Wednesday, September 30, 2020

No Need For Massive Campaigning For White House Offices- By Harsha Sankar(October 2020)

According to the US Constitution, the electors meet in their respective states after they are chosen according to laws passed by the state legislature. They are mandated to choose an eligible candidate for President and Vice-President.

One requirement for eligibility is ballot access. A candidate has to gather enough signatures within the state, with a minimum limit of signatures coming from each congressional district, to appear on the ballot for electors' use only. Either a candidate can do this independently or through a political party. Once a candidate has accomplished that, then the electors in each state decide based on the "resume" of a candidate who will be their choice for President on a state by state basis. Each state has its electors deliver its decision, based on their majority approval, for the state's choice of candidate. If a candidate is not the recipient of majority approval by its electors, then the state's choice of candidate for President is decided by the highest number of votes cast directly by the state electorate.

Electors should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization that is either not publicly announced nor should its contents of its meetings be sealed in secrecy for at least two years prior to the election. Finally, that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants. Electors must be established US citizens. They must have a registered physical address in the specific state that they serve for a minimum of five years. An elector must also have attained the age of twenty-five.

Finally,in terms of eligibility,a elector has to gather enough signatures within their congressional district,with a minimum limit for each locality,to appear on the ballot. Either an elector can achieve this ballot access independently,through a political party, or through an independent candidate. In plain words, an elector does not necessarily have to be nominated by a candidate for President.

Obviously the candidates have to let the electors know their positions and core principles. However,there is no need for them to do massive campaigning on a grassroots level for an extended period in reaching out to 100+ million citizens. The drafters of the US Constitution did not want the average citizen to choose the President or Vice-President for two reasons.

1.Both officeholders are required to only execute the law and not make the law. Therefore,their discretion must be kept to a minimum except when it comes to vetoing bills and negotiating treaties. Yet the President,in exercising that discretionary authority, can never be allowed to make law. The same holds true for the Vice-President. Those who are supposed to enforce the law have to strictly adhere to the US Constitution and ideals it's supposed to be based on. This thereby limits their discretion.

Yet when 100+ million people vote for a candidate for this office, the constitutional constraints disappear. The candidates, in appealing to such a vast base, have to inherently pander to the sensibilities of the voters in order to get their approval. The constitutional duties of both the POTUS and VPOTUS invariably gets "swept under the rug by winds of populism".

2. The average voter unfortunately does not understand the constitutional duties of public officials as most have not read that document, much less understand it. How else would blatantly unConstitutional Bar Associations and their unlawful agents, the prohibited "attorneys", reach such dominant and ruling class status?

State governments are no longer sovereign and independent but rather are franchises of the federal government. Due to this, the US Constitution must be amended to mandate that electors be elected by popular vote, public balloting and electoral voting, per congressional district. Of course it should still allow the state legislature to each pick the remaining two at large electors as it sees fit.

It is important that The People, and not the state legislatures, pick the electors by this process so that there are proper checks and balances. The Federal Government should not have so much control of how these officeholders are chosen. The proper electorate. and not the current FED controlled state legislatures, are the best checks and balances in choosing the electors for both offices.

The election of electors should be by direct and popular vote for President, provided it is electorally vote-based both per locality and per population. In locality electoral voting, every locality, regardless of population and area-size, receive the same number of electoral votes if it entirely fits in a congressional district. If a locality is split and belongs to two congressional districts, then its number of electoral votes is split by half, regardless of how that locality is split. The reason why this election is electorally vote-based per locality is because the President interacts more closely with the Senate and has State duties. The President represents and impacts the entire nation, not just a specific group within the nation.

The President also has to duly represent the People directly. After all, he or she signs off or vetoes legislation that originates in the House Of Representatives. Thereby, population electoral voting is also  needed to go along with locality electoral voting.
Every locality should be allocated electoral votes based  on its population.

There should be a separate elector for the Vice-President as each Congressional district throughout the USA should allow the direct and popular election for this position, provided it is electorally vote-based per locality. To be specific, every locality, regardless of population and area-size, receive the same number of electoral votes if it entirely fits in a congressional district. If a locality is split and belongs to two congressional districts, then its number of electoral votes is split by half, regardless of how that locality is split.  The reason why this election is electorally vote-based per locality is because the Vice-President has Senate and State duties. The Vice-President represents and impacts the entire nation, not just a specific group within the nation.

Monday, September 28, 2020

The Choosing of President,Vice-President, and Senator If States Regain Sovereignty- By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                       September 2020

If States regain their sovereign republic status, senators should still not be chosen by its legislatures as those who make the law should be elected. Direct popular voting, filtered by public balloting and electoral votes, and incorporated with Rank Choice(single transferable voting), should make the choosing of senators properly "Representatively Democratic".

However, perhaps the state legislatures of each state should choose the President and definitely the Vice-President Of The  United States. After all, those who apply, administer, or enforce the law should be selected. Neither of those positions make the law although the President can block legislation and cite objections to it. The Vice-President is the President Of The US Senate who can vote to make law if there is a tie. However, his main function is to schedule floor speeches(proposals and debates) and voting. With the preceding being considered and if the states become sovereign entities again, it may be properly "Representatively Democratic" for state legislatures to select the POTUS and VPOTUS via the electoral voting process.

Of course, nothing works if there is still "same-hands governance". However, the best way to prevent that from ever existing is to re-establish both Representative Democracy and Representative Republic. It is strongly believed that a sovereign state government is a better way to ensure that.

                                                Harsha Sankar


States To Regain Supremacy To Help Re-Establish Representative Democratic Republic- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                       September 2020


Governance In Imperial Democratic Republic Mode-The federal          government[judiciary,executive(bureaucracy),legislative] is very strong, very active and is often over-intrusive in the affairs of people. This results either in infringement or neglect in the protection of people's rights.

Governance in direct democratic republic mode- Local government(judicial,elected body,law enforcement,and bureaucracy) is very strong, very active, and very discretionary in the affairs of people. This results either in infringement or neglect in the protection of people's rights.

Governance in Representative Democratic Republic Mode- State government[judicial, executive(bureaucracy),legislative] reigns supreme as a lawmaking and law enforcement body in enforcing the US Constitution and all laws consistent with it. State government is close enough to the people where it is responsive to their basic needs and rights. However, it is not too close to the people in which it starts to pander to the interests of some citizens, therefore establishing different treatment for different people. 

With the BAR takeover of our entire governance, subjecting us to their whim as standalone rights have been converted to mutable privileges, Americans have to ask themselves as to how this oligarchy happened. It is painfully clear that a defective system and form of governance contaminated the foundations of the American Republic and allowed this brutal "Ruling Class" emergence. There are apparent factors that poisoned "the soil of a liberty-based Republic" so that this phenomenon is now taking place.  

In Imperial Democratic Republic Mode, a voter's vote will mean very little. Since a candidate for federal office has to reach millions, if not tens of millions, of voters, campaigns become very expensive. Money, especially from special interests, becomes a huge factor. This invariably leads to an over-intrusive, powerful, and arbitrary federal government that either infringes or neglects to protect the basic needs and rights of people.

In direct democratic republic mode, local governments have too much authority to dispense the law. Too much proximity leads to incestuous relationships and corrupt cronyism. This invariably leads to an over-intrusive, powerful, and arbitrary local government that either infringes or neglects to protect the basic needs and rights of people.

In Representative Democratic Republic Mode, state government have the supreme authority to preserve the Representative Democratic Republic. The public servants in all three branches of government are not influenced by monetized campaigns nor are they influence by personal/professional concerns.

Perhaps Americans need to reword the 14th Amendment so that people's basic rights are only protected by the federal government and not subject to it. Therefore, state governments regain their supremacy in governance so that both Representative Democracy and Representative Republic are re-established. This is perhaps a highly effective way in limiting the cancerous mal-governance that currently exists.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Since uSA was changed to USA,changes in US Constitution are needed-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                         September 2020

Americans need to realize that when the US Constitution is written, it was adapted for the uSA and not the USA. In plain terms, the states were much more of independent sovereign republics back then. After the Civil War, the states became franchises of the federal government. The 14th Amendment and subsequent legislation was responsible for this development.

While certain US Constitutional Amendments kept up with this change, there are certain parts of the US Constitution that need to be changed even though government hardly adheres to that document strictly like it should.

In the Presidential and Vice-Presidential election, for example, each state's legislature was allowed to pick its electors for these offices as it saw fit when the nation's charter became the "Law Of The Land". This needs to change since state governments are now just extensions of the federal government. The number of electors per state is its number of house representatives and senators. That number should remain the same but each congressional district should be required to provide one elector per direct popular and public ballot voting. With the remaining two at large electors, each state legislature should pick those it sees fit.

Electors are prohibited from "holding office of trust and profit". That phrase should be replaced by "performance of duties in any governmental branch".
Since the Senate interacts with both the President and Vice-President, they should not be elected in the same manner as those two offices. While the POTUS and VPOTUS should be elected by indirect popular vote(public balloting and ranked choice both incorporated) via the electoral process, the senators should be elected by direct popular voting(public balloting and ranked choice both incorporated) via the electoral process. Localities and state delegate districts should each receive the same number of electoral votes. The candidate who wins the locality wins its electoral votes and the same is applicable for the state delegate district. The candidate who wins the majority of total electoral votes wins the senatorial race.

In case no candidate wins the majority of electoral votes, then one electoral vote is assigned to each locality. The Top Three candidates should be fielded and the candidate who receives the majority of total electoral votes wins the senatorial race. If there is still not a winner, then the State House of Delegates(lower chamber) picks the winner out of the Top Two candidates fielded from the locality count.

It must be noted that federal senators were considered ambassadors of the state to the federal government when the US Constitution was drafted. Obviously, that is no longer the case. Senators should still be subject to a direct popular vote but an electoral system should be part of the process.

In regards to House Of Representatives elections, direct popular vote should still exist but an electoral system should be part of the process as well. Every polling station should be assigned one electoral vote. The candidate who wins the plurality of electoral votes wins that federal seat in the lower chamber in Washington, D.C.

Harsha Sankar

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Understanding US Presidential Election According To Its Constitutional Context- A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                                   September 2020

As the presidential election draws near, people need to understand it properly according to its proper US Constitutional context.

The US Constitution, a document that all government officials are supposed to be strictly following, never called for candidates to run directly for President. It merely stated that each state would pick electors on a specific election day once every four years. Those chosen electors then would meet in their respective states to pick anyone they deemed fit for President and for Vice-President. Finally, on a later uniform date for all states, each state would cast its choice separately for both President and  Vice-President.

So what is the point of candidates running directly for President and Vice-President? The direct popular vote for these offices contradicts the US Constitution. As a matter of fact, Presidential elections do not even have to be decided by indirect popular voting. The state legislature is constitutionally allowed to have the electors picked as it sees fit. A state legislature could directly vote for the electors. They can pass laws to have these electors picked  in any manner as they find suitable, provided the electors do not hold an "office of profit and trust".

For the current practices to be allowed, the US Constitution has to be properly amended. The Founding Fathers gave each and every state, which was much more sovereign back then that it is now, much more authority to pick the President. Those electors, on a state by state basis, were supposed to vote for the President as they deemed fit. The American citizenry was not supposed to have any direct input at all on the election of president.  America should  go back to the original practices of picking the POTUS and VPOTUS that the US Constitution still authorizes as lawful. If not,it should amend the nation's charter to allow for direct popular voting for the President via the electoral count.

                               Harsha Sankar
                               Covington, Virginia 24426

Friday, September 25, 2020

Government Benefits In Different Democratic Republic Modes- By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                   September 2020

Government Benefits In Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Emphasizes benefits and expanded federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education. De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal control of the issuance and handling of benefits to individuals, such as healthcare and food/shelter subsidies.

Government Benefits In Direct Democratic Republic Mode- De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education. Local bureaucracy, such as school boards, instead control the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education.
Emphasizes benefits and expanded federal control of the issuance and handling of benefits to individuals, such as healthcare and food/shelter subsidies.

Government Benefits In Representative Democratic Republic Mode- De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to both the collective and individuals. Instead, in terms of education, healthcare,and food/shelter subsidies, it emphasizes limited and on a strict need only basis benefits. The handling and issuance of benefits to individuals and to the collective are controlled by the state bureaucracy, not local and not federal bureaucracy.

                                                              Harsha Sankar
                                                              Covington, Virginia

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Facebook Account Totally Purged(High Tech Censorship) - By Harsha Sankar


Dear Citizen,                                   September 2020

         My main Facebook account was totally pulled from its existence over three weeks ago. It still has not been restored. I immediately submitted my official ID as per their request. They acknowledged its receipt but they yet to reply.  I was not hacked! FB officially vanished my account. They gave no reason or notice.  Not only cannot I post or comment, so many of my photos,especially wedding photos, are gone.11.5 years of posts are wiped as well.

         This is all politically motivated by FB.  The idea of my posts on FB is to reach out to those who may not agree with me. I wanted to reach out to those who were either neutral, apathetic, or those who I knew would initially strongly disagree with me.This is the biggest reason why I tolerated any and all comments. However, FB now will no longer allow that to be possible. Usually when an individual is placed in FB jail, he or she is not able to post. However, their account is still intact and it can still be viewed by them and others.

I did post many itemized written points that could be perceived as controversial about politicians. However, I know about the "Good Ole Boy Network" in the USA and especially in S.W. Virginia. I certainly have the right to express my views and doubts. I certainly did post about how the "legal profession" have taken over the courts and all proceedings, "lawyering" people to abject submission in the process. I have been the recipient of adverse consequences because of my "critique" of the BAR Attorneys for the least 30 years. The reason for the total deletion could be the preceding. Who knows?

I would like to finally mention that I am not a racist against any race. I truly believe that everyone needs to be treated the same regardless of race and ethnicity. In my view, no one should use race or ethnicity as an excuse for anything. I did not wait until I was 52 years old to become a racist. It is my firm belief that the authority of the police officer must be respected properly at a scene in which a possible crime may have taken place because of the possibility of presumptive imminent danger. That officer represents the State and we all must co-operate as much as we can in that specific crucial situation. Furthermore, if one truly believes police officers are racist against people of his or her race, the last thing that individual should do is give those police officers an excuse to commit a physical act against him or her. Common sense should apply at all times.

FB and Big Tech continue its purge of alternate viewpoints. The days of darkness are upon us. The time to resist is now.

                                       Very Truly Yours,
                                       Harsha Sankar
                                       908 Valley Ridge Road
                                       Covington, Virginia 24426

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Corporate Welfare Benefits In Different Democratic Republic Modes- A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                           September 2020

Corporate Welfare Benefits In Imperial Democratic Republic Mode-High levels of taxpayer-funded subsidies remain. There is hardly any oversight in how this money is administered to and spent by large corporations. There is no regulation on a company's specific practices before it is determined eligible for such subsidy.

Corporate Welfare Benefits in Direct Democratic Republic Mode- Virtually non-existent. Any current subsidies would be eliminated immediately.

Corporate Welfare Benefits in Representative Republic Mode- These benefits are only issued in emergency situations, such as when there is a national need, and for the shortest period of time possible not to exceed one year. In regards to current subsidies, it is under this mode to be phased out unless there exists an imminent national need.

There are strict and clear regulations on a company's specific practices before it is determined eligible for such subsidy. The method in which subsidies are spent and administered by companies are strictly  overseen by a government regulatory board that has no connections with any industrial concern. Executive pay and compensation, layoff policies,vendor relationships, and outsourcing are monitored closely by laws that are clearly enforced by this regulatory board so that the short-term subsidy is handled properly by any corporate concern.

                                Very Truly Yours,

                                 Harsha Sankar
                                 Covington, Virginia 24426

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Social Welfare Benefits In Different Republic Modes- By Harsha Sankar(September 2020)

Republic in Imperial Democratic Mode- Government should immediately stop all social welfare benefits to individual citizens.

Republic in Direct Democratic Mode- Government should persist, if not expand, social welfare benefits it provides to individual citizens.

Republic in Representative Democratic Mode- It recognizes that social welfare benefits should not be eliminated or significant curtailed immediately until the economy provides these citizens a reasonable chance to achieve these benefits on their own. It does not want to trap these people into dependency. However, it does not want to cause undue social upheaval and dislocation by "pulling the plug" immediately on such needed benefits.

Welfare, for example, is currently being issued to single mothers. This has only led to the explosion of fatherlessness as "out of wedlock" births have skyrocketed because of this. Government assistance should continue to be issued in the same amount after marriage provided the couple earn below a specific amount. Once a couple starts to earn more than that specific amount, the amount they receive in government assistance should be lessened to a lesser degree. This will stop dis-incentivizing two parent families and in turn promote social stability.

Couples who have children should not have their benefits reduced. Rather, the threshold of joint earnings should be increased before their social welfare benefits are reduced with the advent of children.

The only way to achieve both Representative Republic and Representative Democracy is to restore transparency and divided,public governance. Abolish the Bar Associations and ban secret balloting now.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Candidates Can Run For Vice-President On Their Own- By Harsha Sankar

       Dear Citizen,                           September 2020

       Perhaps third parties  should field a candidate or independents should run for Vice-President on their own.

       According to the US Constitution, which is hardly followed anymore, an eligible American citizen can run for Vice-President Of The United States on their own provided that VP candidate does not hail from the same state as a Presidential candidate on the official ballot. The VP candidate does not have to be affiliated with any Presidential candidate but he/she cannot be listed on the VP ballot that electors cast votes on if a ballot-listed Presidential candidate is from the same state.

       Read this excerpt from the 12th Amendment of the US Constitution: "they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each". When the US Constitution was written, it was meant for a runner-up of a Presidential election to serve as Vice-President. However, the 12th Amendment changed that. It basically stated that the Vice-President should be chosen separately from the list of Presidential candidates.

       The current practice in which the VP candidate is attached to the same ticket of a POTUS candidate is not prohibited. However, "going stag" is not prohibited either. The duties of the Vice-President, according to the US Constitution, are really two-pronged. One is obviously to serve as an "insurance policy" in case the President is no longer able to serve. The second is to serve as President Of The US Senate. The Vice-President, while only being allowed to vote in tie-breakers, is there to enforce all the laws that govern all Senate proceedings.

      Laws, not "rules", should govern all Senate proceedings and transactions. The existence of committees is blatantly unconstitutional and non-democratic because it is segregational in nature. All senators should be treated equally and should be allowed to participate in any bill-making process.

      The US Constitution did not intend for lawmakers to "work" with other lawmakers to form a bill. Its intent was for each lawmaker to form and propose bills on their own so that that lawmaker could stay true to his or her constituents. Once a bill was proposed, all the senators would openly voice their concerns, objections, and recommendations before a vote is taken. The proponent of that bill would make modification if he or she deemed necessary. Then that bill would be subject to vote by all senators. Of course, if another senator wanted to propose a similar bill, that would be acceptable. However, the drafters of the US Constitution did not want lawmakers to work with each other to form bills or even pass laws. They were concerned that collusion would lead to conspiracy against the average voter and citizen. They wanted lawmakers to be separate and independent from one another. The Vice-President, in mandating the laws governing all US Senate proceedings and transactions, is constitutionally supposed to guarantee such independence and separation.

      When the VP is not available to do it, then the President Pro Tempore must fill in to serve that role. Getting back to tangent, The VP has a specific Constitutional role and a candidate can run for that office on his or her own.

      In conclusion and on a side note, the 12th Amendment changed how the VP was selected. It basically stated that the Vice-President should be chosen separately from the list of Presidential candidates. In my view, that Amendment changed that so that the President and Vice-President would not be too strong of adversaries.The Burr–Hamilton duel fought between Vice President Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, the former Secretary of the Treasury, may have had provided motivation behind that amendment.

     Back then, political opponents were often mortal enemies.  At least if candidates ran in different races, the odds of high levels of hostility were less.

                                Very Truly Yours,

                                 Harsha Sankar
                                 Covington, Virginia 24426

Mail-In Ballots Puts Trump In Charge Of 2020 POTUS Elections- By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                  September 2020

Democrats are starting to realize that mail-in ballots are not a good idea after all. If 60-70 million mail-in ballots are cast this presidential election, the federal executive branch will be in charge of counting the votes and not the individual state. The reason for this is USPS, a federal agency, will be conducting the delivery.

The federal executive branch can use its full forces and also deputize the National Guard in each state. They can also deputize local and state police to assist with the counting of ballots. Who is the head of the federal executive branch? President Donald Trump. He would ultimately be in charge of counting the ballots due to the fact that mail-in ballots are a significant component in this federal Presidential election. Once one federal agency is highly involved in the conducting of the election, by law the federal executive branch of government becomes in charge of counting the Presidential ballots.

According to the US Constitution(hardly followed anymore), the States do the counting of the Presidential ballots. However, since the conduct of ballot casting may completely change with the heavy involvement of federal agency USPS, the "feds" and its head, the President, assumes total responsibility.

Seven weeks till the election, the "Dems" and "Rinos" are now realizing that mail-ins are a bad idea. They do not want Trump to be in charge of all the counting. Their problem is they feed on the emotions of the day. They lacked farsightedness and simply did not deduce this 3-4 months ago like they should have.

Finally, If a state refuses to allow the federal executive branch to be in charge of counting the votes, the results of the state are null and void. That is why each state should prohibit mail-in balloting unless strict witness requirements are met. The laws governing elections should be simple, comprehensive, and uniform. Otherwise elections would be decided by BAR Attorneys, and not The People.

                                        Very Truly Yours,
                                        Harsha Sankar
                                        908 Valley Ridge Road
                                        Covington, Virginia 24426

Genuine Role And Proper Terms Of US Sepreme Court Justices- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,              September 19th,2020                                                                            

Since Ruth Bader Ginsburg, US Supreme Court justice, expired, people need to know what the genuine role of a US Supreme Court justice should be.

Supreme Court judgeship should not be a lifetime position. The Supreme Court justices should serve a maximum of two eight year terms. They should be subject to reconfirmation after their first eight years by the US Senate.

The US Supreme Court is not supposed to be the Supreme Branch of government. They are just supposed to provide opinions. The ultimate responsibility of enforcing the US Constitution lies with the executive branch and its head, the President.

If a US Supreme Court justice blatantly violates the US Constitution and/or blatantly opinions outside of the nation's charter, that justice should be considered as a potential violator of the requirement of "good behavior" and therefore should be subject to impeachment proceedings.

                                                    Very Truly Yours,

                                                   Harsha Sankar
                                                   Covington, Virginia

California, Once Golden,Now Rotting Due To Four Families' Political Rule-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                        June 2020

         Malgovernance due to poor governmental setup has led to this unfortunate phenomenon. Four families now control most of the political and legal systems in California.

         Those four families are Getty, Pelosi, Brown, and Newsom. Pat Brown's father ran scam and gambling operations in San Francisco. Pat Brown, with William Newsom's II assistance, served two terms as California governor.

         While governor, Brown awarded the Squaw Valley Concession Contract to William Newsom III and John Pelosi. This measure was highly condemned for its lack of benefit to Californians.

         One must carefully review all the other connections. William Newsom III was a childhood friend with Pat Brown's son, Jerry! John Pelosi's son, Paul, married the future Speaker of the House, Nancy! Nancy Pelosi's father smuggled heroin to America with Lucky Luciano! Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law Ron married Barbara Newsom, William III's daughter.

         In 1974, Jerry Brown became governor.A year later, he appointed William Newsom III. as circuit court judge and to the Court of Appeals. William Newson III was an attorney for the J. Paul Getty, oil baron. While Newsom III was on the appellate bench, he helped change estate trust law that allowed Getty to claim a lion's share in a multi-heir trust. After Newsom III retired from the bench, he became administrator of Getty Trust. The Getty Trust was an early investor in a winery enterprise primarily involving Gavin Newsom, who was the nephew of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Gavin Newsom later became the mayor of San Francisco and lieutenant governor of California. Gavin Newsom became very close to the Gettys after his parents divorced! He later succeeded Jerry Brown to become California governor. Needless to state, cronyism and conflicts of interest led to the rise of the current governor and of all his contacts.

For 80 years, these four families have controlled much of California's governance with their manipulation of a highly attorney infested political and legal system. California has more attorneys, generates more legal fees, and its attorneys have more influence than probably any other state. These four families currently network with Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris and numerous other power brokers to maintain their control.

Of course, the domination by the power brokers has led to uncontrollable spending and insurmountable debt for the Golden State. California has the highest tax rates. Homelessness, disease, and drug use have reached extreme proportions. We need to reform our governance now or we will continue to be a lawless and tyrannical nation.

                                               Very Truly Yours,
                                                Harsha Sankar
                                                908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                Covington, Virginia 24426

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Avoidance Of (C-19) Vaccines Is Obedience To God- A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                                   September 18th,2020

         Vaccines make no sense. In America, there are vaccines for influenza and yet 60-80k die every year. If SARS-CoV-2 mutates, what is the point in the vaccine? If that virus does not mutate, then what would be the point in vaccines? Herd immunity would have vanquished that virus as it would have burned through the population.

There are ulterior motives for vaccine mandates. One cannot escape it no matter
where one lives on the globe. People must do all they can to resist it. However, just like with the broken legal system Americans currently have,if a majority of people acquiesce to it, the absurd and obscene become reality. The push for vaccines will be there regardless of who is President.

Either President Trump or de facto President Harris will mandate the vaccines.
Russia already plans to provide 100 million vaccines to India by the end of the year. Hopefully Indians will resist it but then again when have they have ever resisted anything? They allowed the British to rule the Indian sub-continent for 190 years.

                                               Very Truly Yours,

                                                Harsha Sankar
                                                908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                Covington, Virginia 24426

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Birth Of A New Nation: Canaan- A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                                      February 28th, 2020

         Last month a peace plan dealing with the Israel-Palestinian matter in the Middle East was introduced.

         It is important for all following this conflicted matter to keep an open mind and not allow dogma to guide your opinions on this highly sensitive situation.
        The current Presidential administration continues to demonstrate an anti-Palestinian stance and this "peace plan" reflects that.

        How can anyone think genuine peace can happen if one side is blocked from discussions? This is nonsense!

        In my view, there is only one solution. A two state solution will not work because there are Palestinian territories splattered across Israel and surrounded by Israel. One state solution that calls for  secular status and that also significantly curtails immigration into its nation from expatriates are in order

        Both Jewish hardliners and Palestinian(Hamas) hardliners oppose this but this is necessary if peace and functionality will take place in that nation. Both America and India embraced secularism even though many of the founders of those nations were deeply religious. No religion, not even atheism, should be state-sponsored!

        A proper Representative tri-partite Republic,based on proper Representative Democracy, must be established with an emphasis on individual rights.

        The new name of one state secular Israel could be Canaan. After all, the land Abraham settled was called Canaan back then. Abraham is considered to be the progenitor of both the Arabs and Jews.

Global Pandemic Is War-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                                           March 30th, 2020

          Expressed are my firm outlined views on this global pandemic. . This is the first part of this series.

1. This outbreak is indeed a very, very serious matter! No one should downplay it. This could easily lead to catastrophe if people totally ignore it.

2. There is NO EASY WAY OUT when it comes to dealing with this potential pandemic. Losses will be great regardless of which routes are pursued.

3. Now is not the time to play "politics" with this crisis. Many millions of lives are at stake and simple, well-laid, and structured solutions are in order.

4. The American People cannot rely on the White House and Federal Government to solve this issue for them. They must rely much more on state and local governments to provide leadership on this blight.

5. There is no need to panic but precautions must be taken. Directives from the government must be strictly followed. Casual approaches will not work.

6. This is War. All must think and act for the collective good now. Whether one likes him or not, President Trump is now the Boss of All American People. While we are free to express our views,we must place our trust and confidence in his leadership. In a time of crisis, especially on an unprecedented basis, there can only be one ultimate leader. All must try to co-operate as much as possible. Please also support Governor Northam and local officials as well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Individual Liberties Must Be Temporarily Abated During A Crisis- A Harsha Sankar Article

 Dear Citizen,                                                                                          April 4th,2020

The Corona virus did not come from these "wet markets" and it did not come from animals. After all, the ChiComs are not stupid.

I believe the Chinese weaponized this chimeric man-made virus or toxin that was purchased by their close contacts at UNC-Chapel Hill. All should call their elected officials and tell them that the "Thousand Talents Program" that allow the ChiComs to buy scientists and academics must be outlawed.

I suspect the Chinese ruling elite unleashed the common cold virus on steroids to cover for the ill-effects of 5G and for murderous purge of key pro-democracy activists in Wuhan. The CCP also wanted this secretly created pandemic to divert attention from their crises in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  I feel they honestly thought it would kill a few hundred people and make a few thousand people, affecting the Hubei province only. Little did they realize that the "super virus" had already been leaked by their co-conspirators, the NWO Elite, in the Wuhan Military Games in October 2019. This leak by the NWO Elite, unbeknown to China, would have worldwide implications. This is why the rest of China, South Korea, and Japan are hardly affected but Iran, Western Europe, and USA are devastated!

On March 13th,2020 US cases! On March 19th,11,000 US cases! On April 1st,200,000 cases! Maybe other respiratory illnesses are being labeled as Covid-19. However,at this rate, US will reach 13 million cases by April's end.

Co-operate with authorities fully. Self-isolation is absolute must for next month or two! There are no individual freedoms during this crisis. Liberties must be temporarily sacrificed for the survival of the nation!

Eight Steps To Defeating The "Pandemic"- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Editor,                                  May 10th, 2020


In Imperial Democratic mode,politicians want indefinite lockdown for the remainder of this year! They state that CV is currently invincible without the vaccine.

In direct democratic mode(democracy with a small d),many people,especially many Trump supporters, feel the lockdown was unwarranted as CV was a hoax.

In Representative Democratic mode, the lockdown was necessary but only for two-three weeks, which was enough time to find out what was really happening. I have always said that CV is indeed dangerous but what is more dangerous is long-term completely powerful governance that seeks total control of the people.

The CV, while at least ten times more potent than the "Flu", is hardly invincible. There are 8 things people need to do to defeat the "Virus"!
1. End the lockdown now
2. Ban 5G, vaccines, and digital currency
3. Using Defense Production Act, all Americans need to receive Zinc tablets and a mask. The Postal Service can distribute this.
4. Using same act, all hospitals need to receive hydroxchloroquine and Vitamin C to treat severely distressed patients.
5. Mandate all who leave their residence wear facemasks if they are within 6 feet vicinity of others.
6. All commercial buildings must be sprayed after its use for the day.
7. All people who enter a building and/or area that has more than 20 people must be sprayed with a natural disinfectant.
8. All people above the age of 60 cannot be allowed to leave their residence for an additional 60 days unless for food and/or medical purposes.

Please read and tell all government officials to press for implementation.

The Handling Of Covid-19 Lockdowns In All Democratic Modes- By Harsha Sankar

 Dear Citizen,                                                                          May 18th,2020


In the USA,Imperial Democratic proponents want total martial law measures to be perpetuated indefinitely! They believe government should have all the authority and accept all the responsibility.

In America, direct democratic proponents want everything to be totally re-opened without any restrictions/precautions and they do not want government to do anything. They believe the people and individual(s) should have all the authority and accept all the responsibility.

I believe both sides are brainwashed. We all must be Representative Democratic proponents instead in which authority and responsibility must be shared by the people and government. People need to get back to work and their lives. However, government provisions and restrictions need to be put in place. The nation is still in crisis mode.

Obviously we should not be scared into isolation forever. However, if we are rash in re-opening without being prudent, the biggest fear is there could be a second wave that will make the first wave look like a sniffle run.

Either way, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Business, and Big Government win. The people, the US Constitution, and the Representative Democratic process lose.

Proper Economic Activity Can Only Happen In Proper Democratic Mode- A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                                          July 9th, 2020

Imperial Democracy-Small groups of business elites control governance.

direct democracy(democracy with a small d)-Democratically elected governance controls business and economic activity.

Representative Democracy-Clear separation between governance and business/economic activity. Government has no business being involved in business. Business has no business legislating and regulating the protection of staff, associates,consumers, and neighboring people from fraud and physical harm. That is the solely the responsibility of the three branches of government.

Currently the Federal Communication Commission has outsourced the testing of 5G to industry "experts". This is totally unacceptable as it is corrupt and dysfunctional. 5G MUST BE OPPOSED AND NOT ALLOWED TO BE DEPLOYED. IF BOXES ARE CURRENTLY INSTALLED,THEY MUST BE TAKEN DOWN IMMEDIATELY!

Many oncologists have stated that this technology causes cancer and the basic proof is irrefutable. 5G millimeter microwave technologies has been weaponized by the military to currently scatter crowds.

The human body is an antenna which interacts with frequencies which receives and transmits information. It will soon become radioactive if 5G is used. There have been wholly inadequate scientific and medical background research to prove 5G's safety. It causes ill effects, such as infertility, DNA harm, and cancer without people being aware of being initially effected. 5G towers emit nearly 2000 microwatts per square meter and nearly 80 microwatts through brick walls. It takes as little as three microwatts to adversely affect humans.

Call all public officials and say no to 5G and its sub-technological realities at all costs. It has the potential to also alter the earth's magnetic grid and the planet will be destroyed forever.

The Commemoration Of The Local Policeman- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                                               July 2020

Before anyone bashes police and starts calling for their abolition, please read all materials that commemorate the local policeman.

They provide the most basic of services in all civilized society and in critical situations, they are the most needed and wanted!

A police officer has to be a jack of all trades. They endure at times the most degrading of abuses and they still are expected to not take it personally.

A police officer is expected to be diplomatic. They have to try to settle differences.

If a police officer is strict in maintaining law and order, he/she is arrogant. If police officers is laid back in their duties, they are negligent and incompetent.

If police officers are friendly, they are unprofessional. If they are cold in their demeanor, people construe that as haughtiness.

Police officers are required to make instant decisions in highly stressful situations. If they react too quickly, they are immature, too emotional, and reckless. If they are deliberate and cautious, they are negligent and lazy.

Police officers, if they act too pro-actively, they are brutal. If they arrive too late or not at all, they are callous and cowardly.

Police officers are required to be the first at any scene. They often have to play policeman, security, paramedic and counselor.

Their knowledge of guns and its application has to be immense. They have to know how to use the baton in certain ways so that they inflict the least amount of harm possible in subduing a dangerous suspect.

If a policeman takes abuse, he/she is weak. If they hit a suspect, that is brutality.

They have to have knowledge of forensics. They have to follow all standards of protocols while their controllers, the attorney profession,follow none. While attorneys enrich themselves off crime, police officers do the "dirty work" and struggle to feed their families on their salaries.

Kudos to the local and state police!

Black Lives Matter,Massively Funded By Corporates, Is A NWO Organization- By Harsha Sankar (July 2020)

Dear Citizen,                                                                   July 2020

Is George Soros funding the neo-Marxist BLM? Partially! Many others are funding their desire to totally re-invent not just government but all aspects of society but throughout the world where there are Black people.

They do not want to strengthen Representative Democracy with a well-defined Republic form of government that is more divided and more public so that individual liberties are better protected for all citizens. They instead want to go in the opposite direction in which their dictatorial control is firmly implemented.

Black Lives Matter, along with their proxies Antifa, is working hard to achieve the "Reset" of all American society. They are being assisted by the United Nations, World Economic Forum, many Central Banks, and many governments throughout the world.

Center of American Progress has contributed $33 million to BLM. The Black-led Movement Fund, formed by the Ford Foundation and Borealls Philanthropy, funded BLM and a dozen other groups to the tune of 100 million USDs.

Media organizations helped BLM recruit and market their movement. BLM also formed an alliance with Thousand Currents group, which offers BLM legal and tax exempt status. The Kellogg Foundation gave a 3 year, $900,000 grant to Thousand Currents group to build the infrastructure for BLM.

Black Lives Matters, a full-fledged corrupt and Marxist organization, has received many millions since 2013.Who is primarily funding BLM? YOU MY FRIEND!

Mega-corporation such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple,Wal-Mart,Target, NetFlix, all cell providers, and so many others contribute hundreds of million of US Dollars to BLM and its related groups. Numerous politicians, attorneys, and celebrities support them as well.

The entire establishment supports Black Lives Matters.How can anyone consider them a grassroots movement?Is it any wonder why rest of America is in self-imprisonment, BLM can riot, vandalize, commit arson, assault, and even kill without repercussions and facing appropriate proper consequences?

If an individual goes to an empty beach, they can be arrested? Yet BLM can do anything it wants and the the establishment so supports it. Wake up , people!

UN and BLM work hand in glove to implement Agenda 21! BLM is using manufactured crisis, under the false pretext of racial justice, to implement the New World Order via its proxy army.

What The NWO Elite Did in South Africa Should Not Allowed In The U.S.A.- A Harsha Sankar Article

 Dear Citizen,                                        September 2nd, 2020

         Anyone who feels Black Lives Matters is not a murderous, degenerate, crime organization really need to have their core values re-evaluated. Just like Soros and the NWO Elite used their control of the African National Congress to plunge South Africa into near-civil war status, they are trying to to do the same in America through their use of Black Lives Matter. Both the ANC and BLM are front organizations for them.

        I am trying to help my Black American Brethren by warning them to not be bait to these "Marxist" organizations. They got the South African Blacks hooked on the "Philosophy Of Entitlement". They are worse off now, especially economically speaking, than they were under the oppressive system of Apartheid 26 years ago. Because South Africa did not adapt the proper model of governance, its flawed democracy caused the Black political and legal ruling class and its collaborators to become highly privileged. This impoverished South Africa, especially its Blacks, as its economy and its industrial sector were decimated.
       The true paradox is when Blacks were discriminated against, they actually made the greatest strides in terms of becoming productive and rights abiding citizens. In the name of Civil Rights, their seducers took firm control of them. When Satan tried to seduce Jesus, did Jesus take the bait? He most certainly did not.

       Blacks have really declined overall in the last 50 years in terms of productive skillset, productive economic empowerment, and family structure. They are now experiencing societal ills like never before in terms of drugs (usage and dealing), violent crime, atrocious dietary habits, high rates of abortion and single parent households, and lack of functional literacy. This makes them prone to being manipulated and controlled.

      I feel we Americans have failed them. By telling them what they wanted to hear, we neglected to tell them what they really needed to hear. It is not a coincidence that the explosion of the silent social revolution, the BAR Attorney proliferation, and the decline of Black Americans started at the same time. Those two factors are inextricably linked.To improve the fate of Blacks, we can only improve the lot of everyone else. We must downsize the BAR to oblivion now.

Black Lives Matter Supporters Must Stand Down Now- By Harsha Sankar July 20

The crackpot and crybaby supporters of Black Lives Matters must stand down. They were told not to test the patience of President Trump and the American people.

BLM is anything but a peaceful movement. This movement is perpetuated by violent arnachist thugs who wish to intimidate peaceful people into total submission. To all those who support BLM and Antifa, read the following.



No Mail-in Ballots Unless Strict Witness Requirement Met- By Harsha Sankar

In 2016, 21% of all ballots cast were mail-ins.This election, it is expected to breach 40%. It is expected that Joe Biden will get 69% of the mail-in ballot total, via legitimate and fraudulent means.

Election results should be declared within a day or two after election day. Otherwise, what is the point in having an election day? If the electorate is not required to vote in person or cast absentee ballots with all witness requirements met, then what is the point in having an election day?

According to election law, the states are required to send in their electoral votes to Congress by (fourth Wednesday in December) December 23, 2020. The electoral votes received by Congress are counted in a joint session at 1 p.m. on January 6.

If a presidential or vice presidential candidate does not receive a majority of the electoral votes, the House selects the next president and the Senate selects the next vice president. If a President and Vice-President are both not chosen by January 20th, then the Speaker Of The House of Representatives becomes the Acting POTUS, not the actual POTUS. However, that speaker could serve a full Presidential term if the incoming POTUS and his VP are never qualified.

This means Nancy Pelosi could serve as acting President till 2025 if neither Trump,Pence, Biden, or Harris qualify. If Biden wins the mail-in ballot election, there is a good chance he will not be allowed to serve as President considering his cognitive decline. This means either Kamala Harris would become President or Pelosi would continue to serve until that Presidential term ends.

To prevent this miserable muddle from happening, public balloting is a must. This is the only way to guarantee traceable and verifiable elections.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Ranked Choice Voting Is Essential To Expand Voter Choice-A Harsha Sankar Article

Ranked Choice Voting must be incorporated in all 50 states and in all elections(primary and general). It is currently used in at least 12 states.

Here is how it works. The voters ranks their candidates. If a candidate gets less than a majority, then the candidate with the least amount of 1st place votes has his or her 2nd votes distributed to the remaining candidates. This process continues until a candidate has the majority of votes and is declared the winner.

Rank Choice Voting is an excellent option for voters. While a firm supporter of an establishment party candidate expecting to get at least 40% will probably have no need to exercise this option, the voters who have an affinity for 3rd party and independent candidates will prefer this. If their "underdog" candidate loses, then their 2nd place vote will go to in all likelihood a major party candidate of their choice.

Rank Choice Voting will prevent that no vote is wasted and people do not have to pick the "lesser of the two evils". Broader based measures such as Rank Choice Voting, Top Two Open Primary, expansion of the electoral system, and redistricting the state senate districts are desperately needed reforms. Filtration based measures are also needed to establish the proper representative democracy needed to bring back the constitutional republic.

Ending secret ballots must be adapted as a first step. Demanding strict ID and address proof at the time of registration and voting must likewise be implemented. Finally, eliminating unnecessary elections for public servants who have nothing to do with the lawmaking process is a requirement to re-establish public and divided governance.

The "BAR" Is The Biggest Terrorist Organization-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                               September 2020

CNN settles $275 million lawsuit with Covington, Kentucky student Nick Sandmann.
This is the testament to the fact that the biggest terrorist organization is the BAR and their agents, the attorney profession. They allow ungodly sums of money to be sought in civil justice lawsuits so they can extort money and therefore suppress free speech and free press. I am no fan of CNN but they have the right to report the news as they see fit. Allow the marketplace to eventually decide their level of truthfulness.

They constantly foment fake divisions(liberal vs conservative, Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs. White) so they can exercise total domain, dominion, and domination over the people and yet people cannot see through this charade.

We need a Representative Republic based on Representative Democracy now. We need a legal system that is free of private fiefdom control that emphasizes proof of everything, including damages.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Never proper to label individuals with the "R-Word" without proof-A Harsha Sankar Article


Dear Citizen,                                            August 24th,2020
         This letter is in regards to Courtney Howard's response to Cletus Nicely's social media statement that VP candidate Kamala Harris "should be in a cornfield" in her Letter To The Editor in the Virginian Review(Covington, Virginia).

I truly feel that Mr. Nicely did not say anything that was racist, immoral, or unethical. Being from Covington and still living there, "Virtually Speaking", I have heard that expression literally hundreds of times. There has never been any racial connotations with that expression.

It is apparent that Ms. Howard, who authored this letter, has a problem with the existence of "White Supremacist" groups. However, she has no problem with the existence of Black Lives Matter, which is a terrorist group that has caused so much violence and carnage throughout the urban centers of United States.

Ms. Howard erroneously claims that Blacks are being killed in broad daylight. In 2019, 9 unarmed Blacks were killed by police and at least 5 of those Blacks initiated aggression. On the other hand, 25 unarmed Whites were killed by police without any media coverage.

In regards to the Breonna Taylor matter, I totally oppose the use of a "No-Knock Warrant" and also the conducting night raids unless absolutely necessary. Yet the police adamantly stated they knocked three times and that they fired only after they were fired upon. I was not there so obviously I do not know what really happened. It is safe to deduce though that Taylor was not in her bed.

Ms. Howard, along with everyone else, need to understand that it is never going to ok to use the N-word in public or the R-word without real proof. Frivolously calling someone a racist is reprehensible. That is attacking an individual's core character, integrity, and belief system. These "trumped up" claims really need to stop.

I do not know Mr. Nicely personally. However, since he is in politics, I do not think he would publicly state anything that would intentionally demean any race considering the understandable adverse statements that would result from that.

For the record, Harris' mother and I hail from the same sub-sect community. I have already stated much worse about the VP candidate than stating that she should be " in the cornfield".

                                  Very Truly Yours,

                                   Harsha Sankar

                                   908 Valley Ridge Road

                                   Covington, Virginia 24426