Thursday, November 26, 2020

For President Trump, Concession Is Not An Option- By Harsha Sankar (November 2020)

Trump cannot concede otherwise he will be charged with treason. The CIA, NSA, and foreign government have colluded to orchestrate a coup on American soil. He cannot abdicate and thus abandon his sworn responsibility to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

If he truly believes that the elections were fraudulent, he can never stop down even if he wanted to do so. This is what many do not understand!

Lincoln had the total responsibility to preserve the Union regardless of how he personally felt and regardless of the political implications. In his heart, he believed and knew that the South could not and should not secede without the required due process.

Trump needs to view it the same. Great leaders are often the Minority Of One!

President Trump cannot step down if he believes that intelligence agencies and/or foreign entities rigged the election. Trump has even stated that the CIA was involved in perpetuating these fraudulent elections. If he felt certain state and local officials were solely responsible for this rigging, he would not perceive them as treasonous although he would perceive them as felonious.

The US Constitution was precise in how it defined Treason. That document did not want anyone and everyone to be accused of Treason without just cause. This is its definition of treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court.

Trump has stated that foreign actors were involved along with certain America's intelligence agencies to orchestrate this Coup D'etat. This is why he can never step down even if he really wanted to do just that.

If the Chinese were invading and if the President stepped down, his abdication would be viewed as treasonous. When Nazi Germany invaded France, Marshall Petain(Head Of State of France) surrendered to them. After the war, he was later tried and convicted of treason. Trump would be viewed and treated the same if he stepped down.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

If Elections Fail, State Legislatures Take Over- By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

The Electoral Count Act, a 19th-century law, directs governors to certify both the election results and a slate of presidential electors to represent the will of the people. In general practice, governors certify electors chosen by the party of the presidential candidate who won their state.

The Electoral Count Act also says that in the event of “failed elections,” in which voters have not made a choice for president, state legislatures are empowered to step in and appoint electors. . But the law does contain a deadline for states to certify elections: the “safe harbor” date, which this year is Dec. 8.

The elections have to be certified by December 8th so that the electors are allowed to vote for President on December 14th. Electors must be selected on the day of election. The election results must be certified to US Congress by the governor of each state by December 8th of this year. If the election is certified, electors vote for the President on December 14th of this year.

If the election is not certified by the governor of a specific state, then the legislature of that specific state has 6 days to choose electors for its state.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Lack Of Necessity Of President Trump's Legal Team- The Sure Fire Method Of Protecting Victory- By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

 For all the hoopla and expenses that "Trump's legal team" is creating, that team is really not needed. One advocate could make an open and shut case that would have guaranteed, at least on paper, President Trump's obvious victory.

Article III details federal judicial authority. Again, bear in mind that the executive branch is ultimately responsible to the execution of all law. In Art. III, Section II, Clause II, phrase 1, it states the following "In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction." "Legal Team Trump" could have directly approached the US Supreme Court and stated that any State that did not pick its electors on election day are disqualified from having its electors serve as members in the Electoral College.

In other words, if a State fails to choose its electors on that prescribed day, its electors are deemed ineligible to vote for President. Cited is the Constitutional Justification for this. Please review Article II, Section 1 Clause 4 "The Congress may determine the Time of chusing [sic] the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States."

Please also review Title 3 Section 1 of the US Code. As authorized in the US Constitution, it sets the day for the election. 3 U.S. Code § 1 - Time of appointing electors- The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President. (June 25, 1948, ch. 644, 62 Stat. 672.)

Trump's "Legal Team" unnecessarily wasted time and resources when they had a direct approach to resolve this impasse. All they had to do is take any state to court that did not take decision on Election Day itself. Legal Team Trump could have barred any state from having its electors vote.

This measure would have forced the Representatives of the House to choose the President, with each state having one vote. The Senate would have been forced to choose the VP. Since President Trump and Vice-President would have been presumed to fare well under those two scenarios, "Legal Team Trump" should have followed the preceding outlined route. It would be much more time and cost-effective. Most importantly, it would have been totally lawful.

The deadline for a state to pick its electors is Election Day itself. It was presumed if a state could not arrive at its decision on Election Day itself, then the chances its picks for electors would become much more unreliable and fraudulent. Politically, it may be more plausible to achieve election results after the day of the election but America is a Republic, not a Democracy. It puts its Rule of Constitutional Law ahead of the democratic instincts of The People.

Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Presidential Elections- Michael Pence As Acting President? (A Harsha Sankar Article-November 2020)


Courts in Pa and Ga. have arbitrarily rejected Trump's pleas. Of course Trump does not have to honor their opinions.

In all likelihood, he will appeal to the legislatures of the six states in question and encourage them to consider their elections as fraudulent and defective before the state's electors are selected. The legislatures may decide that the results of their elections stand.

Then Trump may have no choice but to ban electors from the states who he deems had fraudulent elections. If and when he does that, then no candidate will reach the 270 mark. Then the House of Representatives will pick the President as each state will have one vote assigned to it.
If the Presidential "election" goes to the House of Representatives, it is remotely possible that no candidate will reach 26 votes. While Republicans, in terms of states, have a 26-23 lead in the House, it really does not matter since Trump is an atypical Republican. There are many Republicans, especially the elite leadership, who despise Trump. There are also many progressive Democrats who support Trump. While many cannot vote for Biden, they may not cast their vote for Trump either.

The states may pick the Libertarian or Green Party candidate as a protest vote. If neither candidate reaches 26 or more House votes cast by one state each, then those candidates are no longer eligible to become President.

The Senate will pick the Vice-President out of the Top two choices. Either Mike Pence or Kamala Harris would be the Vice-President. Mike Pence would be prohibited favorite to get the nod since the Senate is Republican-controlled and since Pence is an establishment figure.

If neither Trump nor Biden qualify in the House, then the candidate chosen for VP would serve as Acting President for the next four years. We could be looking at Acting President Michael Pence.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2020 Turnout vs. 2016 Turnout

Dear Citizen,                                                            November 2020

Nearly 20 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2016 in the Presidential Elections. Does that make any sense considering the candidates were such well-known public figures back then in 2016?

There was so much more controversy and polarization back then. Now in 2020 there was an incumbent President who had the highest approval rating running against someone who looked like he was about to pass out.

Is it me or does this strike you as odd? Where did all those additional votes come from? No one believes that droves(many millions) of additional people flocked to the polls because Biden/Harris captivated them to do so!

The largest voter turnout in the last 100 years was when JFK was elected in 1960 with a voter turnout of 62.8%. With the number of votes cast this time around, it is estimated to be in the vicinity of 75%. There's no way that many legal votes were cast when the highest turnout since 1972 was in 2008 for Obama with a turnout of 57.1%.

                                                                       Harsha Sankar

Monday, November 16, 2020

Endemic Voter And Election Fraud-Presidential Responsibility-Part Three (A Harsha Sankar Article- November 2020)

There is a saying "Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me".  President Trump was cheated badly in 2016.

Because he won, he no longer was worried about it. He may have assumed that he would again find a way to overcome the fraud.

This time the PTBs would not allow that to happen. They allowed Trump to win in 2016 because they ditched Hillary Clinton at the last minute. They would not allow Trump to win so easily this time because they prefer a puppet such as Kamala Harris in the White House.

The NWO PTBs may still allow Trump to be "re-elected" but they did not want him to win by an expected landslide. They may allow him to remain and eke out a controversial win over Biden/Harris. They want leverage over Trump.

There is no way President Trump did not get at least 55% of the vote as 70% of the Independents voted for the incumbent. He also received at least 320, if not 370, delegates.

Trump ran against a cognitively declined candidate whose running mate only got 1-2% in the Democratic primaries. Remember that Joseph Biden lost his first 4 primaries/caucuses in the DNC.
His first primary win was in South Carolina in the middle stages. His running mate is poorly thought by the her own party as she certainly has no support with the Centrist Republicans, the Independents, the Libertarians, and even with minorities.

Blacks in California cannot stand Harris. The plan,since she is HRC's protege, was to sneak her in as President. The DNC primaries were rigged against Bernie Sanders for the 2nd time. As expected, Sanders was ok with that because he never wanted to become President. He only ran to improve his profile as a senator and politician.

President Trump, if the elections were fair, should have received a huge mandate from The People in his re-election bid. Instead, the NWO PTBs contaminated the elections and its results so that he would be compromised for his 2nd term. They desired dependency on them from Trump as his presence alone in the Oval Office is an affront to that.


Endemic Voter And Election Fraud-Presidential Responsibility-Part Two (A Harsha Sankar Article- November 2020)

Most people do not realize that EVMs register an individual's vote as a decimal and not an integer. That itself is indicative of the fact that cheating is occurring. Votes can only be tabulated on election day itself. When the EVMs tabulates the votes, they can and often multiply the total votes by factors. In other words, one candidate's totals may be augmented by perhaps 1.5 while the other candidate's totals may be multiplied by .8, for example.

Ballot imaging must be preserved and by law that is required. However, even that will not guarantee accuracy.

In cases when these factors are used, when the number of voters who used the EVMs do not match the number of votes for all candidates and for all non-selections, cheating has occurred.

President Trump should have educated himself, by use of the task force, on the real nature of not just voter fraud but election fraud. Under no circumstances should he have allowed the use of EVMs or non-notarized mail-in ballots. He should have mandated that all counting be video recorded and that all totals be posted in the polling station after its final count on the day of the election itself.

President Trump overcame much fraud to win the 2016 Presidential Election. He had over three and half years to eliminate the causes of such fraud.

The number of registered voters should match the number of ballot images(
the actual ballot is the ballot image). This data is to be stored in machines that use technology that is no more sophisticated than what copiers and calculators use. Software driven machines should have been banned by measures initiated by President Trump in 2017.

Endemic Voter And Election Fraud-Presidential Responsibility-Part One (A Harsha Sankar Article- November 2020)

President Trump should have never allowed all this fraud to happen. He knew all this would happen and yet he did not take steps to prevent this from happening.

A couple examples of vote fraud that happened in these recent Presidential elections are:
Former mayor NYC Rudy Guiliani states that 650,000 votes in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh were illegally counted!
Senator Rand Paul states that 1.1 million dead people receive stimulus checks. He wonders how many of them voted in last week's election?

President Trump should have issued an E.O. or worked with Congress to pass a law banning mail-in balloting, the use of EVMs, and certainly foreign ownership of any election machines and its technologies. 

Early Voting allowed people to avoid the congestion of Election day. President Trump could have opened up closed polling stations as well so that citizens had easier access to the voting booths.

Finally, he could have applied the Insurrection Act of 1807 or extended the National Emergency for an additional two months so that the National Guard would oversee the election. Thereby, independent and bi-partisan observation of all voting activities and tabulation would not have been blocked. There also would be no delivery of pre-filled ballots after the day of election, especially in the dead of night.

Frankly and in all sincerity, the only way to eliminate voter and election fraud is to have public balloting. An individual's vote will only mean something if he or she is willing to publicize it. Keeping choices for public officeholders secret makes those choices meaningless.

Aftermath Of The 2020 Presidential Election- By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

The only way this election goes to the House is if electoral votes are stripped from the states that the President feels have participated in fraudulent elections that changed their selection of electors.

The 14th Amendment and The Insurrection Act Of 1807 gives the President this authority! How the courts opinion on these matters is irrelevant.

The final decision rests with the President. He/she has the responsibility not to concede if he or she truly believes that the election outcome was changed due to fraud.

Even if President Trump wants to concede, he cannot if he truly believes that the theft of the election took place and that this theft also provable! He could tried for treason if he does just that!

Remember a President can never resign or step down from the Presidency in order to avoid confronting enemies to the US Constitution, foreign and/ or domestic. That is tantamount to High Treason!

If Trump proves incompetence in the courts, those swing states, with federal supervision, could organize a revote if they desire. If they do not desire a revote, their legislatures could choose the electors directly as they see fit.

If Trump proves the states were complicit on defrauding the federal government, their electors would be barred from voting for the Presidency.

With the BAR Attorney-monopolized legal system that is not at all accountable, it is very difficult to say what will happen. President Trump is not bound to the verdicts of the courts. They are just opinions.

Since no POTUS candidate would achieve the 270 mark if states were banned from casting electoral votes, the House of Representatives would choose the President. Each state would get one vote.

Paper Ballots Only- By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

 Dear Citizen,

Elections need paper ballots only. Paper ballots need to be marked with an indelible marker. People need to be marked as well after they have voted.

All voting and tabulation need to be video recorded. All representatives must be present before any tabulation takes place.

Independent poll watchers must observe the voting. All totals need to be posted at the polling station immediately after the tabulation is finished!

All paper ballots must be preserved for an specific period of time in case a recount is necessary.

                                                                                Harsha Sankar

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Willfully Fraudulent Elections Is A Rebellion Against The Nation- By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

Dear Citizen

Trump is gearing up to declare either an insurrection or to invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to strip Electoral College votes from states engaged in open rebellion against the United States.

If he feels that that state governments were complicit in the fraudulent elections, he can do just that!

He can opt to obtain a favorable opinion from the courts but it is not necessary. The law already gives him the authority to do just that!

While the state legislatures can choose their electors as they see fit, providing eligibility requirements are met, they are not allowed to perpetuate a fraud on the federal government.

                                                           Harsha Sankar

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Application Of Law In Disputed Presidential Elections-By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

Actually, if the US Supreme Court goes by the US Constitution(which they hardly do), they will opinion that Article II,Section I,Clause II should prevail.

It reads that the state legislatures have the sole authority to choose its electors. According to federal law, the electors have until Monday after the second Wednesday in December of presidential election years is set (3 U.S.C. §7) to choose, on behalf of the state, its choice for President. In 2020, the meeting is on December 14.

There will be no way the House Of Representatives will get involved since only two candidates for President are getting votes by electors in this Presidential elections.

Neither will the Senate since only two VP candidates are getting votes by electors.

The US Constitution never called for a direct popular vote for President. The electors in each state are free to choose the candidate for President as they see fit.

The plurality of electors decide their state's choice of President. Their choice receives all the electoral votes for that specific state.

UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON was a USSC case that opinioned and confirmed that fraud vitiates the most solemn of contracts.

Election fraud would have to be proven in federal courts that have jurisdiction over specific congressional districts. The USSC should not decide the question of fraud.

If the federal courts deem a specific election within a specific congressional district to be fraudulent, it would be the responsibility and prerogative of the state legislature to again choose electors again according to its own discretion. The state legislatures would no longer be bound to select its state's electors on Election day.

Instead, it would have to select its electors well before the Monday after the second Wednesday in December so that its electors are able to cast their choice for President by that date.

The commission of fraud in a Presidential election is a crime under federal law. Therefore, federal courts would have jurisdiction of that. Federal courts would also have to decide if mail-in ballots are allowed under federal law. Federal law clearly states that only ballots that have been properly notarized are allowed to be delivered to the polling stations.

The US SC has jurisdiction to decide the issue of whether ballots should be counted after Election day. Since the US Constitution is very clear that the Presidential electors must be appointed on election day itself, it is obvious on how the US SC should provide its opinion.

At the end of the day, if the current President genuinely believes the elections were so inaccurate that its results unfairly called for his/her ouster. that President does not have to step down. Regardless of any court's opinion, if a President refuses to concede, he/she remains President. The "Buck Stops With The President."

Monday, November 09, 2020

The Motive Behind Presidential Sham Elections In 2016 and 2020- A Harsha Sankar Article(November 2020)

Operation Scorecard. This software application is used so that any election will yield the desired candidate to win by adjusting the totals.

It was used by the Biden Team against Bernie Sanders in the primary. It was supposed to be used in 2016 but at the last minute the "PTBs" decided against it. The reason why I believe The Deep State and other PTBs did not use this SW App in 2016 because they did not want HRC to be POTUS.

It was a last minute decision on their part. Their plan was for them to allow DJT to become POTUS only to have him removed, therefore having their puppet Pence serve as President. They finally perceived HRC as too great a threat to their independence as they believed she would neuter them and make them into her own private security force. They knew she was highly well-connected and she would be ruthless in making them into her own personal vassal. Donald Trump still had to overcome much fraud but it was not insurmountable.

However, with lapdogs Biden and Harris, they have no worries. A coup d'etat has just occurred and We The People have to put an end to this. This is not about Trump. It is about restoring integrity to the elections and democratic process.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

All Presidential Electors Selected On And By Election Day- A Harsha Sankar Letter(November 2020)

This law says it all. It states that the presidential electors must be chosen on election day and certainly never after that.

President Trump is lawfully correct when he states that no counting can take place after election day otherwise it will be considered meaningless.

3 U.S. Code § 1 - Time of appointing electors The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President. (June 25, 1948, ch. 644, 62 Stat. 672.)

The US Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide this day and Congress has. Everything must be finalized on election day. The electors meet later and decide, by plurality, who the state's choice is for President.

It is so crystal clear and yet people support such current jibberish. There is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted results to be decided on Election Day itself. If prolonged after that, the invitation for fraud becomes much wider. Title 3, Section One of the US Code is clear. Yet in this day and time, one can attorney his or her way out of everything or into anything.

Friday, November 06, 2020

2020 Presidential Elections Is Most Fraudulent In The History Of Western Civilization-By Harsha Sankar(November 2020)

Who wins the Presidency is really irrelevant. What is most important is addressing the total lawlessness that is transpiring in the most fraudulent election in the history of the Western World.

1. One state is counting more votes than registered votes.
2. A state closed for the night yet found 150,000+ votes in the middle of the night and counted those . Every single one went to Biden. Even if every single one went to Trump, it is absolutely condemning. The fact there isn't also a single write in, libertarian vote or lone ranger out of 150,000 is alarming.
3.A state claims to have one million votes to count with one candidate in the lead. Then 5 hours later it claims to have over 3 million votes left to count and the other candidate is leading.
4. A state is accepting any ballot, regardless of postmark by end of Nov.3, regardless of signature or any deadline/verifiable voter proof.
5. A state that had 99% in except for 3 counties and in the middle of the night, it then falls to 84% precincts reporting.

Even if Trump wins, there needs to be answers and real reforms . Even if Biden wins, there needs to be answers and real reforms . We must have a zero-tolerance policy towards fraud! Our Republic is built and stands solid on having the right to choose our representation. If the citizens lose their right to choose, then they will no longer be represented but instead be controlled!

The "Lawyer-Lobbyist Regime" has had a termite effect for decades. Now the house is starting to fall like a stack of cards!

There is a reason why citizens have to be physically present at an established location on a specific day to cast ballots!

There is a reason why people are physically checked before boarding an aircraft. Common sense is not always common knowledge!
We need to go back to traceable paper ballots!As long as there is secret balloting, there will be fraud.

It has gotten progressively worse since 1973.
Too many complexities in election law has allowed this anarchy to take place. Everything is interpretive now.