Representative Democratic Model-Electable Offices Part Forty-Four Dividing the Role Of Legislator-(Referendums) Session Six
Representative Democratic Model-Electable Offices Part Forty-Four
Representative Democratic Model-Electable Offices Part Forty-Four
Legal awards such as the George Floyd settlement to his family are corruption beyond belief. No one can feel safe with judicial
remedies such as this extorted settlement. Why are there not protests in
the streets against this uncontrollable perverted tyranny? Where is
the outcry and sense of outrage and colossal graft that is unprecedented
the the annals of history?
The days of passive acquiescence are over. We need an uprising now. The
Bar Associations must be abolished and their agents, the
attorneys-at-law, must be disbanded. We need a systematic and methodical
transition to the firm rule of law by government subjected to checks
and balances and separation of powers.
Even if Floyd was willfully killed by the police, the payout of this
scale over a non-economic loss totally destroys the norms of any
civilized society. It brings about degeneracy and barbarism instead.
Minneapolis to pay $27 mln to settle George Floyd's family civil lawsuit over deadly arrest
Covid-19 Myths-Part Six-Final Part
All must realize that the best way to defeat the C-19 virus is to
bolster immunity naturally.
Nanotechnology is being used for transmission purposes for the mRNA
"vaccine" so that the immune system can fight this virus at the cellular
level. This technology is necessary for certain natural cell defenses
to be bypassed so that the mRNA is transmitted to the cell.
When people are conceived, the embryo and then the fetus are actually
foreign bodies. Yet the immune systems do not treat them as such until
the pregnant woman is in labor. There is a plausible theory that states
the baby is delivered when the body suddenly recognizes that the child
in labor is a foreign body.
Anytime the body recognizes something as a foreign body, it tries to get
rid of it.
Take note of the fact that the offspring of horse(female) and
donkey(male) is a sterile mule. Other cross-species hybrids, such as
ligers and tigrons, are also sterile. These hybrids have chromosomal
defects that prevent them from procreating. They cannot even produce
with other hybrids of the same cross-species. Perhaps it is because
their DNA is distinctly unique as they are derived from different
Once an individual receives the "VAX", that individual's DNA will
change. The cellular immune response will have changed because of DNA
alterations. Is it then possible that the manner that the body views the
conceived embryo and fetus will also change?
If a vaccinated individual, with altered DNA, is able to reproduce with
another vaccinated or non-vaccinated individual, what are the odds that
the offspring, inheriting altered DNA from at least one parent, may not
be able to reproduce?
All should view mules, tigrons, and ligers
as comparisons. The effects of the vaccines may not be fully felt until
60 years from now. If a massive number of the current unborn generation
are not able to produce a child, massive de-population will eventually
take place.
The NWO Elite, especially according to the Georgia Guidestones, have
always desired reduced population. Perhaps this is their mechanisms to
achieve this goal.
Covid-19 Myths-Part Five
These "vaccines" do not prevent infection or transmission. They
supposedly just decrease the severity of the symptoms. Therefore, the
choice to take the "vaccine" should be voluntary.
Always remember that these "vaccines" are not vaccines but rather
genetic modified therapy. They stimulate artificially induced
antigen-specific antibodies as they suppress NK cells needed to
neutralize opportunistic pathogens. This VAX will create new variants as
it will mutate itself by creating viral immunity escapes.
The injected body will cause potent mutated strains. The newly provided
artificial immunity will cause the original virus to manipulate itself
into a new and more potent strain. A "non-vaccinated individual"will not
cause any mutation as his/her natural cellular immune system should be
able to adapt to new variants. Also, as a "non-vaccinated individual" wards off the original virus, the
original virus will not be so compelled to mutate.
The original "virus" (toxin) will leave to attempt to find another host.
However, artificial antibodies will always cause dislocation. Not only
can it not adapt itself to new variants, its aggressive presence alone
will cause the original virus to immediately mutate.
Once the original virus mutates in a "vaccinated" individual, that
individual becomes a walking laboratory of highly potent and contagious
viruses. That individual can easily spread that evolved virus to other
people, both "vaccinated" and "non-vaccinated". This would cause a
pandemic of much greater proportions than the initial.
Covid-19 Myths-Part Three
Of the Vitamin D supplements, Vitamin D3 is far more effective. Vitamin
D3 is 65% more absorbable and usable than D2. One can get Vitamin D
naturally and safely from the sun in the morning daily for about 20
Wearing masks, lack of exercise, and chemical-based overmedication
causes acidity. That makes people more prone to getting infections from
opportunistic pathogens.
Vaccines are supposed to be a weakened form of a "virus". It
theoretically teaches the body's immune system to develop a response to
it so it can dispose of a stronger version at a later stage.
Immunity consists of T cells to fight any foreign body infection. The
immunity systems needs the proper nutrients in order to form these T
D-3 and Zinc can help develop these nutrients. Vaccines do not help
develop these nutrients. They just help provide the proper immune
responses to specific pathogens.
This vaccine is not a vaccine. It is a genetic modification therapeutic
tool. It instructs the cells to
change the way its proteins are synthesized. That tool will have the
body produce the spike proteins needed to counter the SARS-CoV-2 virus'
delivery system, which is itself a spike protein. When used in animals,
these mRNA vaccines caused its recipients to die at that time it was
exposed to the normal SARS, MERS, and other viruses. Keep in mind that
there have been no animal testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition,
human trials have only taken place for several months only. At least
50,000 adverse reactions have been recorded in the USA and the number of
deaths is incalculable. No one can really state for certain whether a
death is or will be attributed to the vaccine.
However, if empirical
evidence is to be considered,many hundreds of thousands of deaths will
be linked to this vaccine.
If every cell reacts to the introduction of the SARS-N-CoV-2, cytokine
storms could result. This overreaction is much feared and could lead to
septic and anaphylactic shock.
Probiotics that help with gut bacteria is very useful as a preventive
Yet it has not even been addressed to the people.
The first wave is always the most virulent. In any event, fearing
something that is already virulent from becoming more virulent makes no
sense. If someone is speeding 90 miles on an interstate, speeding at
95mph will not be an additional cause for worry.
The Chinese Communist Party had many of its members working in Big Pharm
and higher education labs in the USA. That was and still is a big cause
for apprehension.
Nutrition, sun, and exercise. Aggressive medical intervention is totally
not. Do not Stay Safe. Stay Smart instead.
Covid-19 Myths-Part One
Wearing masks actually enhance illness. When people have to constantly
breathe their own discharge, it suppresses their immune systems.
The immune systems need to be constantly activated. It should not be in
constant overdrive. This in itself will cause auto immune disorders as
cytokine storms will result.
Wearing masks make sense in a medical facility or in a crowded place,
such as a subway. In addition, it should be worn for a short period of
time as it should constantly be kept clean. Prolonged and extended use
of masks makes people susceptible to develop pathogenic sickness. It
promotes the spread.
There are 36 Corona viruses. Seven of it causes sickness. The Wuhan and
other American labs manipulated the Corona virus through Gain Of
Function. "C-19"
is a biological weapon.
Its spiked protein attaches itself to ace2 receptors to gain entry into
the cell for replication purposes.
Asymptomatic is a word that should not exist. According the conventions
of medical science, sickness/illness occurs when symptoms occur. The
Geneva Convention and even the Hippocratic Oath prohibits the treatment
of anyone who is not ill as if that individual is ill. Yet it appears
the entire medical community throughout the globe has turned its back on
those core principles.
Avoidance of this toxin is not possible. All will have confront it at
some point in time. The purpose is to strengthen the immune
systems(innate and adaptive) so that the body can withstand it, with or
without proper medicines and treatment. The "VAX" is not a vaccine. It
is genetic modification therapy that causes the cell to inhibit the
replication of the spiked protein in the cell. The huge difficulty with
that is if every cell in the entire body is stopping this replication,
what else will it stop replicating and what will be the fallout on that?
A cellular response to any pathogenic illness is highly aggressive and
The PCR-RT tests are totally unreliable as its sole purpose was never to
diagnose a pathology. There are studies that false positive results are
taking place 90% of the time. Since the data from this is totally
inaccurate, people need to find their own way to strengthen their own
immunity in a safe and benign manner. Vitamin D-3 can do just that. It
decreases infection rates by 77%.
Transgender student to receive $300K in discrimination suit.
Why work? Just sue. True kleptocracy!
These matters should be settled by legislation, not litigation.
Attorneys and "victims" should not be allowed to enrich themselves. This
profiteering is corrupt.
all the Militant Blacks, who are foolish to support Black Lives Matter
and their highly violent agenda in 50 cities across the US, these people
have never seen real racism. To them, Racism and White Supremacy is
when a White turns down a Black for a date.
Tulsi Gabbard gives an excellent account of the genocide and persecution
that Hindus have experienced in Bangladesh since the partition in 1947.
I remember reading and hearing about real horror stories the Bangla
Hindus underwent during my summer vacations in India when I was in my
Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh
must be addressed.
The sad thing about this, is Indians themselves suppress this. None of this
has been covered by the news media in the last 35 years. I am not
saying reparations or even an apology are in order because they are not.
However, no one cares about this holocaust of Hindus (2-3 million Hindus
were slaughtered by the Pakistani Security forces in a 10-month span in
The Indian Central government, which itself is led by a Hindutva "right
wing" group, is not even mentioning this. There is nothing commemorate
one of the greatest genocides in human history. Everyone has forgotten
about it and we all know what happens to those who forget the lessons of
Granted, the Bangladeshi Hindus who were slaughtered were citizens of
another nation. However, since Bangladesh is in India's sphere of
influence, Indians should officially honor these victims. The plight of
those dislocated. wounded, and dead should be firmly etched into the
annals of Indian history and into the memories of Indians alike.
Black militants only are a small percentage of the Black population.
However, there are times they control the discourse and narrative. There
are occasions in which a "few rotten apples spoil the whole barrel". We
should not allow that to happen. Failure to place matters into proper
perspective will harm not just their entire community but also their
nation as well. We all have the responsibility to behave reasonably and
good thing about Indians and Hindus are they are overall tolerant.
They are frank about their shortcomings, unlike Blacks or Muslims.
Again, I am not stereotyping. I just citing certain attributable traits
that a certain percentage of an ethnic population possesses can
characterize that ethic/racial or religious group.
If anyone who is not Black or Muslim states anything that is critical or
negative about Blacks or Muslims, it may be "Game Over" for that
While it may not be that bad most of the time. However, criticisms
or negative comments about American Blacks and Muslims can result in dire consequences.
It is the 3rd decade of the 20th century, Blacks and Muslims should no
longer be immune from criticisms. People should not be hesitant to make
certain statements without being perceived as confrontational. Debate
and discussion are the only ways to diffuse tension and
whole matter (George Floyd's death) was a setup. Derek Chauvin's own attorney set him up.
attorney could have pressed to have the jury watch the entire footage
instead of limited footage. If jurors watched the entire footage, they
could have easily seen that Floyd died of Fentanyl poisoning. After all,
Floyd commented no less than ten times that he could not breathe before
he was placed in the back of the patrol car.
If Chauvin was allowed to testify and answer questions, he could have
easily explained why he did what he did. That would have definitely
convinced the jury to not convict him. Chauvin's testimony and
statements definitely would have raised the reasonable doubt needed to
acquit him.
Derek Chauvin verdict is just further testament that the legal system
is totally broken. The American legal system is monopolized by the
transnational Bar Associations. Absurd decisions such as this are the
How can anyone be convicted of killing anyone if that individual was
proven to have died of another cause? The autopsy taken 9 months ago
clearly revealed that George Floyd died of Fentanyl poisoning.
It was also clearly proven that Chauvin's knee never restricted the
breathing of Floyd because his knee was on Floyd's shoulder blade.
Chauvin never applied pressure on Floyd's trachea, which is the only way
breathing can be constricted.
The very fact that Derek Chauvin was convicted of all counts is a dead
giveaway that this verdict was an appeasement. It is also obvious that
passion and prejudice overrode objectivity. What can one expect when the
BAR Attorneys absolutely control the entire process?
If Americans do not try to end the same-hands governance by the BAR,
expect less quality service from the police as less qualified people
will join their ranks. Only the "hacks" will be enticed to join the
police force.
is only one solution to the Israel-Palestine "matters". A two state
solution will not work because there
are Palestinian territories splattered across Israel and surrounded by
One state solution that calls for secular status and that also
significantly curtails immigration into its nation from expatriates are
in order
Both Jewish hardliners and Palestinian(Hamas) hardliners oppose this but
this is necessary if peace and functionality will take place in that
Both America and India embraced secularism even though many of
the founders of those nations were deeply religious. No religion, not
even atheism, should be state-sponsored!
A proper Representative tri-partite Republic,based on proper
Representative Democracy, must be established with an emphasis on
individual rights.
The new name of one state secular nation could be Canaan. After all, the
land Abraham settled was called Canaan back then. Abraham is considered
to be the progenitor of both the Arabs and Jews.
Conservative vs. Liberal, Right Vs. Left, Religious Freedoms vs. Public
The sole issue of this article is the $1.35 million in attorney fees.
This is truly depraved and obscene beyond any levels of recognition.
No one can feel safe with practices like that. No one can feel safe with
this psychopathic and heinous activity taking place by the "legal
profession". All BAR attorneys are looking at this as a precedent.
All Americans need to take a stand now against BOG(BAR Occupied
Geneva Convention on Human Rights is very clear on medical issues. The treatment of those who are not ill,as if they are ill, is strictly
Of course, mandated mask wearing, unless it is firmly proven to be a
benefit(such as wearing it in a surgical setting or in a setting where
chemical or biological toxins are known to be present), is a blatant
violation of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.
The first phrase of this Amendment reads "The right of the people to be
secure in their persons". Mandated mask-wearing is indeed "Unreasonable
Search & Seizure" which is prohibited by this amendment. After all,
when government for all intent and purposes virtually seizes an
individual's face and imposes mask-wearing on that face without probable
cause and without oath and affirmation, it is clearly violating the 4th
Amendment of the US Constitution.
Of course the Hippocratic Oath requires "No Harm"from all healthcare
providers. If a mask is imposed on a face of an individual without a
medical necessity being clearly established, harm definitely results.
million US Dollars was donated to Black lives Matter in 2020. Not one
red cent has been given to any families or individual for rehabilitation
, healthcare, education, or any community improvisation.
People have been called racist for pointing out the obvious. Black Lives Matter, an NWO outfit, has a deception going
and they are using Blacks as the bait. BLM wanted to
create fake divisions so that they could get the money and political
influence.BLM does not care about Blacks. They just want
to control the cultural narrative so that they can profit and dominate.
They do not care about Whites or any other ethnic group either.
Yet too many refused to believe the obvious.
people on the Left want indefinite lockdowns.
Many people on the Right feel the "C-19 Virus" is a hoax and it should
be ignored.
I truly feel the people who understand the mechanisms of Representative
Republic governance will agree with the following for the most part.
Lockdowns were necessary when the crisis began in March and April of
2020. It should have lasted for three weeks only. Any lockdown after
that would not make sense. After all, there is no use locking down a
prison when the prisoners have already escaped.
There are Right-Wingers who believe life should go back to total normalcy.
While that is true, people still need to take precautions. People need
to take Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamins such as D3, C, and A, and quinine.
People need to make certain they have access to Ivermectin and HCQ in
case they develop symptoms.
People also need to wear masks but only in a crowded indoor and/or
medical facility. They should only wear a mask for a brief period of
time when they are in those facilities.
Unfortunately too many people on both the Left and Right are pushing
this dangerous "VAX". People instead need to look to natural means in
boosting their immunity.
People on the Left believe the entire nation should be imprisoned and government needs to provide endless amounts of stimulus money. People on the Right feel government should not intervene at all and not pay anyone anything. This instead is what should happen.
In a pandemic, the government should take over and profiteering must not be allowed to take place. If
private companies, which collaborate with intelligence agencies, are
not allowed to profit in times of crises such as a pandemic, many of these killer viruses
would cease to exist. In
this pandemic, The 1950 National Defense Production Act should have
been enacted. HCQ and Ivermectin should have been sent to every pharmacy
for free distribution to sick patients. Zinc and Vitamin D-3 should
have shipped to every household via the US Postal Service.
There was only a limited need for masks and there is no need for the
This pandemic should have been defeated a year ago.
Instead of federal government issuing stimulus checks, they should have
spent the money of future generations on providing the necessary
medicines and vitamins to the people.
That would have saved the federal treasury countless $trillions.
should have been a three week lockdown only. Mask use and social
distancing should have been highly limited to crowded indoor places
and/or medical facilities.
The federal government could have guaranteed free hospital and drug
treatment treatment for Covid-19 patients. They could have had their
bureaucracy streamlined so it could oversee and implement this comprehensive medical treatment.
The federal government could have co-opted the state and
local governments and its bureaucracy to assist them with this.
Instead, America went into the opposite direction. There was no cohesive
approach in dealing with this crisis.
People on the Left wanted people who were vaccinated to have more privileges than those who were unvaccinated. People again on the Right wanted no action by government. Both approaches are not correct. In a pandemic or even a epidemic, government has the responsibility to inhibit the spread but they cannot lawfully force people to stay healthy. They can issue a quarantine but only to prevent individual(s) from spreading a contagion and not to prevent healthy people from getting sick.
Government indeed has a role to play but it should not be draconian. It rather should be focused but neither diluted nor authoritarian. Bureaucratic involvement is necessary but it should be in a proper form for it to provide responsive actions to these crises.
the American military had no choice but to leave Afghanistan. No matter
who is U.S. President, the Taliban were destined to take over that
However, there is a big difference between in taking 14 months to vacate
a nation in contrast to one week. Vacating abruptly makes no sense.
President Biden left armament worth billions of dollars in that nation.
The Taliban will obviously help themselves to that.
Much more importantly, President Biden left hundreds, if not thousands,
of civilians, stranded. Evacuating military personnel without first
doing the same to armament and civilians is the same as "putting the
cart before horse".
Obviously President did not mastermind this debacle because he has never
been in charge. His puppet masters orchestrated this fiasco.
Why are they doing this? After all, all the US had to do is stick to the
terms of President Trump's deal and none of this would have happened.
While certainly the Taliban would be the predominant power in
Afghanistan, America's exit would have been smooth and orderly. It would
not be disastrous as it is now.
What is the end game for the "Deep State"? Perhaps they seek a diversion
from the domestic issues that Americans are so focused on presently.
Perhaps they want instability in that nation so that neighboring nations
are plagued by that unrest. It really is hard to cite what their real
motives are.
Happenings in Afghanistan:Part Three
Any nation that has Islamic code in its charter will be oppressive in
nature. I am certainly no fan of the Taliban. However, it must be noted
that Saudi Arabia too has these highly oppressive practices that have
defined the Taliban. Other Middle Eastern nations, such as Oman, are
just as brutal as well.
The Zionist and corporate press did everything they could to exaggerate
negative people's views of the Taliban in 2000. Understand that
Operation Mockingbird revealed CIA influences in the mainstream media.
Before the Taliban shutdown their poppy fields, they were never on the
"radar screen". After that, they started to come under scrutiny by the
Press. After 9/11, they came into the spotlight despite the fact there
was no evidence tying them or even Osama Bin Laden to that genocidal
Neocons on both the Right and Corporate Left will state that American
forces need to go back into that nation. Progressive liberals and
libertarians will state that America should have full relations with
that nation while ignoring the Taliban's manner of governance. Populists
will state that stiff sanctions, instead of military might, should be
used against the Taliban-controlled nation by US and its allies.
The previous three measures will simply not work. America and its allies
should actively engage with the Taliban but it should rigorously
monitor that ruling entity for its human rights practices.
For America to condemn the Taliban but not Saudi Arabia is indeed
hypocritical. It should do the same to that Persian Gulf ally as well.
Constitution-Article III-Section III
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War
against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and
Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony
of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Biden, or his puppetmasters, are guilty of treason since they allowed
thousands of Americans and many billions of equipment to be left in
Afghanistan. This is providing aid and comfort to a declared enemy, the
Leaving American personnel at the mercy of a declared enemy is the same
as levying war against the United States.
In Democratic Republic Modes:
Imperial Democratic Republic Modes- This is when the citizenry blindly
believe the institutions. They will do anything they are recommended to
do without doing any research and without asking any questions.
direct democratic republic mode- This is when the citizenry do not
believe the institutions or any other entity. They will do not anything
they are recommended to do, period. They will not do any research nor
will they ask any questions. They will take decision without taking
anything into consideration.
They will either take the vaccinations just so they do not have to do
anything else, such as improving nutritional habits and natural
immunity, or they will refuse vaccinations without doing the necessary
research to see if they can indeed benefit from it.
Representative Democratic Republic Mode- This is when the citizenry
trust to a certain extent the institutions (i.e. government medical
officials and monopolistic medical practitioners) and other entities.
They rely on their expertise but they do not pledge unconditional
support to it. They will do not anything they are recommended to do
without doing any research and without asking any questions. They will
not take decision until all relevant factors are taken into
To these people in this mode, "One shoe size does not fit all". They
will take the vaccinations if they feel it is specifically suited to
benefit them individually. They will also implement other measures, such
as improving nutritional habits and natural immunity, or they will
refuse vaccinations if the necessary research they do warrants such
is proof that people who receive the "VAX" are indeed lawfully
considered as transhuman. This means that what little sovereign rights
that an individual has will be totally eviscerated.
It is all in the language. Read the excerpt in this link about the BAR
monopolized United States Supreme Court case that dealt with the issue
of DNA being patentable.
"The Supreme Court agreed with the petitioners, to a limited extent. The
mere isolation and identification of a gene sequence is not enough for a
patent regarding that sequence, as nothing was “created” (which patent
law requires). Methods related to the sequence, and copies and
derivatives of the sequence, however, were left open to further review!"
Since the mRNA "VAX" changes the copy and derivative of sequences of an
individual's DNA, it makes an individual patentable. IT IS RIGHT IN
immunity pathogen-specific antibodies are largely ineffective in
treating opportunistic viral particles. They largely treat other
pathogens such as bacteria.
Antibodies are too large to block viral particles. They are about as
effective as elephants protecting an outdoor football stadium from mice.
That is why it is stated that a viral illness has to be allowed to run
its course. Antibodies really treat secondary infections that accompany
the opportunistic viral particles.
It must be understand that the human body itself is composed of
trillions of viruses and bacteria. That is why it is so important for
people to constantly update and activate our immune system by exposing
ourselves to viruses and bacteria.
Children are told to play in the dirt
for that reason only.
Obviously when the human body is overloaded with pathogens, those
pathogens become opportunistic and it causes harm. The best way to limit
this is to strengthen the innate immune system. Identification, barrier
erection, activation of the Natural Killer(NK) and white blood cells,
and disposal of dead cells are crucial responsibilities of the innate
immune system. It also activates the adaptive immune system so
pathogen-specific antibodies are useless if it(innate immune system) is
not effective.
Proper nutrition, moderate exercise, sunlight, fresh air, and avoidance
of unnecessary chemical exposure(edible, breathable, or by skin contact)
are totally necessary in order to bolster the innate immune system. If
individual(s) have a strong innate immune system, outbreaks and
epidemics will be highly minimized.
All should watch this 4 minute video. It touches on the fact that the
private BAR was created the Knights Templar in England. This
transnational and private organization control all the "Assistance Of
Counsel" and all the "legal" education in many nations throughout the
It has perpetuated a fraud as their agents, the "Attorneys", have
taken over all governance in these nations by perpetuating their
While they monopolize "lawyering". they are not lawyers. They are rather
attorneys-at-law. Their primary and first allegiance is to the
administrators of the courts as they are "Officers Of The Courts". Their
job is to "attorn" to the court administrators as they all belong to
the fraudulent BAR. Attorneys At Law are esquires and that is a title of
and others are now debunking the tweet by Halyna Hutchins as false.
That tweet cited that Hutchins basically had incriminating information
on Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps that tweet was false and it did not come from Ms. Hutchins. They
claim it was false but how would they know that for certain?
The problem is are these "Independent Fact-Checkers" doing research on
it to make sure that it false or they just claiming that it’s false
without documented research. It must be noted these "fact-checkers"
claimed in Spring 2020 that "C-19" came from the Wuhan wet markets. Just
because there is a strong possibility something could be false does not
automatically mean it is false.
Why are the fact-checkers so aggressively pursuing this? Again, how
would they know for certain if that tweet came from Halyna Hutchins or
from someone else who hacked her account? Moreover, why would anyone
want to hack her account prior to her death by shooting?
For the last week, it has been incorrectly asserted that a prop gun was
used in Baldwin's discharge. It is now being revealed that it was a
regular gun. It gets stranger by the minute. Also, the media and
authorities keep alleging that it was an accident. At this point in
time, how can "Foul Play" be ruled out?
Snopes claims it was a doctored tweet and that there are no traces of it
online. They definitely contradict themselves when they cite this.
Furthermore, Snopes cites that this account’s timeline is blank, and
archived versions of this account show no posted tweets.
Of course
anyone associated with the Clintons would use their authority to make
certain this would be the case. Any hacker can obtain passwords.
Snopes cites that Halyna Hutchins' account was started in April of this
year and yet they claim that this account is not verified. Again,
another contradiction.
Snopes finally states that "it seems likely that this tweet was created
with one of several 'fake tweet' generators". Yet the very fact they
used the words "seems likely" means they are not certain this is the
case. If they are not certain that this meme came from fake sources, how
can they be so certain that it did not come from real sources? The
truth is they do not know one way or the other the legitimacy of that
No one is questioning the time and date in which that tweet was posted.
It was definitely posted before Hutchins' death. Why would anyone fake a
tweet on her behalf considering she was a non-prominent "nobody",
especially in politics , prior to her shooting death?
At this point in time, that tweet has to be accepted as legitimate until
something really conclusive proves it otherwise. Hutchins was not even
an actress in the movie. Why was she the target?
For what it is worth, Baldwin is a staunch HRC supporter!
people vote for candidates of public office, each voter is required to
vote for those who will best uphold the representative republic ideals
of not just their constituency, but of all the other affected
constituencies(local, state, nation).
People are not supposed to vote for candidates who will best serve them
on an individual, racial/ethnic, and/or special interest basis. When
that happens, democracy replaces the representative republic as the form
of government!
That is why people must be motivated to choose their officeholders
collectively so that they will be served collectively. That is why
anonymous/secret balloting must be banned because voting on governance is not a
private and individual issue. It is a public issue and voters' choices
must be shared publicly with total transparency.
Dear Citizen, December 2021
It is imperative that the process of voting maintains its total integrity. Listed are essential procedures.
1. Paper
ballots should be used by voters and they have to be signed by an
indelible marker!
2. Vote counting should be video recorded.
3. Vote counting should be
conducted by proper state official bureaucratic agents.
4. Vote counting
has to be witnessed by all representatives of candidates and a local
government official.
5. Totals then need to be immediately and
conspicuously posted at each precinct.
The voting procedures that should be the same for secret balloting
should also be the same for public balloting. The only difference is if
there is a need for a recount, with public balloting there will be 100%
With secret balloting there will always be a discrepancy.
With public balloting, voters' choices for public office need to be on display
at every voting precinct after all the tabulation of votes. Voters'
choices then need to be recorded in every local office responsible for
registration and election.
Each precinct has on average 1100 voters. There are precincts who have
as many as 2800 voters and those who will have as few as 450. Posting
names of voters and their choices at the precinct is not a difficult
task. It obviously will not be considered as an easy task but voting and
vote counting are not meant to be convenient. If these activities are
too easy, the electorate will never be properly screened and election
results will never be 100% accurate.
America definitely need a much better quality electorate. Votes cast by
concerned citizens focused on public issues are being cancelled by votes
cast by voters who are concerned about totally frivolous issues, such
as image, personal matters, and appearances!
Public balloting is the first step in restoring the Representative
Republic for which all Americans must stand.
Seventh Amendment Of The U.S. Constitution- Breakdown
This amendment is supposed to provide the basis for the entire civil
justice system throughout the U.S nation. The fraudulent and tyrannical
Bar Associations with their imposter agents, the "attorney profession",
have totally contaminated the meaning of this 7th Amendment.
Please read the two myths these "Officers Of The Court" perpetuate about
the civil justice system.
Myth No. 1- This amendment applies only to federal courts and not to
state courts.
Myth No. 2- This amendment defines and equates case law as common law.
Its first phrase is "In Suits At Common Law". Unfortunately, most people
do not understand what Common Law is. It is not case law because the
judiciary is not supposed to make law. The Common Law is applicable to
all the people in the United States. Anything in the Bill Of Rights of
the U.S. Constitution will always apply to all the People(citizens and
permanent non-citizen residents).
Common Law basically deals with disputes and conflicts over a specific
duty and/or obligation. Those disputes and conflicts can be over a
contractual matter or it can be over a specific duty and obligation
either improperly or insufficiently performed.
Common Law, in all civil matters, decides the following.
1. What parties(usually two people) agreed to or would have reasonably
agreed to according to the core principles of a certain activity.
2. Damages based on failure of performance according to the core
principles of a certain activity.
All liability and damages awarded must be solidly based on proof.
This amendment states that in civil cases that the right of trial by
jury shall be preserved. Yet that is largely ignored.
However, both parties can waive that right if they so choose. In many
occasions, both parties opt to do so if both parties have confidence in
the judge's ability to impartially dispense cases.
When the US Constitution was written, it cited that the right of trial
by jury shall be preserved if the value of controversy exceeded twenty
dollars. Twenty dollars at that time is probably two thousand dollars
now if not more in terms of purchasing power parity. This is the reason
why both parties do not opt for trial by jury because it would be too
time-consuming for each of them.
Its last phrase is as follows: "no fact tried by a jury, shall be
otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according
to the rules of the common law".
It means what it means. All facts in a case must be unique to a specific
case. Once a jury decides a fact for a case, it cannot be brought up
and cited in an appeal unless common law rules warrant it.
In other words, no jury-found fact can be questioned for its validity
due to either local, state, and federal statutory law. Of course,
judicial discretion and case law are never to be tolerated.
If a litigant in a current case feels a specific fact in a previous case
is a relevant evidence in a current case in which they are a party,
then that fact has to be retried by a separate jury for its unique
relevancy for that case.
Also, in the appeal process, if an appellate court finds a jury-found
fact in a trial to be prejudicial, then that appellate court can
re-examine that specific fact.
Seventh Amendment Of The US Constitution, largely ignored by attorneys,
is supposed to prevent any individual(s) from being labelled and
prejudiced in a court of law. Too often individual(s) are examined for
past deeds and/or are personally attacked. The Seventh Amendment
prohibits this by establishing that all facts have to be unique to a
specific case.
to this attorney-at-law explain how the Bar Associations were never
part of the foundation of the nation and of its governance. He explains
how the legal system, once transparent to the people with total
community oversight, has now been hijacked by a private aristocratic
elitist group who are out of touch and detached from the basic
consensual needs of the people.
Andy Ostrowski explains that the BAR and its agents, the "attorney
profession" were never the fabric of the American Republic and its
democracy. They were indeed creations that came from overseas.
He cites that the BAR has taken away access of the courts by the
individual(s) and has placed that access into the clutches of the
unconstitutional ruling class who exclusively serve as counsel and as
"Officers of the Court". Because of this, justice and the application of
the law are not being fairly administered and this is the biggest
factor in the erosion of individual liberties. The existence of the BAR
has made governance more tyrannical and corrupt rather than more
protective of people's basic individual freedoms.
The BAR and the words attorney or even lawyer were certainly not
mentioned in both the US Constitution and Declaration Of Independence.
Yet why are BAR Attorneys-At-Law such a dominating, intimidating, and
powerful force in today's society?
They are omnipresent in all aspects of people's lives. How can this be
Bar Associations did not even exist in America until after the U.S.
Civil War. He states that the Queen appointed Knights Of St. John
created the Middle Temple who founded the BAR. The BAR would later
monopolize all counsel, their activities, and their "legal" education.
He notes that attorneys-at-law are called "Esquires". If one looks at a
dictionary, an esquire is a servant of the knight. This clearly means
that attorneys are not just court officials, they also have title of
nobility. This is prohibitively banned by the U.S. Constitution.
Ostrowski states that freemasonry was also created by the Knights Of St.
John. Can anyone not detect influences of global elitism? The New World
Order has an Old World Order. Secret cabals in governance is an blatant
enemy to all rights of the people. Yet Freemasons are guaranteed to be
more of a beneficiary than others from the legal system.
The BAR and its agents, the "attorney profession", perverts and
subverts the fair dispensation of justice. People need to have the
unfettered right to present their own cases and do their own legal work.
Thomas Jefferson stated the surest protection of liberty and justice is
an educated citizenry. The fraudulent BAR "Lawyer-Lobbyist Regime" has
misled and manipulated the citizenry by preying on their ignorance. The
citizenry need to get their Representative Republic and their individual
rights back.
order to quell a tyrannical system, one cannot be part of it.
Communism and Nazism were not tyrannical because the right people were
not in charge. It was tyrannical because its system suppressed checks
and balances and moreover allowed private influence of governance.
Those systems were tyrannical because it also suppressed the basic
rights and responsibilities of the individual. One of those basic rights
and responsibilities is direct access to the courts for the
presentation of their cases.
The rule of law should never give in to the rule of "lawyers".
is all about the system. Good and bad people come and go but systems
endure. That is why the debate of whether an attorney is good or bad
should not be the centrally focused question. The sole question is "Why
are they even in existence?"
The U.S. Constitution clearly bans any member of any government branch from serving as
counsel. This ban is also consistent with the ideals of a Representative
Democratic Republic.
When the U.S. Constitution was written, the term attorney was only
assigned to judicial officers who prosecuted people on behalf of the
State/People for alleged criminal acts. It was their job as
attorney(prosecutor) to not serve the State/People but rather punish
individual(s) who violate its constitutional and statutory laws by
injuring other individual(s).
The U.S. Constitution also made it very clear that citizens, if not all
individual(s), are only entitled to assistance of counsel, who are not
to be members of any government branch, in all cases of criminal prosecutions. This nation's charter also made it very clear that defendants in criminal prosecution cases are only entitled to assistance of counsel and not representation of counsel. This means a defendant would still have the responsibility to present his/her case and provide his/her narrative in a court of law. Finally, that document did not limit counsel to any members of a specific group. It clearly implied that other than an age or state citizenship requirement, anyone who is also not a member of any government branch should be allowed to provide assistance of counsel to any defendant who is being criminally prosecuted.
This again is
also consistent with the ideals of a Representative Democratic Republic.
The Founding Fathers simply did not want counsel, who are not members of any government branch, to be involved the resolution of disputes/conflict. They
knew this third party involvement would make the civil justice totally
standardless, law-defying, subjective, and argumentative due to their constant presence in the judiciary. That is the case now.
The Founding Fathers were wary of the "Officialdom Of Counsel" dominating all judicial court activities. They knew that if an individual were compelled to present his/her case in a court of law, the amount of manipulation, posturing, one upmanship, personal attacks, subjectivity, and other prejudicial activities would be kept to a minimum. They also knew that if individual(s) were compelled to present his/her case, they would be much more objective, focused, and in adherence to basic and elementary standards due to his/her lack of experience in the judicial courts.
What the President does, even in a Top-Down system of governance, really
does not have that much of a direct impact on individual(s). The
"Attorney Profession", an unconstitutional private ruling class of
people, has instead an enormous influence over the lives of
individual(s). Yet Americans and people in other nations are too far
gone with this illicit social revolution to advocate its abolition and
They have been so indoctrinated that they do not realize
that they have been "attornied" to abject submission.
Good or bad, a ruling class can never exist if the rights and liberties
of individual(s) exist. It is that simple. There never has been, is, or
will be something known as benevolent tyranny.
A BAR attorney can only
ply his trade in an admiralty/maritime court of law. A constitutional
setting, based on the ideals of a Representative Democratic Republic,
would not allow its existence.
Rather than embracing the current "legal profession" as normal, all
Americans must instead reject it as abnormal and abhorrent to the ideals
of functional governance.