For President Trump, Concession Is Not An Option- By Harsha Sankar (November 2020)
cannot concede otherwise he will be charged with treason. The CIA, NSA,
and foreign government have colluded to orchestrate a coup on American
soil. He cannot abdicate and thus abandon his sworn responsibility to
support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all
enemies, foreign and domestic.
If he truly believes that the elections were fraudulent, he can never stop down even if he wanted to do so. This is what many do not understand!
Lincoln had the total responsibility to preserve the Union regardless of how he personally felt and regardless of the political implications. In his heart, he believed and knew that the South could not and should not secede without the required due process.
Trump needs to view it the same. Great leaders are often the Minority Of One!
President Trump cannot step down if he believes that intelligence agencies and/or foreign entities rigged the election. Trump has even stated that the CIA was involved in perpetuating these fraudulent elections. If he felt certain state and local officials were solely responsible for this rigging, he would not perceive them as treasonous although he would perceive them as felonious.
The US Constitution was precise in how it defined Treason. That document did not want anyone and everyone to be accused of Treason without just cause. This is its definition of treason: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court.
Trump has stated that foreign actors were involved along with certain America's intelligence agencies to orchestrate this Coup D'etat. This is why he can never step down even if he really wanted to do just that.