was a well-planned war. Russia was to be provoked to invade Ukraine.

Was the intent of this provocation designed to weaken Russia? The answer is mainly no. While this war has been costly in terms of lives as Russia, in total, is averaging 3000 deaths a month, their stock of military equipment has remained stable as they have been able to replenish on a steady basis. While it also true that their economy has taken a hit as their GDP has been negatively impacted, they are not hurting quite as badly as other nations. The Russian rouble has reached new heights and their exports have not declined as they are exporting more to China and India.

Was the intent of this provocation designed to weaken Ukraine? Considering Ukraine is considered to be a client state of the New World Order, Ukraine was simply to be used as the playground for the war to be waged between Russia and NATO. Other than this purpose, Ukraine was geo-politically insignificant.

This war was designed to ruin Germany, a nation on pace to replace the USA as the premier Western Powers' economic and industrial power. A strong Germany would entice that nation to fully embrace its independence by divorcing from the European Union. Obviously that split would encourage a resurgent France and Italy to follow suit. The European Union as it currently exists would cease to exist. The unipolar world headed by the NWO elitists would break up into a fragmented multi-polar world. This would lead to a resurgence of national sovereignty.

Declaration Of Frozen Conflict Is The Best Way To Cease The Military Conflict In Ukraine


The war between NATO, using Ukraine as its puppet, and Russia should end. Perhaps a Frozen Conflict should be declared. A Frozen Conflict is when an armed conflict has been ended but since that cessation of military hostilities failed to produce satisfactory results to either party, military hostilities can be resumed at anytime.

Consider the North Korea-South Korea situation, both nations claim that entire peninsula. De facto wise, North Korea controls the northern part of that peninsula and South Korea controls the southern part of that peninsula. However, de jure wise, each nation stake their national claim to the entire peninsula.

The same holds true for mainland China and Taiwan. While one nation occupies the mainland and the other occupies the island of Formosa along with two smaller islands, each nation in a de jure manner claims to be sole Chinese government.

The four regions annexed by Russia can have the frozen conflict concept applied. There would be an immediate cessation of combat as both nations would claim to have sovereign authority over these regions. This measure would be temporary as hopefully a permanent peace treaty would be signed between Russia and Ukraine. 

This chart must be read. Since these post-Soviet states had the concept of frozen conflict applied for over three decades, why not two other post Soviet-states, Russia and Ukraine? 

May be an image of text that says "Name Capital Population Area km²) Declaration independence Transnistria iraspol Recognition by members 475,665 Major ethnic groups 4,400 Artsakh September 1990 jure part Stepanakert none 150,932 3.170 Abkhazia Moldovans (32.1%). Russians 30 4%), Ukrainians (28 8%) September 1991 Sukhumi Moldova 242,862 8,660 none Armenians 99%) South Ossetia 25Auust1 Tskhinvali 51,547 Azerbaijan 3.900 Abkhaz (50 5%) 50 Georgians (19%). Armenians 17%)6 Ossetians Georgians( November 1991 9%) + Georgia"

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Vote Ballot Casting- Governmental Modes

Vote Ballot Casting- Governmental Modes

1. Imperial Democratic Mode- Secret balloting is the manner votes are cast. This means certain government and/or certain officials know all the candidates chosen by all the voters. The secrecy provided to balloting is similar to the secrecy the Internal Revenue Service provides to a tax return.

2. direct democratic mode- Anonymous balloting is the manner votes are cast. This means no one really knows for certain any candidate chosen by any voter. In other words,no one knows who voted for whom other than his/her choice of candidate. This is the current mode in the USA.

There are two problems with this. First of all, the occurrence of vote fraud increases significantly. At least with secret balloting, vote fraud and voter fraud do not exist unless the supervising government agency officials is complicit. Most importantly, anonymous balloting is flawed because it gives no meaning to the votes cast. How can a citizen's vote be meaningful and credible if he or she does not attach his or her name to the choices of candidates cast?

3. Representative Democratic Mode-Public balloting is the manner votes are cast. This means all know for certain all candidate chosen by all voters. Many people will obviously resist this mode. However, freedom is never free and proper governance will always require a sacrifice. There is always a price to pay for basic liberty and civility and public balloting is one of the prices that must be paid.

Not only does this mode guarantee the non-existence of vote fraud and voter fraud, it restores meaning to each and every vote cast. Most importantly, it disallows non-serious people from choosing public officials and positions on referendums, thereby increasing the quality of the electorate. The proper quality of the electorate is important to keep governance in proper Representative Democratic Mode so that tyranny is kept to a minimum.

Public Posting And Physical Presence Are Essential For The Public Casting Of Ballots


With public balloting everything is publicly posted. A receipt, even with designated serial numbers, will only be useful only when its submital is needed to prove something.That in itself will only prove that a voter voted. While this may definitely reduce voter fraud, it will not eliminate or even reduce vote fraud.

A voter needs to be physically present in a voting facility in order for his or her vote to have meaning. Voting is much more of a responsibility than it is a right. Voting has to be carried out in a specific place at a specific time. Unless a voter is in the military or has already certified himself/herself to be incapacitated to the extent he or she is deemed incapable of cannot going to the polling place, then that voter needs to vote in his/her designated polling place on election day(s) only.

Voting, like the Olympics, is more an event than a deed. For a vote to be taken seriously, it has to be cast in a certain place at a certain time. Otherwise, the activity of voting loses meaning.

Voting was never meant to be convenient. It was only meant to be official. A vote cast should be a public document about the choosing of public officials. It has to be conducted in a public setting during the designated times open to the public. No vote should ever be privately cast.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part Nine and Part Ten


The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part Nine

Bangladesh is a failed sovereign nation that should have never formed. India should have never allowed partition based on fear. Anytime race or religion is a factor in law and policy,fear and ignorance will prevail. That in itself will cause long-term destruction. West Bengal as a state in India has a track record of failure. It has been a hotbed of political violence and turmoil from the time of India's Independence.

The fact is they need to be governed by a greater power to provide it proper governance. West Bengal was specifically formed due to the Hindu-Muslim divide. Therefore, their formation was based on ignorance and fear. It is this basis that they have been afflicted with such malgovernance from the onset of Independence. It must be noted that it is neither prudent nor feasible for the Punjab Province of Pakistan to be merged with the Punjab state of India. That is because the Hindu-Muslim Divide was really never an issue in the formation of this Pakistani province and Indian state. It is viable that these two entities stay separated from each other as they have distinct regional differences.

Pakistani's Punjab and India's Punjab are totally different in terms of culture, heritage, and dialect and these differences are due to regionalism only. While people in both entities speak Punjabi, so do most people in Canada and in the USA speak English. As it would be totally foolhardy for Canada and the USA to merge for this reason, the same logic applies to the merger of the Punjab Province and the Punjab state. As cited in a previous post, division may very well be necessary due to regionalism but it should never due to caste/religion or ethnicity/race.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part Ten (Final Part) When the inevitable merger of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh takes place, the Punjab province of Pakistan should become an autonomous republic while the Indian state of Punjab should remain a state.

It is important that the Sindh Province, Punjab Province, and Bengal(merger of Bangladesh and West Bengal) become autonomous republics because an immediate transition to statehood would be too much of a drastic change. That would cause too much dislocation as national governments and state governments of one nation should not immediately surrender too much control to the central/federal government of another nation. That is why these highly populated entities need to have more autonomy than what is afforded to a state.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Six, Part Seven, and Part Eight

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Six

Bangladesh needs to merge with West Bengal to form a secular autonomous republic. India would provide the internal security to ensure public safety and would also provide economic benefits. The reason for this merger is neither race nor religion should ever a factor in bifurcating and dividing any entity(nation, state, locality).

The people in both Bangladesh and West Bengal have not just the same language, they also have the same culture and traditions. They need to be unified. India surrounds Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi immigration issue can be handled more effectively if it becomes the autonomous republic of Bengal.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part Seven

A healthy body obviously does not want an unhealthy limb to be attached to it. That is clearly understood! If Pakistan and Bangladesh become part of India, people in India would benefit in the long-term as the threat of war, terrorism,and unbridled immigration would be significantly diminished. West Germany faced high costs initially in absorbing East Germany. Yet over 30 years later, Germany as a whole and individually are far better off due to this merger.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part Eight

Pre-Independence India was bifurcated on tyranny,ignorance, and fear. These factors must be overcome. Bifurcations and even balkanizations are necessary at times. They should be enacted only based on regionalism in which culture,heritage, economic conditions, economic activities, and/or even their geographical layouts are significantly different due to the specific region in which the citizenry are living.

The division of any nation, state, and/or even locality should never be enacted based on religion/caste, race/ethnicity, and/or political ideology. These are characteristics that are not inherent to a specific land/area. These factors must be overcome.

While it is true that the Hindus and Muslims would have so much to work out in the new autonomous republic of Bengal, the facts are they will do just that due to the system of governance being functional and proper. Challenges need to be directly confronted ,even if it is phased in a gradual manner. These challenges should never be avoided.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Three, Four, And Five

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Three

Bangladesh is also not capable of being a sovereign nation. By being under the umbrella of India, its people would be more prosperous and more free. Bangladesh can merge with West Bengal. It can be an autonomous republic called Bengal that has its own constitution to go along with the Indian Constitution.

Bengal along with the current Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh would be autonomous republics. They would have to abide by the Indian Constitution, especially in the form of government and in the protection of individual rights. These autonomous republics would get aid, when needed, from India.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Four

The merger of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh must be given consideration by many of its 1.8 billion citizens. The present system is not working nor has it worked for the last 75 years. Pakistan will always be a danger to India and to itself. It has and will continue to serve as a breeding ground for terrorists.

Their society, along with Bangladeshi society, has or will continue to be held captive by a small elite. It is not that India would swallow Pakistan and/or Bangladesh. This re-unification instead would guarantee much more sovereignty to the current citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh on a governmental and individual basis.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Five

There has really been no peace between Pakistan and India for 75 years. There will never any peace as long as the army,landowners, BAR attorneys, and clerics run and rule Pakistan. It is time to liberate the people.

In regards to Bangladesh, defense and foreign policy are controlled by India. Bangladesh may have economic as well as judicial and correctional autonomy. However, that nation really is for all intents and purposes a de facto autonomous republic. For it to become a de jure autonomous republic, it would have to abide by the basic tenets of the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger-Part One And Two

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part One

Pakistan should merge with India. The Punjab Province of Pakistan should be renamed West Punjab and it should be declared an autonomous republic. The Sindh Province of Pakistan should also be declared an autonomous republic.

The preceding regions, as Pakistan current biggest provinces (states), would have more autonomy and sovereignty than a typical Indian state. The other regions of Pakistan, such as the provinces of Baluchistan and Khyber Paktunkhwa, would be incorporated into India as Indian states. The remainder of Pakistan would be deemed as Indian territories.

The Indian Sub-Continent Merger- Part Two

There will be initial dislocation but the merger of Pakistan and India will be good for all its people in the long-term. It will enable long-term security and prosperity. Pakistan is no longer capable of being a sovereign nation nor has it been for decades, if not its inception. That nation has been the private fiefdom of Islamic clerics, huge landowners, and the army. Its economy is controlled by China to a major extent.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Unique Method In Ranked Choice Voting

Unique Method In Ranked Choice Voting-

Ranked Choice Voting, also known for its common method Single Transferable Voting, is a must. It gives more option for voters.

One unique RCV method is the following.

1. Voters have the option of listing their 2nd preference.
2. 2nd preference selections get one-half of the vote.
3. NOTA (None Of The Above) is an option for voters.

The candidate who has the highest vote totals would win the race. Giving value to 2nd Preference Votes at half-value would give an incentive for more people to run for office and for more people to vote. At the same time, it would not dilute the winning race totals. After all, a candidate elected to serve must have a significant percentage of 1st preference votes. The winning candidate does not necessarily have to have the highest number of 1st preference votes but he/she should come close. 

One reason why the optional second preference vote at half-value is needed is it de-polarizes races. It encourages a candidate to not disenfranchise voters who are unlikely to vote for that specific candidate as much. Another reason is it gives voters an incentive to do research on third parties and independents because they know that voting third-party and/or for independents is no longer a waste.

This method is a win-win situation. The drawbacks are minuscule compared to the benefits. It must be given consideration.

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Seven)

 The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Seven)

Term limits for judges should be one term. The judiciary should be the least political and the most insulated of all the three branches from popular will. This is due to the fact that that branch is required to utilize the least amount of discretion in citing opinions on how the law should be applied to all cases of controversy. Therefore, it must have the strictest term limits both in number of years and term(s) served.

Term limits should be less restrictive for people who either physically administer the law, either via enforcement or inspection, or who supervise and regulate those who do. That is why those in the executive branch should serve no more than two terms. 

Term limits should be the least restrictive for those who make the law because they allowed to use the most discretion and also because they do not have an active role in governance. Those who make the law on behalf of the "State" should serve no more than three five-year terms in the federal and state legislature. Those who make the law on behalf of the "People" should be allowed to serve a maximum of four three-year terms. 

The reason why term limits in the upper house(federal and state senate) should be more restrictive than the lower house(representative and delegate/assembly) is that they need to be more insulated from popular will than the other cameral legislative house. Their decisions affect the nation as a whole more so than the lower house in the federal and state legislative branch. Therefore, the upper house is required to be more impartial than the lower house, the house that makes laws on behalf of the "People". 

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Six)

 The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Six)

Term limits for those who are selected to administer the law should be as follows.

They serve a four year term after being elected. After their initial four year term, they can serve another four year term upon re-election. The maximum time to be served is eight years.

These positions are head executives of the executive branch of government. These positions are President, Vice-President, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Mayor, Vice-Mayor, County Chairman and County Vice-Chairman.

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Five)


The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Five)

Term limits for those who are selected to administer the law should be as follows.

They serve a four year term after being selected, not elected. After their initial four year term, they can serve another four year term upon re-confirmation by the head of the executive branch (local, state, and federal). The maximum time to be served is eight years.

These positions are Heads Of Non-Cabinet bureaucratic departments. These positions are initially selected by the head of the executive branch. No other individual or entity needs to be involved with this selection process of these heads of non-cabinet bureaucratic departments.

  The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Four)

 The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Four)

Term limits for those who enforce the law should be as follows.

They serve a four year term after being selected, not elected. After their initial four year term, they can serve another four year term upon re-confirmation by the appropriate legislative body(local, state, and federal).

These positions are Court Clerks, Prosecutors, and Heads Of Police. These positions are initially nominated by one of the heads of the executive branch, then confirmed by the legislative branch, and then again re-confirmed by the legislative branch if they are willing.

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Three)

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Three) 

Term limits should be strictly applied to those who apply the law by interpreting facts of cases of controversy. The reason for this is individual discretion must not be allowed. No judge nor jury can cite that their unique individual discretion was needed to generate any opinion/finding of the court.

All federal and state judges should serve only one term of four years only. Obviously no current judicial advocate should be allowed to serve as judge. No current member of the federal or state executive branches and no current member of the federal or state legislative branches should be eligible to serve as a federal or state judge respectively. Involvement in one branch of government would only cause  conflicts of interest in another branch of government. 

All members of the federal legislative or executive branch should be banned from serving as state judge. All members of the state legislative or executive branch should be banned from serving as federal judge. All members of local government should be ineligible as well to serve as either state or federal judge. Involvement in one branch of government and at one level of government would only cause conflicts of interest in another branch of government and at another level of government. 

A state judge should nor be allowed to serve as a federal judge and a federal judge should also be ineligible to serve as state judge. Involvement at one level of government would only cause conflicts of interest at another level of government. 

The U.S. Constitution needs to be rewritten so that United States Supreme Court, which was not created by Congress while all federal courts were, have its judges abide by a specific term limit. The reason for this is the American government has been federally-centric since the end of the U.S Civil War. It was not at the time the US Constitution was drafted into law. The federal government has changed significantly due to its growth in magnitude and scope. Therefore a much more powerful and active federal government requires term limits for its Supreme Court judges. 

The U.S.S.C. judges, since they have to be more detached from the duties of the other federal branches of government than the federal courts, should serve double the time of federal court judges. After all, since their role is to solely apply the U.S. Constitution, they need to be more insulated than federal judges. All U.S.S.C. judges should serve not more than one term of eight years.

The judges of the supreme courts of each state should serve the same term that the U.S.S.C. judges serve for the same reason. That reason is their sole application of their state constitution which is in compliance with the U.S. Constitution. All other state judges (trial and appellate) should be required to serve not more than one four-year term.

The moral of term limits is the less discretion that is required from the officeholder, the stricter term limits should be applied.

 The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Two)

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session Two) 

Term limits are needed so that popular support does not undermine the basic ideals of the Republic. I remember in high school there was a teen who was very popular. Because of this, this teen was not held to the same level of accountability as other students. Popular support eroded the application of rule uniformity. It undermined the system of functionality that the conduct of the school was supposed to be based on.

The previous post addressed why term limits should not be so restrictive. However, the previous paragraph explained why they are needed. No individual(s) should be above the system.

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session One)

The Representarian Party-Part Fifteen (Session One) 

To abide by the ideals of Representative Governance, term limits are needed. However, they should not be too restrictive. For example, in Virginia, the governor can only serve one term for four years. This highly restrictive limit does the following:

1. It confers too much authority to the power brokers such as political parties, PACs, Bar Associations, and other private entities.

2. It gives non-cabinet bureaucratic heads too much authority as they will not be supervised properly. It also gives members of the legislative branch too much authority as well. When public officeholders have too much authority, it threatens the Checks And Balances that has to exist between the three branches of government.

3. It disrupts the continuity of service by the head of the state executive branch. There has to be a certain amount of consistency for the executive branch to function properly.

  The Representarian Party-Part Fourteen

The Representarian Party-Part Fourteen

With the issue of Political Action Committees, the following must be emphasized in order to adhere to the basic ideals of Representative Governance.

1. All citizens who are not participants in any branch of government (judiciary, legislative, and executive) can automatically freely assemble with each other. Since military and bureaucracy are part of the executive branch, its members and even its participants are not allowed to automatically freely assemble with its other members or with people outside their field.

Therefore, PACs are allowed and must be comprised of adult eligible citizens and permanent non-citizen resident adults only. Adult citizens who are not participants in any branch of government are automatically eligible to join a PAC. Permanent adult non-citizen residents, who should be banned from being a participant in any branch of government, are also eligible to be a PAC member.

Participants in any branch of government are automatically eligible to join a PAC provided they are not government branch officeholders and also provided  they do not have decision-making authority in that PAC. Officeholders are prohibited from being a PAC member and/or an associate of a PAC.

2. PACs will not be allowed to financially contribute to political campaigns. Only flesh and blood adult American citizens will be allowed to financially contribute to political campaigns. If an individual is not eligible to vote, that individual will not be eligible to financially contribute.

PACs will not be allowed to collaborate with political campaigns. If a PAC and/or its members want to support and oppose a candidate independently, then they have that right.

3. In a Representative Democratic Republic, there is no ruling class. As there is no licensed "Attorney-at-law" profession, there are no "registered lobbyists". Any adult citizen or adult permanent non-citizen residents is eligible to lobby and petition any branch of government.