Attorneys Must Be Regulated By State And Not By BAR-By Harsha Sankar
Dear Citizen, February 2010
With an attorney's outrageous fee in excess of $211,000.00 and in regards to a sexual harassment matter in Roanoke,Virginia being published, this underscores the need for the following reforms.
1. The private BAR associations' regulatory authority should be transferred to state government agencies that have no attorneys. These government agencies, while recognizing the independence of the legal profession and judiciary from executive whims, still have to enforce all applicable laws that regiment it. For people to be free, those who work with the law and its force must be regulated.
2. Laws, passed by a non-attorney legislature and enforced by the executive branches' agency, should define fee structures(consultation, hearings,etc.), treatment of client, presentation, and paperwork recording. Attorneys' fees is an indirect form of taxation.
3. All laws restricting assistance of counsel should be repealed. The initial definition of UPL is the proclamation of attorney-status when one is not.
The presence of attorneys in office makes the once-respected legal profession into vile and promiscuous mercenaries, as evidenced by this severe fee-gouging. This promotes a cancer that fosters both charlatanism and terror. Instead of acting as bearers of certain, specific standards, they have collectively become the Purveyors of Perversions.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426
With an attorney's outrageous fee in excess of $211,000.00 and in regards to a sexual harassment matter in Roanoke,Virginia being published, this underscores the need for the following reforms.
1. The private BAR associations' regulatory authority should be transferred to state government agencies that have no attorneys. These government agencies, while recognizing the independence of the legal profession and judiciary from executive whims, still have to enforce all applicable laws that regiment it. For people to be free, those who work with the law and its force must be regulated.
2. Laws, passed by a non-attorney legislature and enforced by the executive branches' agency, should define fee structures(consultation, hearings,etc.), treatment of client, presentation, and paperwork recording. Attorneys' fees is an indirect form of taxation.
3. All laws restricting assistance of counsel should be repealed. The initial definition of UPL is the proclamation of attorney-status when one is not.
The presence of attorneys in office makes the once-respected legal profession into vile and promiscuous mercenaries, as evidenced by this severe fee-gouging. This promotes a cancer that fosters both charlatanism and terror. Instead of acting as bearers of certain, specific standards, they have collectively become the Purveyors of Perversions.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426