Monday, July 31, 2023

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session One)


The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session One) 

This is the worst form of tyranny because it is totally inconspicuous. This tyranny is very pervasive because it convinces people into thinking they are free when it actuality they are the most enslaved and exploited. 

At least people in fascist and socialist/communist nations knew they were not free as they knew individual freedoms had to be subordinated to the needs of the nation and/or state republics. People in multi-political party nations know that individual freedoms are to be subordinated to the highly diverse democratic political system. 

In India, a multi-political party nation, people are indoctrinated to believe that if individual(s) strongly believe that governance needs to be changed or improve, these individual(s) can get together with other like-minded individuals and form their own political party. People in these nations that have that type of political system are generally not very responsive to apolitical people actively expressing viewpoints and information on the need to change governance. They would rather, for the most part, have proper political participants express such political and social wolves than a "lone wolf".

For this reason only I do not mention much on FB or anywhere else information and opinions on governance in India and how it should be improved upon. This obviously leads to tyranny but because people have conditioned themselves to accept "professional and official politicians", any such expression from a non-political source would serve little purpose if not be counter-productive.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Seven (Political Multi-Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Seven (Political Multi-Party Tyranny)

This tyranny is endemic in parliamentary democracies. In the USA there are two major political parties that dominate governance. In parliamentary democracies there are many political parties in comparison. In India for example, there exists 6 national parties, 54 state parties,and 2,597 unrecognised parties.
In Italy there are over 20 parties and 10 sub-parties represented in the Italian or European Parliament. Italy has over 40 regional parties, 60 non-represented national parties, and over 40 non-represented regional and local parties. In Ireland, a nation of five million people, there are 16 political parties with representation at a local, national or European level and nine parties with no elected representation.
In a parliamentary democratic republic, there are many political parties. Because of this phenomenon, the electorate more often than not votes for the political party and not for the individual candidate. In many, if not most cases, voters do not even know the name of the individual candidate unless that candidate is an independent.
In this government system, it is very hard for an independent to get elected because the people who get elected have to choose the head executive of the state and central/federal government. This is due to the fact political party members of either the state or central/federal parliament almost exclusively choose their own member to be the next head executive at either the state or central/federal level. Most but not all voters do not care to vote for a wild card. They would rather vote for a member of a specific party in the state or central/federal parliamentary elections so that another member of that specific party gets chosen as the next state (chief minister) or central/federal (prime minister) head executive.
In this form of government there is no trifurcation of government. The elected officeholder in parliament serves as legislator and in many cases serves in the executive branch agencies. The head executive of both the state and central/federal government, chosen by members of either the state or central/federal parliament, also has to be first elected to parliament in his/her district.
The tendencies for tyranny are evident. Tyranny sprouts because votes are pressured to vote for political parties rather than for individual candidates. This obviously gives the head officials of political parties an excessive amount of power. The preceding practices dilute representative governance as individual candidates becomes puppets to the party establishment rather than become potential full-fledged servants of their constituents.
Just as importantly, when an officeholder serves in both branches of government, this suppresses Separation Of Powers and Checks and Balances. This also creates undue politicking, bickering, and power jockeying. In representative governance, conflicts of interest and co-mingling of powers must not take place. Yet in this system, these factors are pronounced. Tyranny results because of the foregoing in the paragraph.
Finally a political multi-party system often suppresses majoritarianism. While abject majority rule should not overwhelm the body politic, majority governance is needed in appropriate occasions to support the Republic for which a nation stands. In parliamentary democracy, because of the need to forge coalitions, more often than not the head executive of the state and central/federal government and perhaps even his/her political party lack the plurality of support of the electorate throughout either the state or nation. The support he/she and perhaps his/her political party receive is less than what other candidate(s) receive and also maybe less than what other political parties receive. Yet they get chosen for the head executive positions (CM or PM) through power brokering amongst parliamentarians and mainly political party bosses. When this happens, most if not all, of his/her choices for bureaucratic positions belong to the same party that the head executive belongs. The preceding breeds tyranny as the ideals of Representative Governance are defeated.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six (Fascist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session One (Fascist Party Tyranny)

Most people, especially from the USA, have grave misconceptions of Fascism.
There was some legitimacy to genuine Fascism. It may have culminated into tyranny but it was indeed helpful to society in certain respects on a temporary basis. The nation that this system was most practised was in Nazi Germany. China currently has a fascist economic model that has catapulted it to become a major economic player globally.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Two (Fascist Party Tyranny)
In a communist/socialist system, the public government takes over and controls businesses. In a fascist system, businesses takes over and control government and some or many of its functions.
Fascism can be very effective on a short-term and temporary basis, particularly in a non-emergency situation. However it will lead to detrimental results if long-term employed. That model should also never be used in an emergency situation because it leads to corruption and to a breakdown in morale.
Communism/Socialism emphasizes egalitarianism. Fascism emphasizes productive "Growth 2.0".
Please read my next post as it will exemplify the foregoing.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Three (Fascist Party Tyranny)
Fascism is when the private sector, mainly corporate, take over functions that normally should be administered by the democratically-selected executive branch's public bureaucracy and by its other public personnel. Examples are the following.
1. Private management of prisons.
2. Private ownership and/or management of infrastructure such as airports and railways.
3. Private ownership and/or management of commonwealth entities such roads, bridges, lakes, and rivers.
4. Private ownership and/or management of utilities that have no competition. Examples of this are electricity and piped water.
5. Private hiring of the police.
6. Private armies such as Blackwater(USA) and Wagner PMC(Russia). Both are privately managed who answer only to their customer, the head of the executive branch of government.
7. Private ownership and/or management of a nation's central bank which has the authority to print currency and raise/lower its interest rates. The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Four (Fascist Party Tyranny) If Socialism/Communism is a Titanic ship with a hole in it, Fascism as an economic model is a ship with high-powered engines as boosters so that it can travel at unprecedented speed. Fascism has legitimacy for the short-term during peacetime. China has achieved phenomenal growth in the last 40 years because of Fascism, which is "Growth 2.0". Fascism emphasizes growth and production above all else and at all costs. However the "bubble" will explode sooner or later in that "Dragon" nation. Gradual privatization of businesses should be based on market principles. However private corporate influences of normal government functions is not based on such. Having cited that, private corporate influences on a short-term basis has proven to be beneficial. The fascist takeover by leading banks and banksters saved the American government and economy from total default and insolvency. However their supposed temporary presence became permanent instead. The Federal Reserve is about as federal as Federal Express and now every square inch of America has been mortgaged to them. Every American has been totally enslaved to them and also to their enforcement sister organization, the Bar Association. The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Five (Fascist Party Tyranny) Fascism is different than socialism/communism. Most people erroneously assume that fascism takes place in authoritarian nations in which much power is centralized in the executive branch. That is simply not the case. In advanced socialism and communism, the public sector owns nearly everything. In fascism, the private sector performs many government functions. Whether the government controls the private (corporate) sector or the private (corporate) sector controls government is really irrelevant. An analogy to that is the chicken or egg question. As long as there is that type of symbiotic relationship, that partnership becomes fascist and it will eventually breed tyranny if that symbiotic relationship becomes long-lasting and exceeds a certain reasonable period. The most fascist societies are not even authoritarian nations anymore. Fascism is more prevalent in democratic nations than in executive branch authoritarian nations, executive head authoritarian nations, and single party legislative branch authoritarian nations. Look at the USA for example. Despite it having a supposed democracy, it has a Deep State. The Deep State federal agencies operate without political oversight. Their budgets are "off the books" as its functions are controlled by the corporations who work at these agencies or by its "government employees" who operate these bureaucratic agencies as their private fiefdom. While no politician, namely the federal head executive (POTUS), should be overly intrusive, he or she should still be given proper oversight and command authority. While the POTUS cannot issue regulation that is not in compliance with the law, he/she still has to determine that all non-law enforcement federal agencies comply with the law. This would obviously require the POTUS to have oversight and supervisory authority, which is currently not available to him/her presently. That private control by either or both contractors and " Deep State bureaucrats" is the essence of fascism. The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Six (Fascist Party Tyranny) There are various examples as to how fascism has established itself in the USA. When most people think of fascism, they express the Wikipedia definition of it. Their depiction of Fascism is as a Far Right, ultranationalist, and even Racist ideology. This is not just an oversimplification of fascism, it instead really is a misleading categorization of this concept. Fascism is really the private sector's corporate industrial contractors' control of government functions and/or the bureaucracy's control of private sector's corporate industrial contractors without political oversight and approval. Examples are the Military-Industrial Complex, the Medical-Industrial Complex, and the current Deep State Intelligence Agencies. There are times that fascism is necessary such as the utilization of private construction firms to build government infrastructure. Fascism becomes tyranny when this use become long-term. An example of this is the application of fascism to a specific government project, such as ownership or management of a highway, airport, seaport, or park.
All reactioDiane Helmintoller and Lisa Hil

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Nine (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Nine (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Soviet Empire (Soviet Union and Eastern Europe) overzealously promoted egalitarianism, which is an aggressive form of equality. Obviously this measure was tyrannical as tyranny was employed to maintain egalitarianism.
However as cited previously there is, in many forms of tyranny, components of legitimacy. Of course the "Big Bear" with all its authoritarianism had to go away but for it to go away instantly made the situation much worse. Egalitarianism artificially and totally suppressed cultural, social, economic, and racial/ethic disparities. Once the "floodgates 'opened" as this highly controlling system came to a grinding halt, these above-mentioned disparities overwhelmed the societies of the newly reformed and created nations.

If an individual is badly addicted to drugs or alcohol, the last thing he/she should do is go "cold turkey". That individual must be gradually allowed to wean off of this addiction. In other words that addict still needs to take drugs or alcohol in lesser amounts over a specific period before he/she eventually becomes drug-free. That same principle applies to an authoritarian system. It has to be dismantled methodically so that the "hole in the ship" can be properly repaired.
Three years after the end of the Russian Civil War, there were no violent internal uprisings in the Soviet Union until the last three years of its existence. Simply put there were no violent conflicts in the Soviet Union for 64 years. Moreover after the end of World War Two till the Communist collapse, there were no conflicts in the Eastern Bloc nations except for the brief uprising in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

As USSR started to collapse, social disintegration and political instability caused ethnic conflict to surge. Social and economic disparities, along with ethnic/racial differences, created an upsurge in nationalism within groups and discrimination between groups. Territorial boundaries between states experiencing political transition and upheaval have been the root cause of conflict and division. Since the republics within the USSR and the other satellite nations in the Soviet orbit were divorcing themselves from the Soviet Communist Empirical System, they needed time and patience to sort things out. When this did not happen, so much strife and violent conflicts were the result. Thirty years later, the aftermath effects are still being keenly felt throughout that former hegemonic empire.

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The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Eight (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Eight (Communist Party Tyranny)

Total socialism or communism had to be disposed. Only very few dispute that. However any tyrannical system that has a certain amount of legitimacy has to be dismantled properly with a certain amount of care. Otherwise greater tyranny will ensue.
History was not kind when Black American slaves were totally released without transition and follow-up. Obviously that "peculiar institution" had to end but it should have ended systematically over a certain period. All people should have been allowed to adjust to this new phase in American history.
The rapid fall of "Communism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe saw ex-communist elitist members become instant millionaires and even billionaires. Hundreds of millions were plunged into poverty, unemployment, and sickness due to its collapse. Organized crime and corruption (institutionalized and illegal) became rampant. The gap between the rich and poor skyrocketed.
Total lawlessness and anarchy became the norm, not the exception. While in the Communist era, laws were overall too over-intrusive but at least there was rule of law. In the post-Stalinist era, no individual(s) was allowed to amass a disproportionate amount of power/authority in the Communist era. These socialist/communist nations were dictatorships by committee instead that were subject to strict uniform rules and controls. The application of these rules and controls were universal and totally broad-based. No one, at least officially, was above the system of the Communist Ideal.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Seven (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Seven (Communist Party Tyranny)

"If one does not mourn the Soviet Union, one does not have a heart. However if one wants to go back to the Soviet Union, one does not have a head."- Russian President Vladimir Putin.
A childhood is supposed to be the happiest and most carefree in a person's life. The parents are supposed to take on the responsibility to provide such. Unfortunately government cannot work that way. A society run by well intentioned, highly productive, immensely talented, and moderately paid bureaucrats will ultimately fail. A paternalistic government always breeds subtle but effective forms of enslavement. In the name of liberation, tyranny is instead caused.
In the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc nations, people were paid according to their productive worth. All must remember the term "Productive Worth". There were no hedgefund managers, derivatives traders, private equity and stock market firms, paralegals, non-profits, public policy "think thanks", non-profits, non-government organizations, attorney-lobbyist firms, and financial/investment institutes. In the genuine socialistic/communistic nations, parasitic and marginalist activities were kept to a minimum. There were also no bankruptcies as "vulture and vampire" activities were not tolerated.
Yet despite these noble ideals, the socialist/communist systems failed because people have to be free to make their own mistakes and to exercise poor judgment. When government becomes Big Brother, even when the intentions are good, the long-term results become bad. A certain amount of socialism is needed to keep tyranny at bay. However as the Communist era in Europe and Central Asia proved, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
In theory socialism/communism works. In the short-term and in emergency situations, socialism works. When it comes to core government functions, socialism works. Outside of these scenarios, it has a track record of failure.
In an ironic twist, one of the biggest predicaments the world has ever faced has not been ending communism. It has instead been replacing it without producing disastrous results. Read the next post to read the conclusion of this series: the aftermath of the fall of communism.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Six (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Six (Communist Party Tyranny)

Soviet individual(s) had the responsibility to physically access and appear in the bureaucracy as well as in the judiciary. There were no power brokers for individual(s) to hire. For a redress of grievances in the judiciary or certification of need in the bureaucracy, a physical appearance was required. Both the judiciary and bureaucracy had ready-made and comprehensible forms for its individual(s) to properly fill out.
Socialism really does not work in non-emergency situations such as peacetime. However when a nation is in an emergency situation such as a military threat, socialism is highly effective but not in the long-term. Since the advent of socialism in the USSR, that nation was confronted with a hot war that left one-seventh of its population dead and then a 46 year old cold war that totally exhausted it economically. In the end, total socialism failed the Soviet Union and it caused the entire Communist Empire in eastern Europe and West and Central Asia to collapse.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Five (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Five (Communist Party Tyranny)

Soviet socialist/communist systems definitely impeded individual incentive of its people. However, listed are some facts of Soviet governance.
1. The gap of purchasing power between the richest and the poorest was only 6:1.
2. There was no "justice for ransom" legal system. Its citizens had not just the right but also the responsibility and burden to present their cases in a court of law to settle disputes. There also was no rampant litigation and profiteering in their court systems.
3. There were no stock and equity markets. There also were no banking and insurance industries. Their focus was on heavy industries.
4. There was no service sector. All its people were provided essential items.
5. All its people had ready access to healthcare, housing, and formal education.
6. The Soviet Union had less people in the incarceration system on a per capita basis than the U.S.A and Russia have currently.
Granted the Soviet people were not free but were subject to safer,more empowerment, more secure, and fairer conditions than many people living in so-called "liberty-based" democracies. In fact the working people in the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations in the Sixties, Seventies, and Eighties were better off than their counterparts in the USA now. In the Soviet system, as over-intrusive as it was, a job and money actually meant something. There was no kleptocracy and parasitism as there is in many of the Western nations now, especially in the USA. All people in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc nations were gamefully employed with jobs that fulfilled all their middle-class needs.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Four (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Four (Communist Party Tyranny)

Total socialism/communism obviously could not go on forever. However, there is a saying "Just because the bath water is dirty, do not throw out the baby". To compliment this saying, it must be added that just because the bath water is dirty, getting rid of the dirty water is not sufficient. It must be replaced with clean water.
No one disputed major reforms were needed to transform socialism/communism into a much more free society. However the problem with the Soviet Union and a few of the Eastern Bloc nations is there was not a period of transition and follow-up. The introduction of liberation can lead to tyranny if not moderated to allow transition and follow-up.
Genuine socialism/communism produced a large middle-class in Eastern Europe and the USSR. A large technical workforce was also its yield. Racial, ethnic, and religious strife were highly suppressed as the concept of equality was set in the populace. It must be noted that Radical Islamic Terrorism did not take place until after the fall of Communism.
Many or even perhaps most Islamic priests actually preferred working in the Soviet system. These religious clerics were employed by the State. They and all its devotees were all treated the same. There was never any friction between them and other adherents of Islam and of other faiths. As long as they did not say anything that was political, they had the freedom to preach and practice their faith. Radical Islamic Terrorism thrives on people's differences. Genuine socialism/communism emphasized commonalities. Radical Islamic Terrorism merges politics with religion. Genuine socialism/communism separated the two.

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Three (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Three (Communist Party Tyranny) Before anyone accuses me of being a closet socialist/communist (I have already been accused of so many other things), I have been a non-socialist and non-communist since 1980. I felt even at that time it was overall a flawed system. It was a system that became too paternalistic and too controlling. In my twenties and thirties, I was a firm libertarian. It was only when I spent time in a developing nation did I mature and realize that in nations (some more than others), there is definitely a need for a certain amount of socialism. On its own and left alone, people and even individual(s) cannot be given unbridled authority to manage their affairs and governance. It will just lead to greater corruption, chaos, paralysis, and thus tyranny. Eventually this unbridled authority given to The People and individual(s) will ultimately cause a huge erosion of their rights, collectively and individually. Of course in any nation, basic individual freedoms should always be hallmark of any nation. However for this to be established and maintained, public safety and even basic public viability have to be achieved. The acceptance of social responsibility must take place. There are certain activities that only government should be permitted to conduct. Just because government may be doing a poor job in conducting those activities does not mean it should abandon those responsibilities and then cede it to the private, corporate sector. With the concept of social responsibility, high-minded and principled safeguards were erected to keep in check the basic instincts of people so that those basic instincts do not lead to exploitation, chaos, and thus tyranny. With socialist/communist systems, too much emphasis was place on the "Greater Good". Tyranny resulted in the constant implementation of these high-minded and principled safeguards. These systems took these "General Welfare" objectives too far. While the socialist/communist systems was not sustainable, the systems that replaced it in many nations were actually worse. It bred greater tyranny as a result.

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The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Two (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Two (Communist Party Tyranny) In the genuine socialist system that was implemented in the USSR, a huge Titanic ship was built that had a hole in it. That is the analogy of how Socialism/Communism transformed the Soviet Union. It was a system that could not go on like it was. However in any system that had a certain amount of legitimacy, despite it being overall flawed, it had to be dismantled properly so that the Titanic ship did not capsize. The analogy of the hole in the ship being fixed properly applies. Unfortunately that did not happen in the first eight years after the collapse of the USSR. People need to understand why Socialism/Communism sprouted. It emerged to counter feudalism,imperialism, worker subjugation, rampant disease,illiteracy, poverty, colonialism, and racism. The quote "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" definitely has meaning in the Communist movement. In the name of empowering people, it ended in domiciling people instead. In the name of ending serfdom and inequality, it invariably perpetuated it instead. When individual incentive and liberties were significantly eroded, tyranny became the result eventually. However its motto "From Everyone's Ability To Everyone's Need" indeed led to a global movement that heralded many accomplishments. The Soviet Union became a world power as a result. Unions and the end of colonialism and racism were and still are its hallmarks. So are the reductions of poverty, disease, and illiteracy. The socialist/communist movement produced so many scientists and engineers. This inherently led to inventions and technological innovations which revolutionized mankind.

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The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session One (Communist Party Tyranny)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session One (Communist Party Tyranny)

Most people, especially from the USA, have grave misconceptions of Marxism and genuine Communism/Socialism. It certainly does not prevail in China, Cuba, and North Korea, which are the private fiefdoms of the CCP, the Castros, and the Kims.
There was some legitimacy to genuine Marxism/Communism/Socialism. It may have culminated into tyranny but it was indeed helpful to society in certain respects, particularly on a temporary basis. The nation that this system was most practised was the Soviet Union.

Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment

 Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment-Part One

All nations have jails and prisons. This post outlines the different government modes of imprisonment/incarceration.
Imperial Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is brutal. Many are subject to physical abuse by the prison authorities. Moreover there are no recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Recidivism may be overall low due to the brutal nature of inmate treatment but it is a factor for those who have been totally broken by incarceration and are unable to find proper employment and opportunities after being initially released.
Due to the highly disciplined structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is non-existent. Prisoners are highly monitored and inspected. In this mode, confinement must be accompanied with either physical abuse and/or other forms of depraved treatment.
This mode focuses strictly on punishment and not on restoration and rehabilitation. This mode compels the State to not be concerned in having a released inmate to become a vital and productive member of society.

direct democracy Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is somewhat soft. State-sanctioned abuse of inmates does not exist. There are ample recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Many inmates can get college degrees. Recidivism varies but due to the mild prison conditions, it can be a factor. However due to the receipt of training, many prisoners upon release are able to obtain economic viability and thus move on with their lives.
Due to the loosely regulated structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is rampant. Prisoners are hardly monitored and inspected. In this mode, confinement is sufficient.
This mode focuses less on punishment and much more on restoration and rehabilitation of the inmate so that he/she can again be a vital and productive member of society.

Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment-Part Two
Representative Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is harsh but not brutal. No one is subject to physical abuse by the prison authorities.
There are limited recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Remedial training is emphasized particularly at the end of a prisoner's term and well as job placement to curtail recidivism.
This mode emphasizes the harsh nature of prison condition otherwise what would be the point of prison? In this mode, confinement is not sufficient punishment. While physical abuse and inhumane treatment of any inmate by the prison authorities are not allowed, austerity has to go along with confinement.
Due to the highly disciplined structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is non-existent. Prisoners are highly monitored and inspected.

Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers

Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part One
There has been a lot of discussion of sexual activity between not just between an adult and minor, but also between a teacher and high school student. It is important to also view this in a governance/societal mode.
I have been accused of condoning acts of pedophilia when actually only the reverse is true. I consider these acts to be felony. Because of my views, I only advocated a strong deterrence that is both effective and proportionate. In nearly every nation, the adult who commits pedophilia is subject to some type of penal code. These modes of governance deals with the teenage minors(18 being adult age) involved in such voluntary sexual acts.
It must be noted that most nations do not penalize sexual activities that minors with other minors. Obviously anyone, regardless of age, should be absolved of blame if he/she are coerced to perform sexual activities. In addition any pre-teen is considered to be pubescent and also has to be firmly absolved even if sexual activities were voluntary.
Finally if a teenage adult high school student is involved sexually with an adult school staffer at that same school, that school staffer can still be prosecuted as he/she violated the code of professional responsibility. This is also the case when psychotherapist violates the anonymity/privacy needs of a specific patient or when someone entrusted with privileged information leaks that. First Amendment rights do not apply to them and they too can be prosecuted for such acts.
Read my next post as it depicts the three governance/societal modes.

Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part Two
Imperial Governance Mode- In Ultra-Conservative societies the teenage minor is subject to punishment outlined in their penal code if he/she is found guilty of voluntarily participating in sexual activities with an adult. There are some nations which subject this guilty teen to physical abuse and even mutilation. This treatment applies the same to teenage adult high school students.
direct democratic Governance Mode- This mainly applies to the USA. Not only is this teenage minor not at all punished for his/her voluntary sexual activities with an adult, he/she is coddled and is afforded victim status. This treatment applies the same to teenage adult high school students.
Representative Governance Mode- This by far is the best mode because when it comes to minors, particularly teenagers, laws that restrict actually protect. It must be noted that in this mode, a teenager minor is not lawfully prohibited from having sexual activity with an adult if there is a three year age gap or less. (Three years is the difference between drinking age and official adult age).
In this mode, the teenage minor has to be charged with a misdemeanor for willingly serving as an accomplice to an adult in his/her act of pedophilia. That teenage minor must spend a few days to a few weeks in a detention facility for his/her voluntary act, depending on the age of the teen, the number of sexual partners,and the number of encounters with each partner. No teenage minor should be allowed to bribe his way out of detention by paying a fine nor should they be subject to slave labor by doing community service. That guilty teenage minor must serve hard time for willingly helping an adult pedophile to commit a crime without being under any duress. Acts of free will, free of any coercive influences, must carry legal consequences.
The principle this mode is based on is the same that speed limits are based on. Very few do not speed because of safety concerns. They instead do not speed because they know they will be punished by law enforcement. However that fear of punishment has kept hundreds of millions of people safe. If a teen minor or even a teen adult high school student knows he/she can be punished for accommodating a pedophile, he/she will resist and then refuse voluntary participation.
While a teenage adult high school student cannot be punished by law, he/she can still get suspended or even expelled for engaging in voluntary sexual behaviour with an adult school staffer who works in that same school.

Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part Three
People all should want the same goal. They should want something so nonsensical to not ever again happen. If the system punishes just the adult, this problem will just keep recurring. It will perpetuate itself in an unabated manner.
The legal system needs to hold all people accountable without itself becoming tyrannical. Certainly the adult pedophile is mostly responsible. However others are responsible as well. Read the following.
If it is proven with at least a significant preponderance of evidence that a fellow teacher or another adult school staffer knew about these criminal activities, then that adult school staffer needs to be fired.
If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a parent should have known about these illicit criminal activities, that parent(s) has to be charged with criminal negligence. The bar is lower for a parent that it is for another school staffer in terms of blame. The parent is expected to know the basic whereabouts and activities of his/her child as that child's guardian.
If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a teenage minor willfully at any time, without any coercive influence and duress, had sexual activity with an adult school staffer, that teenage minor has to be charged with a misdemeanor and must serve hard time ranging from a few days to a few weeks in incarceration.
The attorney profession strongly desires to keep these nonsensical activities ongoing for obvious reasons. That is why half-baked measures are used to treat this issue. Why can't people understand this? What is proposed in these series of posts will virtually eliminate this problem.

Bill Sage

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