Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Representarian Party-Part One

A new political party is needed in America. It shall be called The Representarian Party. The emblem of this party could be based on the ride made by Paul Revere's fellow revolutionary, Samuel Prescott. This emblem could be a symbol of standing against tyranny. 

Please stay tuned to the next post. It will reveal the core objectives and features of this political party.

May be an image of 1 person

The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part Two


The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part Two

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- This measure can indeed be enacted but the following events must take place.

1. The nation and/or its citizens who freezes the assets must have suffered a direct and proportionate economic loss.
2. The freezing of any assets must be temporary. If the nation whose assets are frozen agrees to terms acceptable to the nation who froze the assets, then the assets frozen must be totally unfrozen and then released to the nation that possessed those assets.
3. This measure against any individual(s) and/or their entities(companies, NGOs, etc.) must be substantiated by a court opinion. It must be proven objectively and meritoriously that the suspected defendant(s) was directly responsible for the economic loss caused by the offending nation of which they are a citizen.

Finally, it must be understood that the freezing of any assets is theft. There has to be economic proof of damages before this measure is ever utilized.

The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part One


The Freezing Of Assets Of Other Nations And/Or Its Citizens In Government Mode: Part One

This is also not a black and white issue and it is riddled with shades of gray. However, as it has been cited many times before, basic parameters have to be outlined. The freezing of assets is a very serious matter indeed. It is indeed considered to be a warlike measure. Confiscation of any assets is aggression and it can be a prelude to outright violent aggression.

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- This measure is widely and liberally employed in a wholesale and widespread manner.

direct democratic Republic Mode- This measure is never used under any circumstances.
Stay tune for Part Two to find out the basically proper way that this measure should be utilized.

The Use Of Sanctions In Government Mode: Part Two


The Use Of Sanctions In Government Mode: Part Two

direct democratic Republic Mode- Sanctions are never issued unless it is physically and practically impossible.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- Sanctions are never ruled out but are issued if it directly and specifically affects the sanctioned nation's government, its leadership, and/or the military in an adverse way. It should not be issued if it primarily affects the sanctioned nation's people. The people of the targeted nation should not be made to unnecessarily suffer otherwise they will rally behind its government and its leadership.

The Use Of Sanctions In Government Mode: Part One


The Use Of Sanctions In Government Mode:

This is somewhat of a tricky subject because it is not really that black and white. It is definitely grayish in certain areas. The use of sound discretion is a must. However, there are guidelines that can be established.
It must be understood that sanctions should be considered as a form of violence. It is economic warfare against a nation. Sanctions mean that not only does one nation refuse to trade with another nation on anything and everything, that nation compels other nations to also discontinue its trade and aid with that sanctioned nation. 

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- With the nation in dispute,
sanctions are rigorously and aggressively applied. Sanctions are broad-based and across the board.

The Role Of Intelligence Agencies In Government Mode:


The Role Of Intelligence Agencies In Government Mode:

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- A nation has a vast network of spies and surveillance in many and/or key nations throughout the globe. They use their active intelligence gathering to foment conflicts, coups, and plots in foreign nations. Their intelligence agencies often manage their affairs independently of the elected civilian head of the federal executive branch.

In this mode, private entities often work with intelligence agencies.

direct democratic Republic mode- This mode has no spy network and the surveillance is limited to the borders and its close vicinity only. The limited intelligence that is conducted is done so by the military. All activities and even conduct of intelligence is reported to the elected civilian head of the federal executive branch.

In this mode, there is no interactions with private agencies. All work is conducted in-house.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- This mode is much more similar to the direct democratic mode than to the Imperial Democratic mode. However, there are differences between this mode and dd.
In this mode, surveillance is needed on foreign nations that pose a possible military threat to the nation. Unlike dd mode, it does not wait until the threat appears before it is monitored. Instead, surveillance takes place even before a military threat exists. 

With the exception of the preceding, the Representative Democratic Republic Mode is the same as the direct democratic Republic mode.

Government Mode- The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War-Part Two


Government Mode- The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War-Part Two 

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- In this mode, the sending of ground troops to a warring nation(strategic ally or not) is generally prohibited. The sending of offensive military equipment is also generally prohibited. Moreover, military assistance of any kind to any insurgent group is generally prohibited.

With regards to preceding, there will be exceptions. However, the preceding should be the guidelines.
What should be permitted is the sending of non-military aid and defensive military equipment(anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, MANPADS, protective gear, and short-range firearms). Mines, incendiary devices, and explosives, which can be considered to be defensive equipment, should not be sent because of the impact it can have later on the civilian population. 

It should be important to note that any military equipment sent during a "hot war" should not be primarily converted for use by the receiving in an subsequent insurgency. The sending nation should be wary that its equipment will be used in guerilla warfare. 

In this mode, diplomacy rather than physical support should be emphasized. That nation should try to get the warring nations, as well as other relevant nations, to the discussion table. They should try to get the warring nations to try to understand the other nation(s)' concerns. In the Russo-Ukraine War, President Biden should be doing this only. He could offer enticements so that both Ukraine and Russia no longer have irreconcilable differences. 

Unfortunately the NWO Elites, such as the Neo-Cons and others, have really no vested interest in seeing these hostilities cease. They like perpetual conflict and in this government mode, their influences are kept to a minimum.

Government Mode: The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War-Part One


Government Mode- The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War.

This is really a tricky and inherently complex subject. This is not as "Black and White" as other matters. So all must understand my breakdown will not be so precise because different nations and different situations will require different circumstances. However, I am a firm believer in guidelines and parameters so hence this post.

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Military interventionism on behalf on any nation(ally or not) is an absolute must. Limits are not placed in the amount of military assistance given to a nation(permanent or temporary ally).

direct democratic Republic Mode- Military interventionism is never allowed. Total isolation is emphasized. The military is for protection of borders only.

Realistic And Tangible Solutions To The Russian-Ukraine Crisis-Part Three


This is the 3rd post about tangible and realistic solutions to the Russo-Ukraine War. 

Obviously Ukraine should always be neutral but it has to be guaranteed that Russia will never invade it. Ukraine should be allowed to have a military but its military must be Ukrainian only. There should be no foreigners managing the military bases and military personnel. 

Ukraine can secure war guarantees from other nations if Russia does invade. Of course in order to secure those guarantees, it will have to guarantee trade with those nations on favorable terms to those nations.

If Ukraine pledges to be permanently neutral and free of foreign military influences, Russia can also guarantee also to never conduct military drills within 500 miles of the Ukrainian border in its nation and in Belarus.

Finally, with permanent neutrality guaranteed by Ukraine and free of foreign military influences, Russia must additionally commit itself to pay for 50% of the damage it inflicted on Ukraine during this invasion and war.

Realistic And Tangible Solutions To The Russian-Ukraine Crisis- Part Two


This is the 2nd post about tangible and realistic solutions to the Russo-Ukraine War. The first post dealt with Frozen Conflicts.

With a region zoned as a Frozen Conflict, this means this region is managed by people who are totally neutral in any conflict. Therefore, they cannot be harmed as a result of nor used in any military conflict. They are totally off-limits for any side as they are not allowed to participate in any manner in a military conflict.

Crimea should be declared as a Frozen Conflict Zone even if it remains part of Russia or even if it rejoins Ukraine. Crimea cannot be used in any manner by any side of a military conflict.

The rebel-held areas in the Donbas Region should be declared as a Frozen Conflict Zone. Those rebel-held areas could be declared as sovereign autonomous republics. However, it would preferable that they remain in Ukraine provided the following conditions are met.

1. These rebel-held areas are divided into two Oblasts(states). The rebel-held area in Donetsk is one state and the rebel-held area in Luhansk is the other state.

2. The two new oblasts should be given all privileges,immunities, and requirements in Ukraine's Constitution, Chapter XI, Article 140-146. Moreover, extra privileges,immunities, and requirements should be given to those two new oblasts if needed are as follows.
a. Equal protection of law for all its people.
b. Prohibition in banning any form of religious worship.
c. The right to use Russian as a first language.
d. The required use of Ukrainian on all legal forms and documents as a second language.
e. The required teaching of Ukraine in secondary schools as a second language for three years.

Realistic And Tangible Solutions To The Russian-Ukraine Crisis-Part One


All people must search for solutions to conflicts. Listed are some of the solutions that need to be discussed to end the Russo-Ukraine war.

Frozen Conflicts must be taken into consideration. It would establish zones under separatist jurisdiction. Written are the examples of the establishment of "Frozen Conflicts".

1. Transnistria from Moldova, 1990
2. Abhkazia from Georgia, 1990
3. South Ossetia From Georgia, 1991
4. Nagarno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan, 2020 

While another referendum in Crimea should decide whether or not it remains in Russia, goes back to Ukraine, or becomes an sovereign autonomous republic, the current rebel-held areas in the Donbas Region should be declared as Frozen Conflict areas at least on a temporary basis for the next two years until their status is permanently resolved.

Please read my next post to discover how that status can be permanently resolved.

Government Mode- The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War


Government Mode- The Assistance Of Another Nation(s) In Times Of War

This is really a tricky and inherently complex subject. This is not as "Black and White" as other matters. So all must understand my breakdown will not be so precise because different nations and different situations will require different circumstances. However, I am a firm believer in guidelines and parameters so hence this post.

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Military interventionism on behalf on any nation(ally or not) is an absolute must. Limits are not placed in the amount of military assistance given to a nation(permanent or temporary ally).

direct democratic Republic Mode- Military interventionism is never allowed. Total isolation is emphasized. The military is for protection of borders only.

The Greatest Tyranny Hails From Flawed Democracy And A Flawed Republic

The biggest amount and truest form of tyranny will never come from an unelected dictator who is not chosen at all by democratic means. The biggest amount and truest form of tyranny will always come from a flawed democratic system itself. That flawed democratic system will always erode the rights and responsibilities of the individual, That flawed democratic system will always forsake representative governance for either imperialistic governance or direct democratic governance. 

When an election politician get approval from the electorate, he or she can easily interpret that to justify his/her tyrannical actions. Always remember that elected officeholders can be the most tyrannical and dysfunctional. They feel their tyranny is sanctioned and mandated by The People.

In Hindu mythology, demons would pray to God for the boon of near immortality. Once they got this boon, they did what they wanted. Politicians in a flawed democratic system can act the same way. They can do as they please until the next election.

Always remember that the only difference between dictatorship and democracy is how officeholders are chosen. Republic is the form of government. 

President Vladimir Putin achieved his Tsar-like powers from democracy only. He obtain this unaccountable authority from the direct democratic model only as he appealed directly to the constituents. His 70% approval rating from the vote bank has enabled him to become the tyrant he is today.

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-Three


The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-Three

The Vice-President and Lieutenant Governor are not supposed to have administrative responsibilities according not just to the U.S. Constitution but mainly due to the ideals of Representative Democratic Republic Governance. 

However, the Vice-President and Lieutenant Governor should have the ability to participate in the selection or nomination process of certain cabinet top-level officials and federal judges. This will serve as a counterweight to Presidential authority.

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-Two


The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-Two

The American Constitution clearly cites that the Vice-President should be the President of the U.S. Senate only. It clearly did not state that the Vice-President should have any executive responsibilities even though the Vice-President was and still is considered to be an executive position. The Constitution also cited that the Vice-President is to be a non-voting member in that federal upper house body.

The Vice-President never had any executive responsibilities until the arrival of the 20th century. Since the federal government has been the sovereign government authority since the end of the American Civil War, it is even more important that the Vice-President go back to serving as the non-voting President Of The U.S. Senate.

Division of government and separation of powers has been much more needed since the conclusion of the Civil War. Its aftermath made the federal government much more powerful. For checks and balances to be preserved, the Vice-President as a head executive should not have executive responsibilities.

This also holds true for Lieutenant Governor as each state, according to the American Constitution, should have a Republic form of government. Moreover, since states became franchises of the federal government due to the 14th Amendment, it is much more important that the states have the same proper divisions of governance.

For checks and balances to be maintained, separation of powers is absolutely essential. Co-mingling of authority and responsibilities should not exist. Therefore, the Lieutenant Governor should only serve as the president of the state senate!

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-One

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty-One 

The following is what should be proposed in the state's choosing of its presidential candidate. 

If a majority of electors are unable to choose the candidate for President, then the candidate out of the Top Three vote-getters, whose electors received the majority of electoral votes cast for those three candidates' electors, becomes that state's choice for President. In other words the candidate out of the Top Three vote-getters, whose electors won the majority of localities' ward/districts that those three  candidates' electors won throughout all the state senate districts in that state, becomes that state's choice for President.

If a majority of electors are unable to choose the candidate for Vice-President, then the candidate out of the Top Three vote-getters, whose electors received the majority of electoral votes cast for those three candidates' electors,  becomes that state's choice for Vice-President. In other words the candidate, from the Top Three vote-getters, whose electors won the majority of localities' precincts that those three candidates' electors won throughout all the state delegate/assembly districts in that state becomes that state's choice for Vice-President.

If a candidate for federal head executives, after failing to receive the majority of elector votes, fail again to receive the majority of electoral votes, then the following must be implemented. 

From the pool of Top Two elector vote-getting candidates, the candidate for either head executive positions (President and/or Vice-President) whose electors received the most direct popular votes in total throughout the state becomes the state's choice for that certain head executive position.

In other words, the candidate has a certain number of electors cast a vote for him or her. The total number of votes by eligible voters for these specific electors who chose one of these two available candidates are counted. The candidate from this pool of two whose electors received the highest number of direct popular votes by eligible voters becomes the state's choice for that certain head executive position.

The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty


The Use Of Electors: Clarification-Part Twenty 

The 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution made it very clear the process that was to happen if the majority of the electors failed to choose the President or Vice-President. That process should remain the same.

However, nowhere was it mentioned in the U.S. Constitution on how these electors should be chosen. It basically states that these electors are to be chosen by state law. Of course it prohibits anyone in an office of trust and profit to serve as elector.

Since government has changed and the federal government is much more powerful than what it was at the time of the founding of the nation, that document should specifically describe how electors for head executives at the federal and even state level should be chosen.

After all, the U.S Constitution calls for all states to have a Republic form of government. Since states are no longer sovereign republics but are indeed franchises of the federal government, the U.S. Constitution must specify directly how their electors are to be chosen as well.

The Use Of Electors:Clarification-Part Nineteen

The Use Of Electors:Clarification-Part Nineteen

Candidates for head executives at the state and federal level should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization, that is either not publicly announced nor contents of its meetings sealed in secrecy, for at least two years prior to the election.

Finally that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants. These candidates for head executive offices must be established US citizens.

The candidates for head executive offices at the state level must have a registered physical address in the specific state in which they are trying to serve for a minimum of five years. Once the candidate for President is finally chosen to serve as President, any candidate for Vice-President who has a physical address in the same state as the President-elect is disqualified from contesting the election.

A candidate for the head executives at the state level must have attained the age of thirty. A candidate for the head executives at the federal level must have attained the age of thirty-five.

The Use Of Electors:Clarification-Part Eighteen

The Use Of Electors:Clarification-Part Eighteen 

Electors should not be a participant in any branch of government for at least one year prior to his/her election. That candidate should also neither belong to any organization, that is either not publicly announced nor contents of its meetings sealed in secrecy, for at least two years prior to the election.

Finally that candidate should not belong to any group comprised solely of government branch participants. Electors must be established US citizens. They must have a registered physical address in the specific state in which they serve for a minimum of five years. An elector must also have attained the age of twenty-five.

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Seventeen

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Seventeen 

At the federal level, any candidate for head executives (President and Vice-President) needs at least a total of a thousand signatures. At least a hundred signatures per district should come from a minimum of three different congressional districts.

Any candidate for governor needs at least a total of  500 signatures. At least fifty signatures per district should come from a minimum of three different state senate districts. 

Any candidate for lieutenant governor needs at least a total of  500 signatures. At least fifty signatures per district should come from a minimum of three different delegate/assembly districts.

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Sixteen


The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Sixteen 

As cited previously in the series about the clarification of the role of electors in the Presidential, Vice-Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Lieutenant Governor's races, all electors convene in the state's capitol to choose who their candidate or officeholder for these offices will be.

For the electors to cast ballots for any candidate, any and all candidates for these offices must meet certain eligibility and signature requirements. Please read my next post to determine what those requirements need to be.

The Objectives And Mentality Of The Citizen In Governmental Mode- By Harsha Sankar


The Objectives And Mentality Of The Citizen In Governmental Mode-

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who cater to their specific individual and/or specific community and/or special interest needs. These citizens do not completely support public and divided government. They allow same-hands and private influences of governance.

direct democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who cater to the collective and general needs of the constituency(locality,state, and federal). They are not at all concerned about the needs of the individual, a specific community, and/or a special interest. These citizens wholly support public governance in full but will allow same-hands governance.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- Citizens vote and support fellow citizens in office and governmental positions who uphold the basic rights of the individual. They are concerned about the needs of the individual, a specific community, and/or a special interest but only on a secondary basis. To these citizens, the rights of the individual are of primary importance. These citizens do completely support public and divided government. They do not allow at all same-hands and private influences of governance.

The Role Of Citizen: Relating To Elected Officeholders


The Role Of Citizen: Relating To Elected Officeholders

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Citizens are expected to vote on election day. That is the extent of their participation in governance.

direct democratic republic mode- Citizens are actively engaged in petitions(written and phone calls), mass mailings,and forums with elected officeholders. Furthermore, polls are frequently used to gauge the viewpoints of the constituents on various issues and topics. Additionally, referendums in direct mode are commonly used in which the electorate vote on specific issues and policy.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- In this mode, just like the Imperial mode, the constituents vote people in office to use his/her judgment to make or execute the law. In this mode, there is no need for any constituent to "pressure" any elected official to take a specific stance and/or vote on an issue if that individual is indeed the right individual to be in office(dual government branch participants are not eligible). The saying is "When you give them a job, let them do it"! Petitions, forums, and polling are not necessary. They have to perform their role without the undue influence of populist winds.

However, unlike Imperial mode, an elected officeholder will publish a newsletter at least once a month to be distributed to every media outlet. Every elected official will have one employee who will be responsible for intake from individual(s) and groups. This appointed intake "civil servant" will give higher priority to malgovernance issues.

Referendums are only used in this mode to change the form of government. It cannot be used to enact policy. Government officeholders must serve the basic needs of the People without being influenced by the People's majority or by any special interest group or individual(s). 

The Role of Federal Government In Defense Armament Production:


The Role of Federal Government In Defense Armament Production:

Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Career bureaucrats and the private military-industrial complex are in total charge of the defense armament industry. 

direct democratic republic mode- The entire armament industry is nationalized. The bureaucrats in charge are appointed by the President and his/her appointees at his/her pleasure. Bureaucrats can be replaced at will. The "spoils system" is in play as the elected Commander-in-Chief has expanded power over the armament industry. He or she brings their own team.

Representative Democratic Republic Mode- The entire armament industry is nationalized. The bureaucrats in charge are career but can be replaced if the performance of the bureaucrat is not to the satisfaction of Secretary Of Defense. Any dismissal or replacement of a bureaucrat has to have the approval of the Secretary of Defense.The Secretary Of Defense is appointed by the President.

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part Three

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part Three

The Founding Fathers were always wary of political parties. They were highly concerned they would control the political process, reducing their candidates for office to proxy status. They did not want political parties and their controllers to dominate the body politic to the point that officeholders were their puppets.

Non-Partisan Blanket Primary would definitely lessen influence of the political parties and would still be in the confines of the US Constitution. The Founding Fathers wanted political parties to serve as institutes of civic education and of humanitarian assistance. The role of the political parties was also to groom candidates so they can better serve the people by applying the general ideology and platform of the party and its members.

Yet Americans and America has strayed away from that role. We need to get back to it!

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part Two

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part Two

In the earlier post the Non-Partisan Blanket Primary was discussed. This post will elaborate on how it can be used and also on its value.

Let's say an individual is a Republican who is interested in running for Senator. However, since another Republican is heavily favored to win the party nomination, the Non-Partisan Blanket Primary would definitely be of interest to that individual. If that individual had broad based support from supporters of both parties and from independents, then obviously he or she would be much more keen in contesting that.

There is a strong possibility that the individual mentioned may be expelled from the Republican Party for contesting that primary. However the State Republican Party may want more than one of its members to contest that primary. After all, the top four vote recipients in that primary advance to the general election in which their names will be listed on the ballot. A candidate does not have to win the primary in order to make the previously cited advancement.

The Non-Partisan Blanket Primary is an excellent way to allow the general electorate more choice. Since all voters will decide who the four candidates will be on the ballot, campaigning for the position of legislator becomes significantly less polarized. 

The Non-Partisan Blanket Primary is not an election. It is one primary in which all eligible voters can decide who will be listed on the ballot. Other than choosing the field of four, that primary has no bearing on the results of the general election.

The smaller parties will be more competitive by fielding a candidate for this primary because party affiliation plays a much smaller role in this election scheme.

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part One

The Choosing Of Legislators-Federal Part One 

The Non-Partisan Blanket Primary should be utilized in the choosing of federal legislators. While all eligible candidates are lawfully guaranteed the opportunity to contest in the general election, the Non-Partisan Blanket Primary can allow the top vote recipients a place on the ballot. If a candidate does not make the cut or does not not want to participate in this primary, he or she can still contest the general election as a write-in candidate.

Only the top vote recipients will be eligible for public forum assistance (debates, speeches, newsletter).
The Top Four vote recipients should be listed on the ballot in the general election.

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Fifteen


The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Fifteen 

The reason why only signature requirements for prospective electors are needed rather than active campaigning by executive branch prospective candidates is simple. The politicization of the executive branch must be kept in proper limited proportion only. The people who serve as head executives at the state and federal level must still answer to the electorate but also they must limit their use of discretion. They do not make the law but they instead impartially administrate and execute the law.

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Fourteen


The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Fourteen 

A candidate for Presidential elector must obtain the number of signatures equivalent to one half of one percent of the official population in the federal congressional district he or she desires to represent. Every locality (city and county) has to have at least one tenth of one percent of its official population provide signatures to any candidate for Presidential elector. This is to ensure that the collection of signatures is not isolated to exclusive areas. 

A candidate for Vice-Presidential elector must obtain the number of signatures equivalent to one quarter of one percent of the official population in the federal congressional district he or she desires to represent. Every locality (city and county) has to have at least one twentieth of one percent of its official population provide signatures to any candidate for Vice-Presidential elector. This is to ensure that the collection of signatures is not isolated to exclusive areas. 

A candidate for Gubernatorial elector must obtain the number of signatures equivalent to one half of one percent of the official population in the state senatorial district he or she desires to represent. Every locality (city and county) has to have at least one tenth of one percent of its official population provide signatures to any candidate for Gubernatorial elector. This is to ensure that the collection of signatures is not isolated to exclusive areas.    

A candidate for Lieutenant Governor elector must obtain the number of signatures equivalent to one quarter of one percent of the official population in the state delegate/assemblymen district he or she desires to represent. Every locality(city and county) has to have at least one twentieth of one percent of its official population provide signatures to any candidate for Lieutenant Governor elector. This is to ensure that the collection of signatures is not isolated to exclusive areas. 

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Thirteen


The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Thirteen

The American Constitution did not intend for any campaigning to take place in the choosing of head executives (President and Vice-President) at the federal government level. Since that document cited that the form of state governments have to pattern themselves from the form of federal government, it must be noted that this (lack of campaigning) is also to be the case in the choosing of head executives (Governor and Lieutenant Governor) at the state government level. 

The electors serve a "one-shot" purpose. They are chosen to perform one function only. That is to cast ballots for one head executive at either the state or federal government level. If a state and American citizen desires to run for the position for elector, he or she has to meet all eligibility requirements and also must obtain a sufficient number of signatures within the geographical area he or she wishes to represent.
The next post will elaborate on all the signature requirements needed to be on the ballot for electors.

Alternative Choosing Of The Governor Electors and Vice-Governor Electors- Part Four

Alternative Choosing Of The Governor Electors and Vice-Governor Electors- Part Four 

The proposed alternative choosing is preferable to the current system of choosing the governor and vice- governor. This alternative choosing proposes a land-based mode, which allows the winner of the direct popular vote in most of the precincts or ward/districts in either the state delegate/assemblyman district or state senate district respectively, to become the elector for governor or vice-governor. 

However this alternative choosing is still too direct democratic and population-based mode.When it comes to the eventual choosing of the head executives of state or federal government, the land-based mode should be primarily emphasized.

Alternative Choosing Of The Governor Electors- Part Three


Alternative Choosing Of  The  Governor Electors- Part Three 

These electors are publicly voted, on a direct popular vote basis, by registered voters in each locality.
Every governor elector will receive electoral votes as follows. The population of a locality as per the latest census is divided by 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) and then rounded up to the nearest whole value. That whole value is the base number of electoral votes. After that each locality is allocated an additional two electoral votes to that base number of electoral votes. The additional two electoral votes means each locality is symbolically represented by two officeholders (state delegate/assemblymen and state senator) in the state legislature. 

For example, Bath County Virginia has the population of 4307. So when its population figure is divided by 50,000 and rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be one electoral vote. After the addition of two electoral votes, Bath County Virginia would have three electoral votes for its choice of governor elector. 

Another example is New York City, New York. Their population is 8.27 million. So when its population figure is divided by 50,000 and then rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be 166 electoral votes. After the addition of two electoral votes, NY,NY would have 168 electoral votes for its  choice for governor elector.

The Governor's role and responsibility is more executive than the Vice-Governor's. Therefore its election must be more population-based. The population factor must "carry greater weight" and must be more emphasized than in the Vice-Governor's election. This can only happen if there are more electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a governor's election than electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a vice-governor's election. More electoral votes in total means population-based mode is more emphasized.  This is because each locality has less of the same voting power with other localities than if there were less electoral votes in total. 

Cliff Notes Version: This is another way of having the Governor electors chosen. All eligible voters of a locality directly choose that locality's elector for this position. 
Electoral votes are allocated as follows. The population of a locality, based on the latest census, is divided by 50,000. Then that resulting numerical figure is rounded up to the nearest whole number. Two additional electoral votes are finally provided to each locality's total of electoral votes. 

Alternative Choosing Of The Vice-Governor Electors- Part Two

These electors are publicly voted, on a direct popular vote basis, by registered voters in each locality.
Every vice-governor elector will receive electoral votes as follows. The population of a locality as per the latest census is divided by 100,000 ( Hundred Thousand) and then rounded up to the nearest whole value. That whole value is the base number of electoral votes. After that each locality is allocated an additional two electoral votes to that base number of electoral votes. The additional two electoral votes symbolizes the fact that each locality is represented by two officeholders (state delegate/assemblymen and state senator) in the state legislature. 

For example, Bath County Virginia has the population of 4307. So when its population figure is divided by 100,000 and rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be one electoral vote. After the addition of two electoral votes, Bath County Virginia would have three electoral votes for its choice of vice-governor elector. 

Another example is New York City, New York. Their population is 8.27 million. So when its population figure is divided by 100,000 and then rounded up to the nearest whole value, that figure would be 83 electoral votes. After the addition of two electoral votes, NY,NY would have a total of 85 electoral votes for its choice for vice-governor elector.

The vice-governor's role and responsibility is more legislative than the governor's. Therefore its election must be more land-based. The population factor must "carry lesser weight" and must be less emphasized than in the governor's election. This can only happen if there are less electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a vice-governor's election than electoral votes in total assigned to all localities in a governor's election. Less electoral votes in total means land-based mode is more emphasized.  This is because each locality has more of the same voting power with other localities than if there were more electoral votes in total. 

Cliff Notes Version: This is another way of having the Vice-Governor electors chosen. All eligible voters of a locality directly choose that locality's elector for this position. 
Electoral votes are allocated as follows. The population of a locality, based on the latest census, is divided by 100,000. Then that resulting numerical figure is rounded up to the nearest whole number. Two additional electoral votes are finally provided to each locality's total of electoral votes. 

Alternative Choosing Of The Governor Electors and Vice-Governor Electors- Part One


Alternative Choosing Of The Governor Electors and Vice-Governor Electors- Part One

Since the states lost sovereignty over 150 years, it is not so important that the manner that the Governor and Vice-Governor electors be different. Different manners of such choosing should exist but it does not have to be significant. The main power base has not in the state executive and legislative branches of government since 1865.

An elector should be chosen from every locality. However every elector's eventual choice for either governor or vice-governor will not have the same number of electoral votes. The more populated localities will provide more electoral votes for their elector's choice. 

Cliff Notes Version: Because states are not the Sovereign Republics as they once was for the first 90 years of the existence of the nation, the manner that the Governor and Vice-Governor electors are selected should not be so significantly different.